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Created October 26, 2015 23:43
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fileSystems = {
"/" = {
device = "UUID=d230cc98-8f33-457f-9fee-b65558165188";
fsType = "ext4";
iscsi = {
enable = true;
host = "";
lun = "";
"/boot" = { device = "UUID=DCF1-5AC3"; };
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
with lib;
cfg = config.boot.initrd.iscsi;
fileSystems = attrValues config.fileSystems ++ config.swapDevices;
iscsiDevs = filter (dev: dev.iscsi.enable) fileSystems;
anyiscsi = fold (j: v: v || j.iscsi.enable) false iscsiDevs;
iscsiOptions = {
iscsi = {
enable = mkOption { default = false; type = types.bool; description = "The block device is backed by iscsi, adds this device as a initrd entry"; };
host = mkOption { example = ""; type = types.string; description = "the iscsi target"; };
lun = mkOption { example = ""; type = types.string; description = "the LUN to connect"; };
options = {
fileSystems = mkOption {
options = [ iscsiOptions ];
swapDevices = mkOption {
options = [ iscsiOptions ];
boot.initrd.iscsi = {
initiatorName = mkOption {
example = "";
type = types.string;
description = "the initiator name used when connecting";
netDev = mkOption {
example = "eth0";
type = types.string;
description = "the network device the initrd will setup for iscsi";
}; # iscsi
}; # options
config = mkIf anyiscsi (
ipAddress = config.networking.interfaces.${cfg.netDev}.ipAddress;
prefixLength = config.networking.interfaces.${cfg.netDev}.prefixLength;
defaultGateway = config.networking.defaultGateway;
boot.initrd = {
kernelModules = [ "iscsi_tcp" ];
availableKernelModules = [ "crc32c" ];
preLVMCommands = ''
export PATH=$PATH:${}/bin/
ip link set ${cfg.netDev} up
ip addr add ${ipAddress}/${toString prefixLength} dev ${cfg.netDev}
# todo, make this optional
ip route add via ${defaultGateway} dev ${cfg.netDev}
'' + concatMapStrings (dev: "iscsistart -t ${dev.iscsi.lun} -a ${} -i ${config.boot.initrd.iscsi.initiatorName} -g 0\n") iscsiDevs;
}; # initrd
}); # config
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