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Firefox bookmark with input dialog: Create a new bookmark in firefox and add on this snippet as address. When clicked a dialog for a custom input will open.
javascript:void(location.href=""+window.prompt("CERIS search:",""))
javascript:void(location.href='|en|'+window.prompt("Translate (DE->EN):",""))
javascript:void(location.href='|en|'+window.prompt("Translate (DE->EN):",""))
javascript:void(location.href='|en|'+window.prompt("Translate (DE->EN):",""))
javascript:void(location.href='|de|'+window.prompt("Translate (EN->DE):",""))
javascript:void(location.href='|de|'+window.prompt("Translate (EN->DE):",""))
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Can also be used for each other URL that will be customized bei user input (e.g. Github issue search)

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note that Firefox bookmarklets do not work in about:newtab so you have to replace it with about:blank

you can do this by setting the value of browser.newtab.url to about:blank in about:config

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