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Forked from claj/refsymbols.clj
Created March 12, 2013 07:03
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(use '[datomic.api :only [db q] :as d])
;;not supplied:
;;* connecting to a db named "conn"
;; (checkout awesome Jonas Edlunds gist
;; for inspiration: )
;;* a schema that fit's the following person-datoms
;; Problem:
;;it's a bit quirky to generate references by functions to transact them to datoms
;;since it's an instant literal it seems to be evaluated when created by a function
(defn refsymbol
"given a reference long, this generates a correct, non-evaluated reference"
(read-string (apply str "#db/id[:db.part/user " ref "]")))
;;that is
(refsymbol 12345) => #db/id[:db.part/user 12345] ;; all the way into datomic!
;;12345 should not be a random number, it's usually found by a query like
;;(q '[:find ?id :where [?id :company/name "GoodCorp Inc."]] (db conn))
;;=>#<HashSet [[17592186045497]]> given GoodCorp Inc.-datom exists in the database
;;this is a hash nested two times (given we only have one GoodCorp Inc.-datom)
;;this first ref-number can be picked out by (first (first (q ...)))
;;or (ffirst (q ...)) for short
;;btw, good intro to shape of datoms here:
(def goodcorp-refno (ffirst (q '[:find ?id :where [?id :company/name "GoodCorp Inc."]] (db conn))))
;;which can also be automated like this:
(defn company-refno [company-name]
(ffirst (q `[:find ?ref :where [?ref :company/name ~company-name]] (db conn))))
;;armed with a ref-number we can make datoms with functions like this:
(defn add-new-person
"lets say we want to connect a person with a name to a company with a reference"
[name ref-long]
(let [correct-ref (refsymbol ref-long)]
`[{:db/id ~#db/id[:db.part/user] :person/name ~name :person/company ~correct-ref}]))
;;` means "don't evaluate the following form"
;;~x means "lookup the symbol x and insert it here anyway `"
(add-new-person "Bob Smith" 17592186045497)
(add-new-person "Bob Smith" goodcorp-refno)
(add-new-person "Bob Smith" (company-refno "GoodCorp Inc.")) ;;hairball warning!
;;which creates a record
[{:person/company #db/id[:db.part/user 17592186045497],
:person/name "Bob Smith",
:db/id #db/id[:db.part/user -1000416]}]
;;that could be added to a database with:
(d/transact conn (add-new-person "Bob Smith" 17592186045497))
;;if you want to use (map add-new-person [["Bob Smith" 17592186045497] ["Ben Andersen" 17592186043525]])
;;you have to remove the [vector] holding the {map} in add-new-person like
(defn add-new-person2
[name ref-long]
(let [correct-ref (refsymbol ref-long)]
`{:db/id ~#db/id[:db.part/user] ;;no vector outside the map!
:person/name ~name
:person/company ~correct-ref}))
(d/transact conn (map add-new-person2 [["Bob Smith" 17592186045497] ["Ben Andersen" 17592186043525]]))
;;(with-datomic-awesomeness (success!))
;;some things helped me much:
;;jonas edlunds getting-stared gist
;;esp. check out how elegant the ids are generated
;;pelle braendgaard on datom concepts
;;more on transact-stuff:
;;a banking app example, also from mr braendgaard
;;also checkout the /samples/seattle/getting-started.clj
;;and the .dtm files in the same folder (everything in datomic distribution)
;;and the attribute stuff at the Datomic reference:
;; OR DO IT RIGHT (thank you Stuart Halloway, Datomic team)
(1) If you need to programmatically create a tempid, there is no need to do weird reader tricks. Just use the Peer.tempid (Java) or api/tempid (Clojure) function.
(2) The entity id returned by a query is a complete id. You do not need to plug it back into an id literal to use it:
(defn add-new-person
[name ref-long]
[{:db/id (d/tempid :db.part/user)
:person/name name
:person/company ref-long}]))
Note also that backquote is not necessary.
(3) The return value of add-new-person above is shaped like transaction data. When you remove the vector to facilitate calling map, you make your function less general (now you require that it return only a single piece of transaction data). Better to leave the return value flexible and call mapcat instead of map.
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