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Created August 17, 2019 17:02
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{ pkgs ? import ./nix/nixpkgs.nix {} }:
with pkgs;
haskellPackages.extend (self: super: {
polysemy = self.callHackageDirect {
pkg = "polysemy";
ver = "";
sha256 = "1krbhfs6sr9m6nxhs9ygkblwd85w234hll5g7ndzhdwy5pfbyfvm";
} {};
type-errors-pretty = self.callHackageDirect {
pkg = "type-errors-pretty";
ver = "";
sha256 = "1krbhfs6sr9m6nxhs9ygkblwd85w234hll5g7ndzhdwy5pfbyfva";
} {};
yourThing = self.callCabal2nix ./. {};
(import ./. {}).yourThing.env
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