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cliftonc /
Last active March 20, 2024 20:49
Brink Flair 300 via Modbus

This is the setup I am using to publish events for my Brink Flair 300 heat recovery unit. I have a Raspberry Pi 3, with an RS485>USB, connected to the 2 & 3 pin of the X15 input of the HRU. The flow in Node-Red talks locally to the device via modbus, and then connects to an mqtt server that is used for further connection to Home Assistant, this appears to be the most robust solution.

I used this USB stick: Rpi RS485 USB, but I think any of them will work. You do not need to buy the super expensive 'digital adapter' and the app, and with this setup you also do not need the super expensive RF bridge and connectors (though will likely want some physical alternative to this setup to turn it on / off if needed).

It currently provides temperature, set fan speed, actual fan speed, binary sensors for max, medium


Discuss here on how to adopt new technology standards w/ examples

Current Standards

View the Current Standards.


Depending on the impact of the technology on production or team productivity, we can have:

  1. small to no impact
cliftonc /
Last active May 21, 2019 17:27
Collab intro

New collaboration tools

Hello everyone. I am happy to announce that we are now beginning the full roll out of a new set of collaboration tools that will finally put everyone across all Infinitas companies in a position to be able to easily communicate and collaborate with everyone else, no matter where they are located.

Given we are a company spread over many locations, and with with almost all staff taking time each week to work from home, it is crucial that our tools follow us wherever we go to stay productive. I feel it is also important that these tools should encourage informal and as needed 1-1 and group conversations, like a face to face conversation, instead of formal and time draining conversations over email where the cc list slowly expands over time.

To make this happen, we are now rolling out two new tools - Slack and Zoom.


cliftonc /
Created September 13, 2018 11:29

Once a live outtage (defined as a serious issue that is impacting a large number of our users) is reported:

  1. A call out should occur in Techy Chat to ensure that the largest number of people possible are aware.

  2. If there are specific services struggling use (insert application / service ownership spreadsheet) to determine ownership and call in the right people.

  3. Always try to involve an operations team member via the Platform Operations room

  4. A First Responder is nominated/steps up in techy chat

cliftonc /
Last active September 1, 2017 09:16
  • make sure to select update and install 3rd party drivers during install

  • Installed 3rd party nvidia driver

    Drivers > 3rd party > enabled

  • installed chrome

  • installed sublime text

  • install nvm

cliftonc / vwo.js
Created July 5, 2017 14:36
var _vis_opt_heatmap = 0;if(!_vwo_code.finished() || _vis_opt_heatmap){clearTimeout(_vwo_settings_timer);
if(_vis_opt_heatmap && !document.getElementById('_vis_opt_path_hides')){var a=document.createElement('style');a.setAttribute('id','_vis_opt_path_hides');a.setAttribute('type','text/css');document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(a);}
var _vwo_acc_id=265077,_vwo_exp_ids=[],_vwo_exp={},_vwo_cookieDomain='';
_vwo_exp['30'] = {};
_vwo_exp['30'].name = "Clifton Test if it works";
_vwo_exp['30'].version = 2;
_vwo_exp['30'].clickmap = 0;
_vwo_exp['30'].type = 'VISUAL_AB';
_vwo_exp['30'].status = 'NOT_STARTED';


  • Ensure you have latest docker images for everything before starting.
  • Ensure you have given docker sufficient ram and cpu (8gb / 6) works for me.
  • Ensure you have the latest bosco.
  • Ensure any services you depend on have all references to databases and other services via If you see localhost then it won't work in a container.
  • Ensure any services have a default worker config of 1 worker (most have 2). This reduces local memory usage further.
  • bosco morning your team.
  • Go into the app you want to work on, I use three console tabs:
  • bosco run -d - starts all dependencies of current service, I typically then switch this tab to a pm2 logs output.
cliftonc / sinopia.yaml
Created September 29, 2016 12:49
# This is the default config file. It allows all users to do anything,
# so don't use it on production systems.
# Look here for more config file examples:
# path to a directory with all packages
storage: /Users/ccunningham/.local/share/sinopia/storage
cliftonc / blah.js
Last active June 8, 2016 20:10
import axios from 'axios';
import endpoints from 'module-tsl-endpoints';
import environment from 'module-tsl-environment';
const registrationBaseUrl = endpoints.getSync('registration', environment);
const headers = (config) => ({
Accept: 'application/json',
contentType: 'application/json',
'x-tslauthapp': `${}:${config.secret}` });
cliftonc / cassandra.js
Last active May 30, 2016 19:31
Cassandra version
//select * from downloads.downloads where user = 3626249 and resource IN (6109933,123,6326144);
var _ = require('lodash');
var async = require('async');
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
var written = 0;
var stream = require('stream');
var util = require('util');
const cassandra = require('cassandra-driver');