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Last active July 15, 2019 12:23
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Test-driving Ops Manager version as code

Version Ops Manager via code

As a Platform Engineer, I want to select the version of Ops Manager with a config file So that I can manage software life cycle via source control

Given access to a paved IaaS
  And a PCF config-as-code repo
  And a Control Plane for PCF

 When a code commit to an Ops Manager version config is pushed

 Then there is an Ops Manager running
  And the running Ops Manager version matches the desired version in the code

Value of this and any decent test:

  • There is no errand, no other programmatic test of version-as-code
  • Engineers new or returning to the code can learn how it works through the tests
  • It forces the engineering pair to think through the problem and produce a more articulate solution
platform: linux
- name: config # contains the OpsMan configuration file
- name: env # contains the environment information for OpsMan
ENV_FILE: env.yml
# - Required
# - filepath of the env config YAML
# - relative to root of the `env` input
OPSMAN_VERSION_FILE: opsman/version.yml
# - Required
# - filepath of the opsman config YAML
# - relative to root of the `config` input
path: bash
- "-c"
- |
cat /var/version && echo ""
p-automator -v
set -eux
om \
--env env/"${ENV_FILE}" \
curl \
--silent \
--path /api/v0/info \
| om interpolate --path /info/version
om interpolate \
--config config/"${OPSMAN_VERSION_FILE}" \
--path '/product-version'
if [[ "$opsman_current_version" = "$opsman_expected_version" ]]; then
echo "Ops Manager is at the expected version ($opsman_expected_version)"
echo "Ops Manager is at version $opsman_current_version, " \
"expected version $opsman_expected_version" >&2
exit 1
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