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Last active November 15, 2017 05:41
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Save clhenrick/d4c7aea465071363097d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
grab BBL numbers from a list of street addresses using the NYC Geo Client API
# Read CSV of rent stabilized properties and grab BBL from NYC's GeoClient API
# takes an input CSV file name and output CSV file name as argv
# first two columns of input csv must be address number and address name
# hardcoded for manhattan only, will update in the future
# run script by doing: python input.csv output.csv
from sys import argv
from nyc_geoclient import Geoclient
import csv
import json
script, infile, outfile = argv
g = Geoclient('9cd0a15f', '54dc84bcaca9ff4877da771750033275')
#test = g.address('140-154', 'West 72nd Street', 'Manhattan')
#print json.dumps(test, sort_keys=True)
print "opening file: %s" % infile
with open(infile, 'r') as i:
reader = csv.reader(i)
print "opening file: %s" % outfile
with open(outfile, 'w') as o:
writer = csv.writer(o, lineterminator='\n')
all = []
row = next(reader, None)
for row in reader:
street_num = row[0]
street_name = row[1]
#print street_num, street_name
row_gc = g.address(street_num, street_name, 'Manhattan')
row_bbl = row_gc.get('bbl', '0' )
print "The BBL for %s %s is %s" % (street_num, street_name, row_bbl)
except csv.Error as e:
sys.exit('file %s, line %d: %s' % (infile, reader.line_num, e))
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