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Created November 9, 2020 04:34
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bitstring manip in typescript type system
* Binary string and bitwise arithmetic entirely in TypeScript's type system
* (with template string types).
* Requires version >= 4.1.0
* Hover on the types to see the results.
type A = '010101'
type B = '000101'
type ANot = BitNot<A>
type AAndB = BitAnd<A, B>
type AOrB = BitOr<A, B>
type AXorB = BitOr<BitAnd<A, BitNot<B>>, BitAnd<BitNot<A>, B>>
type ALeftSh = BitLeftShift<A>
type ARightShLogical = BitRightShiftLogical<A>
type AArightShArith = BitRightShiftArith<A>
type APlusB = Adder<A, B>
type AMinusB = Car<Adder<A, Car<Adder<BitNot<B>, '1'>>>>
type Reverse<S> =
S extends '' ?
: S extends `${infer S0}${infer Ss}` ?
: never
type Car<L> =
L extends [infer L0, ... infer _] ?
: L extends `${infer L0}${infer _}` ?
: never
type BinaryDigit = '0' | '1'
type BitNot<Num> =
Num extends '' ?
: Num extends '0' ?
: Num extends '1' ?
: Num extends `${infer Num_0}${infer Num_s}` ?
Num_0 extends BinaryDigit ?
: never
: never
type BitAnd<Num1, Num2> =
Num1 extends '' ?
: Num2 extends '' ?
: [Num1, Num2] extends (['0', '0'] | ['0', '1'] | ['1', '0']) ?
: [Num1, Num2] extends ['1', '1'] ?
: [Num1, Num2] extends [`${infer Num1_0}${infer Num1_s}`, `${infer Num2_0}${infer Num2_s}`] ?
[Num1_0, Num2_0] extends [BinaryDigit, BinaryDigit] ?
`${BitAnd<Num1_0, Num2_0>}${BitAnd<Num1_s, Num2_s>}`
: never
: never
type BitOr<Num1, Num2> =
Num1 extends '' ?
: Num2 extends '' ?
: [Num1, Num2] extends ['0', '0'] ?
: [Num1, Num2] extends (['0', '1'] | ['1', '0'] | ['1', '1']) ?
: [Num1, Num2] extends [`${infer Num1_0}${infer Num1_s}`, `${infer Num2_0}${infer Num2_s}`] ?
[Num1_0, Num2_0] extends [BinaryDigit, BinaryDigit] ?
`${BitOr<Num1_0, Num2_0>}${BitOr<Num1_s, Num2_s>}`
: never
: never
type BitLeftShift<Num> =
Num extends '' ?
: Num extends `${infer _}${infer Num_s}` ?
: never
type BitRightShiftHelper<Num> =
Num extends '' | BinaryDigit ?
: Num extends `${infer Num_0}${infer Num_s}` ?
Num_0 extends BinaryDigit ?
: never
: never
type BitRightShiftLogical<Num> =
Num extends '' ?
: `0${BitRightShiftHelper<Num>}`
type BitRightShiftArith<Num> =
Num extends '' ?
: Car<Num> extends BinaryDigit ?
: never
type HalfAdder<A, B> =
[A, B] extends ['0', '0'] ?
['0', '0']
: [A, B] extends (['0', '1'] | ['1', '0']) ?
['1', '0']
: [A, B] extends ['1', '1'] ?
['0', '1']
: never
type AdderLittleEndian<Num1, Num2, Carry = '0', Result extends string = ''> =
Num1 extends '' ?
Num2 extends '' ?
[Result, Carry]
: Num2 extends `${infer Num2_0}${infer Num2_s}` ?
HalfAdder<Num2_0, Carry> extends [infer SumBit, infer NextCarry] ?
SumBit extends string ?
AdderLittleEndian<'', Num2_s, NextCarry, `${Result}${SumBit}`>
: never
: never
: never
: Num2 extends '' ?
AdderLittleEndian<Num2, Num1, Carry, Result>
: [Num1, Num2] extends [`${infer Num1_0}${infer Num1_s}`, `${infer Num2_0}${infer Num2_s}`] ?
HalfAdder<Num1_0, Num2_0> extends [infer SumBit, infer NextCarry] ?
Carry extends '0' ?
SumBit extends BinaryDigit ?
AdderLittleEndian<Num1_s, Num2_s, NextCarry, `${Result}${SumBit}`>
: never
: Carry extends '1' ?
SumBit extends '0' ?
AdderLittleEndian<Num1_s, Num2_s, NextCarry, `${Result}1`>
: SumBit extends '1' ?
AdderLittleEndian<Num1_s, Num2_s, '1', `${Result}0`>
: never
: never
: never
: never
type Adder<A extends string, B extends string> =
AdderLittleEndian<Reverse<A>, Reverse<B>> extends [infer Result, infer Carry] ?
Reverse<Result> extends infer RealResult ? [
RealResult, {
carry: Carry,
overflowSigned: SignedOverflowChecker<Car<A>, Car<B>, Car<RealResult>>,
overflowUnsigned: UnsignedOverflowChecker<Carry>
] : never
: never
type SignedOverflowChecker<A, B, R> =
[A, B, R] extends (['0', '0', '1'] | ['1', '1', '0']) ?
: false
type UnsignedOverflowChecker<Carry> =
Carry extends '1' ?
: false
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"bruh" - Socrates

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