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Last active November 26, 2018 01:58
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Save cleverca22/552c2fac7e3270ed5846 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
{ lib, config, pkgs, ... }:
imports = [ ./iscsi-boot.nix ];
fileSystems = {
"/" = { device = "UUID=132e7c5b-b4a9-4154-8105-4479e17f4f5b"; fsType = "ext4"; };
"/boot/" = { device = "UUID=fdac080d-d111-455c-a890-bc3e5e08c2d5"; fsType = "ext4"; };
boot = {
loader = {
grub.enable = true;
initrd = {
kernelModules = [ "e1000e" ];
iscsi = {
initiatorName = "";
devices = [
{ host = ""; lun = ""; }
ipAddress = "";
netDev = "eth0";
prefixLength = 24;
defaultGateway = "";
networking.interfaces.eth0.ipAddress = "";
networking.interfaces.eth0.prefixLength = 24;
networking.defaultGateway = "";
networking.hostName = "iscsi-boot";
networking.nameservers = [ "" ];
networking.dhcpcd.persistent = true;
environment.systemPackages = [ ];
# find the targets available on a host
# connect to one
iscsiadm -m node -T -p -l
# in my case, it appears as sdd, check dmesg
[root@nixos:~]# hexdump -C /dev/sdd
00000000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
# format and mount to /mnt like a normal nixos install
mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdd
mount -v /dev/sdd /mnt/
# cheat to aid in qemu testing
mount --bind /home/clever/iscsi-boot/boot/ /mnt/boot/
# paste the following into /mnt/etc/nixos/configuration.nix
{ lib, config, pkgs, ... }:
imports = [ ./iscsi-boot.nix ];
fileSystems."/" = { device = "UUID=35d3ccb9-89d8-4f3a-a6da-1d94d4d94f8a"; fsType = "ext4"; };
boot = {
loader = {
grub.enable = false;
generic-extlinux-compatible.enable = true;
initrd = {
kernelModules = [ "e1000" ];
iscsi.initiatorName = "";
iscsi.devices = [
{ host = ""; lun = ""; }
# and then install like usual
# un-mount everything
umount /mnt/boot /mnt
# launch the system under qemu
/nix/store/c22c7vrjxpji16bbg24rs1rg6ngx3y38-qemu-x86-only-2.4.0/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -m 1024 -kernel boot/nixos/q50nnkhsmfbqmbn2imnflfiqhj1hp6x0-linux-3.18.21-bzImage -initrd boot/nixos/kcaqy563wwr5f7cxlscsp0j2qfhnz92z-initrd-initrd -append console=ttyS0 panic=-1 boot.shell_on_fail init=/nix/store/idpgwjsiggc5k33p2il9kr5s3np92wgp-nixos-system-nixos-16.03pre69426.2a574cb/init -no-reboot -net nic,vlan=0,model=e1000 -net user,vlan=0 -net dump,vlan=0 -serial stdio
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
with lib;
open-iscsi = pkgs.callPackage ./open-iscsi.nix {};
openCommand = { host, lun, ... }: ''
iscsistart -t ${lun} -a ${host} -i ${config.boot.initrd.iscsi.initiatorName} -g 0
options = {
boot.initrd.iscsi.initiatorName = mkOption {
default = "";
example = "";
type = types.string;
description = "the initiator name used when connecting";
boot.initrd.iscsi.devices = mkOption {
default = [ ];
type = types.listOf types.optionSet;
options = {
host = mkOption {
example = "";
type = types.string;
description = "the iscsi target";
lun = mkOption {
example = "";
type = types.string;
description = "the LUN to connect";
config = mkIf (config.boot.initrd.iscsi.devices != []) {
boot.initrd.kernelModules = [ "iscsi_tcp" ];
boot.initrd.availableKernelModules = [ "crc32c" ];
boot.initrd.preLVMCommands = ''
export PATH=$PATH:${open-iscsi.iscsistart}/bin/
mkdir -pv /var/run/ /var/lock/
ip link set ${cfg.netDev} up
ip addr add ${cfg.ipAddress}/${toString cfg.prefixLength} dev ${cfg.netDev}
ip route add via ${cfg.defaultGateway} dev ${cfg.netDev}
sleep 20
'' + concatMapStrings openCommand config.boot.initrd.iscsi.devices + ''
ls -lR /dev/disk/
{ stdenv, fetchurl }:
pname = "open-iscsi-2.0-873";
in stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "${pname}";
outputs = [ "out" "iscsistart" ];
src = fetchurl {
url = "${pname}.tar.gz";
sha256 = "1nbwmj48xzy45h52917jbvyqpsfg9zm49nm8941mc5x4gpwz5nbx";
DESTDIR = "$(out)";
preConfigure = ''
sed -i 's|/usr/|/|' Makefile
# TODO, its staticaly linked, but refers to glibc locale files, dependancies need a trim
postInstall = ''
mkdir -pv $iscsistart/bin/
cp -v usr/iscsistart $iscsistart/bin/
meta = {
description = "A high performance, transport independent, multi-platform implementation of RFC3720";
license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2Plus;
homepage =;
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