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Created July 10, 2012 17:10
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d3 iowa choropleth example
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// tipsy, facebook style tooltips for jquery
// version 1.0.0a
// (c) 2008-2010 jason frame []
// released under the MIT license
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function maybeCall(thing, ctx) {
return (typeof thing == 'function') ? ( : thing;
function Tipsy(element, options) {
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show: function() {
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var tipsy ='tipsy');
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options.delayOut = 100;
function get(ele) {
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$.data(ele, 'tipsy', tipsy);
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function enter() {
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this[binder](eventIn, enter)[binder](eventOut, leave);
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className: null,
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delayOut: 0,
fade: false,
fallback: '',
gravity: 'n',
html: false,
live: false,
offset: 0,
opacity: 0.8,
title: 'title',
trigger: 'hover',
hoverlock: false
// Overwrite this method to provide options on a per-element basis.
// For example, you could store the gravity in a 'tipsy-gravity' attribute:
// return $.extend({}, options, {gravity: $(ele).attr('tipsy-gravity') || 'n' });
// (remember - do not modify 'options' in place!)
$.fn.tipsy.elementOptions = function(ele, options) {
return $.metadata ? $.extend({}, options, $(ele).metadata()) : options;
$.fn.tipsy.autoNS = function() {
return $(this).offset().top > ($(document).scrollTop() + $(window).height() / 2) ? 's' : 'n';
$.fn.tipsy.autoWE = function() {
return $(this).offset().left > ($(document).scrollLeft() + $(window).width() / 2) ? 'e' : 'w';
* yields a closure of the supplied parameters, producing a function that takes
* no arguments and is suitable for use as an autogravity function like so:
* @param margin (int) - distance from the viewable region edge that an
* element should be before setting its tooltip's gravity to be away
* from that edge.
* @param prefer (string, e.g. 'n', 'sw', 'w') - the direction to prefer
* if there are no viewable region edges effecting the tooltip's
* gravity. It will try to vary from this minimally, for example,
* if 'sw' is preferred and an element is near the right viewable
* region edge, but not the top edge, it will set the gravity for
* that element's tooltip to be 'se', preserving the southern
* component.
$.fn.tipsy.autoBounds = function(margin, prefer) {
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id="defs3253" />
class="county" id="Adair"
d="m -10865,6176 947,13 957,12 952,13 973,12 -7,973 -12,962 -7,958 -17,957 -963,-7 -963,-17 -952,-17 -973,-18 12,-958 23,-957 12,-963 z"
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class="county" id="Adams"
d="m -12836,9981 948,23 958,13 973,18 952,17 -7,967 -12,948 -12,947 -973,-18 -969,-22 -973,-18 -948,-23 23,-957 23,-932 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Allamakee"
d="m 17631,-16175 -4,112 -1,100 -1,7 -9,64 -15,45 -11,31 -6,10 -14,25 -21,46 -3,51 4,35 10,45 17,45 32,34 33,34 65,83 49,74 5,15 19,54 31,101 18,105 -1,76 -8,56 -13,46 -18,67 -18,49 -26,31 -17,34 -9,30 12,35 12,40 23,43 41,35 41,10 47,5 40,5 43,18 53,39 67,34 36,-11 71,20 79,37 100,59 98,76 103,84 70,57 57,76 46,85 6,12 71,150 10,59 5,47 26,61 31,35 46,15 8,13 12,18 10,40 -7,55 -13,26 -28,37 -43,44 -97,116 -81,101 -102,121 -84,103 -3,5 -34,54 -28,62 -35,71 -25,68 -21,83 -40,107 -15,46 -16,50 -31,64 -40,38 -4,2 -52,22 -34,17 -7,4 -27,20 -19,26 -15,40 -5,45 0,76 9,57 8,105 5,66 4,121 -10,116 1,15 -134,0 -490,11 -940,17 -970,12 -935,21 -17,-965 -16,-960 -11,-940 -62,0 -16,-991 -11,-819 2552,-60 158,0 20,-1 153,-3 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Appanoose"
d="m 6404,12953 10,952 10,972 15,972 0,507 -640,19 -1349,38 -1891,51 1,-586 -5,-952 -9,-982 -5,-76 1,-811 0,-80 56,0 758,-5 134,-5 5,0 973,-5 968,-4 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Audubon"
d="m -14070,2128 957,23 972,23 952,23 -7,953 -8,973 -12,963 358,6 -7,1084 -983,-18 -917,-17 -942,-18 13,-1074 -430,-12 18,-953 23,-983 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Benton"
d="m 11002,-2648 956,-21 972,-26 11,999 6,938 20,974 27,978 26,964 -973,16 -972,6 -972,15 -962,16 -15,-973 10,-318 -21,-631 -10,-968 -15,-969 -16,-974 977,-11 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Black_Hawk"
d="m 6927,-6412 961,-15 976,-11 971,-10 966,-11 21,959 16,959 143,0 11,944 10,949 -951,15 -1954,22 -966,15 -20,-1913 -164,0 -10,-949 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Boone"
d="m -6336,-1610 956,7 353,1 635,11 941,11 966,7 4,958 -1,969 -7,953 -1,959 -967,-2 -363,-5 -57,0 -552,-6 -973,-2 -951,-12 1,-963 12,-949 2,-978 16,-323 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Bremer"
d="m 6912,-9356 955,-11 961,-15 971,-11 960,-16 16,985 11,975 15,990 -966,11 -971,10 -976,11 -961,15 -5,-990 -10,-969 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Buchanan"
d="m 14712,-6564 0,989 27,959 87,-5 11,944 31,974 -976,7 -962,1 -972,26 -956,21 -10,-949 -11,-944 -143,0 -16,-959 -21,-959 971,-31 972,-21 976,-27 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Buena_Vista"
d="m -16233,-9550 956,19 960,23 956,19 981,28 -19,980 -23,964 -13,970 -7,954 -982,-23 -961,-23 -976,-19 -966,-14 18,-959 34,-974 25,-1293 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Butler"
d="m 3054,-9342 961,0 955,-4 966,-5 976,-5 0,985 10,969 5,990 10,954 -987,0 -961,5 -966,10 -971,-1 1,-949 0,-974 -4,-985 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Calhoun"
d="m -12442,-5593 1922,56 961,18 981,18 -2,949 378,1 -12,984 -17,979 -18,964 -956,-13 -952,-17 -971,-18 -936,-18 33,-959 23,-979 23,-994 -470,-12 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Carroll"
d="m -13972,-1726 645,7 306,6 957,23 936,18 971,18 -12,968 -18,974 -12,943 -13,974 -977,-8 -952,-23 -972,-23 -957,-23 29,-964 28,-958 28,-969 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Cass"
d="m -14659,6099 952,24 942,18 917,17 983,18 -18,963 -12,963 -23,957 -12,958 -958,-13 -948,-23 -962,-28 -948,-23 23,-938 23,-962 18,-968 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Cedar"
d="m 20730,1025 27,979 26,963 22,973 27,969 -978,22 -25,0 -952,22 -963,22 -967,22 -26,-963 -22,-989 -26,-953 -17,-973 962,-27 967,-22 978,-22 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Cerro_Gordo"
d="m -793,-13220 960,-10 960,11 960,-4 965,1 -1,490 5,475 5,965 4,985 -11,965 -975,-1 -966,5 -961,-1 -960,-1 1,-955 6,-985 7,-975 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Cherokee"
d="m -20064,-9646 960,24 956,24 950,24 965,24 -17,652 -25,1293 -34,974 -18,959 -971,-29 -961,-24 -956,-29 -971,-29 1,-475 42,-1444 44,-975 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Chickasaw"
d="m 10711,-12819 11,490 21,960 5,986 11,974 -960,16 -971,11 -961,15 -955,11 -15,-965 -10,-1001 -6,-955 -10,-490 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Clarke"
d="m -1348,10071 9,982 -1,963 9,957 -446,-6 -533,0 -963,-2 -953,14 -958,3 7,-947 7,-957 6,-968 948,17 927,-79 952,12 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Clay"
d="m -16143,-13400 965,24 965,18 950,19 327,16 648,7 -28,854 -18,1071 -23,975 -23,955 -981,-28 -956,-19 -960,-23 -956,-19 24,-960 24,-975 19,-960 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Clayton"
d="m 18094,-11490 4,72 -2,86 8,79 10,86 10,101 36,137 36,109 46,133 31,91 9,26 12,35 3,44 -2,61 -13,61 17,41 6,9 33,48 12,18 36,76 11,101 0,81 3,56 2,25 16,116 -3,111 3,71 28,59 33,47 51,45 77,40 72,46 71,65 41,81 4,11 22,69 24,90 18,60 15,48 15,40 26,20 10,7 20,13 23,29 18,27 1,37 -3,51 3,89 6,123 14,114 26,96 21,96 15,60 8,40 18,41 15,30 18,28 8,28 0,32 -10,34 -4,17 2,6 5,19 16,25 22,13 20,10 11,20 1,15 6,20 22,35 21,14 21,4 15,3 26,0 20,-1 31,4 26,14 15,18 5,31 0,25 16,30 15,16 5,4 27,19 37,24 89,46 79,42 65,50 51,41 36,45 55,42 47,29 63,32 50,28 49,13 57,8 25,-1 41,-7 46,-2 42,13 47,24 51,22 35,15 67,25 21,8 -1,63 -4,277 -987,23 -945,27 -971,32 -961,32 -971,17 -971,27 -17,-970 -16,-954 -16,-985 -22,-955 -16,-1001 935,-21 970,-12 940,-17 490,-11 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Clinton"
d="m 26871,-141 16,38 21,57 30,47 28,64 29,40 10,29 1,47 -13,39 -18,42 -20,35 -16,40 -5,41 -3,47 -3,41 -24,53 -25,45 -46,73 -29,46 -2,66 11,68 26,67 30,54 24,61 26,73 13,60 4,68 -14,59 -2,7 -19,45 -14,37 -11,29 -37,81 -36,99 -17,92 -11,96 -12,61 -10,45 -17,42 -13,24 -16,28 -8,51 -2,42 -10,86 9,26 12,37 10,78 -4,59 -21,52 -26,35 -45,33 -51,21 -4,1 -68,22 -62,20 -46,27 -46,31 -4,4 -66,57 -18,15 -4,3 -25,19 -42,29 -83,57 -95,54 -47,26 -13,7 -59,43 -70,64 -56,66 -61,86 -42,67 -25,49 -11,44 1,20 -25,-29 -57,-15 -41,-50 -46,-15 -56,15 -31,56 -25,30 -31,0 -25,41 -31,5 -51,-15 -31,-41 -62,-45 -61,-20 -26,5 -25,46 -41,10 -77,51 -30,-20 -1,-26 31,-30 -41,-60 -26,-10 -45,50 -21,-10 -15,-30 -21,-30 0,-25 15,-41 -20,-25 -57,-60 -35,-15 -47,-10 -35,-36 -36,1 -51,50 -41,15 -36,-30 -21,-50 5,-51 -20,-25 -36,-5 -56,36 -26,35 -66,15 -41,-10 -77,-15 -21,1 -25,25 -21,0 -20,-25 -21,-5 -56,25 -92,16 -92,-15 -26,45 -102,-5 -66,21 -36,45 -26,0 -30,-35 -41,-20 -16,-71 -31,10 -45,71 -82,0 -36,46 -36,-5 -61,-50 -47,5 -30,40 -46,0 -16,16 -20,30 -26,15 -25,0 -31,-10 -5,-25 -15,-40 -31,-20 -36,-5 -77,35 -20,25 10,36 -10,20 -21,0 -40,-10 -11,5 0,25 -10,10 -41,26 -5,20 10,45 0,10 -30,16 -21,10 -30,45 -21,-5 -31,-15 -25,10 -10,31 -21,10 -46,-15 -20,15 0,35 -16,25 -30,6 -31,-21 -36,-50 -87,-65 -41,-61 -26,-96 -77,-75 -82,-40 -61,-10 -36,-25 -947,22 -26,-963 -27,-979 -17,-948 941,-33 972,-32 951,-33 967,-33 972,-38 962,-39 266,-11 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Crawford"
d="m -15880,-1768 947,23 961,19 -13,963 -28,969 -28,958 -29,964 -977,-19 -962,-18 -967,-19 -941,-24 -957,-24 29,-968 44,-958 29,-974 29,-964 946,29 956,24 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Dallas"
d="m -7315,2232 946,7 16,0 951,12 973,2 552,6 57,0 363,5 -1,656 0,25 -1,267 -6,1004 4,968 194,0 -12,983 -706,90 -195,10 -962,-12 -952,-17 -942,-12 17,-1069 -327,-11 12,-968 7,-983 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Davis"
d="m 10283,12891 15,963 15,967 15,977 0,307 5,104 -1302,54 -189,7 -2101,78 -302,8 0,-507 -15,-972 -10,-972 -10,-952 969,-15 973,-16 958,-15 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Decatur"
d="m -5184,12982 958,-3 953,-14 963,2 533,0 446,6 8,1944 -1,957 -1,648 -1102,5 -777,12 -1529,20 -502,6 16,-711 12,-947 6,-968 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Delaware"
d="m 18586,-6672 32,975 22,969 20,0 32,989 32,954 -992,27 -951,7 -956,27 -957,21 -31,-974 -11,-944 -87,5 -27,-959 0,-989 971,-27 971,-17 961,-32 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Des_Moines"
d="m 17049,10824 957,-17 963,-22 979,-17 650,-11 5,45 5,61 21,80 10,76 0,85 1,111 0,101 -5,76 -5,67 -7,60 -12,82 -13,61 -22,66 -14,31 -4,41 7,40 7,50 17,34 12,40 2,35 -4,36 -7,36 -13,56 -18,91 -21,92 -27,80 -24,31 -35,34 -35,22 -40,26 -4,3 -36,29 -35,22 -37,14 -33,14 -25,17 -25,21 -25,29 -72,96 -45,66 -52,54 -63,84 -59,74 -23,60 -33,81 -36,65 -31,46 -43,42 -29,29 -36,24 -34,37 -17,24 -19,34 -32,42 -44,36 -22,55 -16,55 -1,48 17,58 25,101 9,70 -1,91 -13,45 -10,56 -15,65 -15,46 -23,44 -19,41 -29,46 -16,35 -17,37 -9,49 -12,53 -8,53 -5,40 5,74 15,67 11,53 -2,81 -4,62 -66,-50 -62,25 -92,-20 -46,-55 -72,-15 -25,-50 -62,-66 -5,-60 -51,35 -36,-20 -36,5 -10,36 -41,50 -46,5 -36,-10 -11,-35 -25,-20 -36,10 -36,-5 -15,-15 -41,-55 -46,-76 -88,-15 -61,-45 -87,-111 -41,-20 -57,-20 -71,-20 -149,10 -26,-40 -10,-80 -56,-81 -46,-15 -77,20 -57,-10 -30,-45 -21,-35 -87,-20 -36,-25 -113,-20 -51,-66 -97,26 -93,-91 -92,-35 -51,-66 -36,-10 -77,11 -36,-46 297,-5 -10,-962 -16,-968 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Dickinson"
d="m -12244,-16076 -12,794 -19,1001 -13,965 -648,-7 -327,-16 -950,-19 -965,-18 -965,-24 34,-971 24,-980 24,-800 837,19 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Dubuque"
d="m 18586,-6672 945,-27 987,-23 4,-277 1,-63 50,21 108,16 82,20 218,62 165,28 113,20 119,29 140,21 104,25 56,15 82,10 76,15 57,15 69,26 69,24 62,47 35,48 15,20 41,71 25,53 23,54 14,60 10,50 16,51 29,51 42,97 52,99 22,59 24,72 28,57 39,49 61,55 44,31 38,50 23,49 18,60 26,82 5,56 -15,50 -41,61 -40,61 -36,66 -10,50 -5,76 3,41 2,35 41,60 70,67 94,69 113,65 82,40 63,23 16,9 79,29 56,21 72,24 51,30 31,30 21,44 8,61 17,49 41,48 16,10 52,39 9,6 83,40 94,36 74,35 4,2 62,33 62,50 67,60 35,20 43,12 37,24 14,12 -625,14 -967,33 28,969 -946,33 -957,38 -966,7 -931,27 -32,-954 -32,-989 -20,0 -22,-969 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Emmet"
d="m -11789,-16066 3052,51 316,3 -17,776 -18,985 -17,991 -960,-17 -955,-13 -975,-13 -925,-13 13,-965 19,-1001 12,-794 266,6 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Fayette"
d="m 10743,-11369 960,-11 971,-21 960,-11 991,-17 16,1001 22,955 16,985 16,954 17,970 -992,26 -976,27 -972,21 -971,31 -15,-990 -11,-975 -16,-985 -11,-974 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Floyd"
d="m 3051,-12732 3820,-35 10,490 6,955 10,1001 15,965 -976,5 -966,5 -955,4 -961,0 11,-965 -4,-985 -5,-965 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Franklin"
d="m -808,-9340 960,1 961,1 966,-5 975,1 -5,990 4,985 0,974 -1,949 -976,5 -956,-1 -972,-6 -971,-1 6,-959 1,-970 2,-974 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Fremont"
d="m -16715,12740 -28,967 -28,962 123,6 -38,811 -23,821 -1687,-64 -1626,-68 103,-71 44,-124 -20,-62 -145,-140 -18,-206 -34,-83 -162,-174 -225,-58 -169,-116 -72,-280 -57,-65 -198,-111 -28,-80 -15,-129 63,-161 97,-96 235,-119 51,-59 37,-95 0,-22 -6,-39 -19,-46 -26,-56 -10,-40 -18,-50 -7,-56 5,-40 10,-46 32,-58 15,-47 -10,-91 5,-45 -28,-60 -27,-53 -11,-34 -9,-43 13,-45 13,-34 19,-39 26,-18 41,-12 46,-15 54,-4 38,-21 26,-25 35,-38 20,-64 3,-45 4,-55 -10,-34 702,8 948,13 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Greene"
d="m -8249,-1624 946,7 967,7 14,636 -16,323 -2,978 -12,949 -1,963 -16,0 -946,-7 -21,0 -957,-8 -972,-7 -947,-12 13,-974 12,-943 18,-974 12,-968 952,17 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Grundy"
d="m 3052,-5444 971,1 966,-10 961,-5 987,0 10,949 164,0 20,1913 -972,10 -961,15 15,959 -977,5 -962,14 6,-959 -9,-953 -5,-984 -199,-1 0,-535 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Guthrie"
d="m -10212,2205 947,12 972,7 957,8 21,0 -12,963 -7,983 -12,968 327,11 -17,1069 -973,-12 -952,-13 -957,-12 -947,-13 7,-1084 -358,-6 12,-963 8,-973 7,-953 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Hamilton"
d="m -4698,-5458 951,2 981,6 967,7 976,-4 4,964 291,6 -1,974 4,969 -6,963 -992,-1 -962,-1 -966,-7 -941,-11 1,-964 7,-969 7,-979 -333,-11 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Hancock"
d="m -4628,-13242 950,12 954,2 950,1 981,7 -1,965 -7,975 -6,985 -1,955 -971,-6 -955,-7 -966,4 -966,3 7,-955 7,-995 17,-965 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Hardin"
d="m -823,-5447 971,1 972,6 956,1 976,-5 15,419 0,535 199,1 5,984 9,953 -6,959 -961,10 -926,9 -967,-1 -951,4 6,-963 -4,-969 1,-974 -291,-6 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Harrison"
d="m -18874,2024 957,24 -24,964 -24,973 -28,968 501,12 -13,1059 -15,0 -963,-24 -952,-29 -947,-29 -962,-30 -230,-6 -72,-1 19,-16 18,-39 14,-50 -11,-61 -14,-55 -23,-64 -22,-67 -32,-48 -50,-48 -41,-16 -66,5 -52,30 -18,43 -18,53 -5,50 -5,31 -26,45 -28,32 -29,23 -71,5 -35,3 -36,-8 -46,-19 -6,-2 -22,-9 -46,-4 -39,-18 -41,-35 -31,-41 -46,-81 -17,-45 -17,-56 3,-41 12,-49 10,-41 18,-38 28,-27 31,-40 25,-18 32,-17 15,-15 15,-25 -5,-25 -17,-52 -28,-40 -77,-45 -85,-55 -38,-27 -43,-49 -23,-42 -12,-42 -2,-40 25,-49 28,-54 44,-56 31,-30 22,-43 19,-49 21,-49 8,-66 -6,-56 -17,-50 -32,-59 -44,-47 -41,-56 -36,-45 -25,-46 -6,-45 -4,-20 10,-76 11,-30 5,-24 31,-27 37,-20 28,-7 40,8 43,5 51,-5 45,5 46,-7 32,-7 21,-20 10,-31 0,-45 -10,-50 -30,-36 -27,-28 -40,-23 -59,-25 -28,-15 -36,-30 -23,-37 -1,-51 5,-49 15,-45 32,-54 40,-57 47,-70 61,-96 82,-114 30,-59 14,-59 5,-61 -12,-44 -38,-50 -23,-21 -31,-13 -35,-8 -36,-15 -29,-10 -22,-16 -36,-34 -35,-31 -21,-31 -15,-30 -17,-35 -3,-46 10,-60 11,-51 1,-39 -11,-52 -13,-36 -18,-24 -40,-31 -44,-28 -48,-33 -44,-35 -12,-12 936,56 962,35 967,29 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Henry"
d="m 14124,9910 952,-31 979,-11 967,-7 27,963 16,977 16,968 10,962 -297,5 -671,11 -968,17 -974,16 -10,-952 -26,-957 -11,-998 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Howard"
d="m 7678,-15994 2975,-34 21,-1 5,794 16,960 11,981 5,475 -3840,52 -5,-480 -10,-965 -5,-971 0,-804 556,-5 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Humboldt"
d="m -8539,-9385 961,3 955,17 956,7 1001,12 -7,980 -6,975 -7,969 -1007,-12 -951,-7 -966,-7 -966,-18 13,-959 12,-975 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Ida"
d="m -16327,-5672 -9,954 537,13 -23,999 -58,1938 -961,-19 -956,-24 -946,-29 28,-959 13,-772 16,-202 24,-1004 -577,-23 2,-525 22,-429 956,29 961,24 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="path3196"
d="m 13020,2158 10,963 11,983 16,953 56,5 0,983 -977,27 -998,21 -978,20 -973,16 -5,-1013 -26,0 -10,-979 0,-973 -5,-953 962,-16 972,-15 972,-6 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Jackson"
d="m 24088,-3906 18,17 54,68 87,102 75,78 41,55 41,67 52,74 46,60 32,22 9,3 6,1 19,4 21,20 9,25 6,31 2,34 -2,66 -8,51 -19,46 -23,55 -21,61 -14,64 -1,20 0,37 4,21 7,38 15,57 24,76 17,34 36,77 46,88 36,43 52,70 69,87 64,84 45,43 10,9 68,54 54,37 53,23 77,22 62,12 62,17 35,14 58,29 13,7 82,43 77,37 98,65 83,43 83,32 62,12 73,19 25,7 63,21 4,2 88,49 88,42 55,19 41,29 29,34 22,49 16,43 10,51 7,66 34,40 35,18 42,7 5,1 67,14 41,-6 41,15 30,26 30,43 8,34 3,13 1,51 8,22 2,79 -10,96 -9,109 -9,87 -2,19 5,82 12,86 1,8 13,65 35,100 48,69 9,21 -127,-1 -266,11 -962,39 -972,38 -967,33 -951,33 -972,32 -941,33 -32,-969 -27,-974 -33,-953 957,-38 946,-33 -28,-969 967,-33 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Jasper"
d="m 422,2269 957,1 956,-4 957,-5 988,1 972,-5 0,953 9,978 5,968 97,-5 10,1024 -973,15 -972,4 -963,10 -947,4 -937,4 -9,-1033 -158,0 6,-973 1,-974 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Jefferson"
d="m 12198,9927 538,10 415,-5 973,-22 10,963 11,998 26,957 -979,11 -983,16 -963,21 -963,15 -16,-972 -15,-967 -26,-973 979,-26 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Johnson"
d="m 16873,2092 26,953 22,989 26,963 16,978 16,968 -962,37 -5,-71 -67,-131 -97,-96 5,-30 30,-20 0,-61 -133,-90 -10,-30 15,-71 82,-15 5,-106 -10,-66 -31,-5 -25,-5 -5,-30 25,-50 -15,-20 -16,20 -25,35 -41,5 0,-50 -72,-56 0,-35 -594,16 -957,16 -963,11 0,-983 -56,-5 -16,-953 -11,-983 -10,-963 962,-21 972,-12 957,-16 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Jones"
d="m 16781,-2751 951,-7 992,-27 931,-27 966,-7 33,953 27,974 32,969 17,948 -967,23 -978,22 -967,22 -962,27 -16,-959 -16,-968 -22,-964 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Keokuk"
d="m 9187,6129 973,-16 978,-20 998,-21 10,967 16,963 15,983 26,620 -5,322 -993,26 -979,26 -978,16 -952,15 -10,-973 -16,-947 -15,-968 -20,-973 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Kossuth"
d="m -4603,-15987 -12,789 -11,986 -2,970 -7,981 -17,965 -7,995 -7,955 -1001,-12 -956,-7 -955,-17 -961,-3 18,-959 13,-991 17,-960 18,-965 17,-991 18,-985 17,-776 1557,10 1378,9 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Lee"
d="m 16794,13736 36,46 77,-11 36,10 51,66 92,35 93,91 97,-26 51,66 113,20 36,25 87,20 21,35 30,45 57,10 77,-20 46,15 56,81 10,80 26,40 149,-10 71,20 57,20 41,20 87,111 61,45 88,15 46,76 41,55 15,15 36,5 36,-10 25,20 11,35 36,10 46,-5 41,-50 10,-36 36,-5 36,20 51,-35 5,60 62,66 25,50 72,15 46,55 92,20 62,-25 66,50 -5,81 -13,64 -18,46 -20,46 -30,46 -36,40 -35,30 -45,37 -43,29 -92,53 -49,42 -65,43 -81,54 -53,34 -19,11 -42,10 -62,3 -44,3 -58,-3 -60,-12 -23,-2 -28,-3 -57,0 -56,5 -57,10 -63,11 -71,18 -85,34 -103,44 -82,35 -178,78 -131,61 -85,39 -52,29 -52,46 -56,50 -48,40 -49,61 -69,60 -69,69 -69,58 -64,60 -30,30 -28,57 -24,59 -7,58 2,48 25,45 41,36 31,25 41,6 51,24 39,33 48,42 38,45 27,39 28,52 20,56 21,55 15,55 5,86 -5,55 -10,81 -20,96 -32,88 -18,57 -17,76 -18,61 3,55 -5,71 15,65 31,66 48,87 24,48 15,66 0,60 -15,56 -31,40 -46,35 -35,24 -16,12 -71,14 -86,19 -71,13 -39,15 -51,20 -37,-33 -76,-22 -41,-11 -31,-4 -20,10 -17,24 -10,30 -24,26 -28,18 -34,8 -26,-5 -20,-21 -5,-25 0,-30 -12,-25 -19,-15 -46,0 -26,10 -30,5 -31,-5 -22,-8 -21,-20 -14,-27 3,-38 -13,-38 -29,-27 -46,-25 -36,-19 -74,-39 -61,-30 -41,-26 -21,-25 0,-29 11,-31 15,-35 21,-46 10,-40 -16,-25 -20,-5 -28,-4 -28,-16 -16,-21 -10,-35 15,-30 21,-20 20,-20 21,-26 10,-35 -5,-25 -16,-30 -30,-20 -31,5 -51,0 -87,8 -82,-13 -73,-26 -50,-39 -47,-51 -27,-59 -50,-117 -25,-50 -30,-39 -37,-21 -40,-23 -47,-25 -41,-24 -31,-35 -21,-35 -16,-40 -10,-36 1,-44 13,-41 -1,-51 0,-60 -6,-35 -26,-30 -31,-20 -36,-15 -62,-15 -133,-33 -128,-29 -88,-24 -45,-24 -31,-41 -15,-40 0,-35 12,-40 8,-36 -5,-40 0,-25 -10,-30 -26,-46 -36,-30 -31,-24 -93,-59 -76,-58 5,-136 -30,0 0,-261 -16,-978 -16,-982 974,-16 968,-17 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Linn"
d="m 14868,-2703 957,-21 956,-27 21,979 22,964 16,968 16,959 17,973 -962,17 -957,16 -972,12 -962,21 -26,-964 -27,-978 -20,-974 -6,-938 -11,-999 962,-1 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Louisa"
d="m 16017,6980 962,-37 11,983 963,-17 968,-12 571,-11 -1,20 7,60 -12,62 -2,65 -10,40 -20,45 -26,46 -26,45 -22,41 -43,72 -28,52 -19,46 -17,66 -9,36 -23,72 -28,49 -30,46 -18,34 -8,46 2,50 17,40 22,29 49,59 44,49 32,53 23,50 21,48 11,65 10,36 18,50 43,59 38,33 4,2 37,17 32,13 31,19 32,29 16,39 11,25 10,36 15,39 33,39 34,17 51,20 66,12 51,-2 42,-6 4,-1 45,-17 31,-8 20,-5 47,13 58,29 53,52 29,43 31,56 50,88 56,99 37,59 31,66 54,76 43,60 34,58 18,42 11,42 2,51 -3,64 -2,62 -3,38 0,41 -650,11 -979,17 -963,22 -957,17 -27,-963 -967,7 -16,-968 -16,-958 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Lucas"
d="m 593,10078 963,1 963,-4 9,982 9,962 5,958 -215,0 -426,-6 -327,15 -979,4 -307,-10 -666,4 -953,-11 -9,-957 1,-963 -9,-982 963,6 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Lyon"
d="m -19889,-16248 -24,760 -34,980 -45,971 -965,-35 -470,-2 -490,-18 -960,-24 -949,-51 -945,-40 -865,-42 -3,-5 -56,-24 -10,-35 -51,-36 -66,-20 -15,-51 57,-55 -18,-37 18,-90 -36,-8 -29,-22 54,-37 86,17 94,1 107,10 98,-38 46,-123 -15,-76 -8,-210 43,-88 8,-101 -2,-167 48,-40 -6,-48 17,-151 -46,-65 -70,-4 -40,-25 -43,-33 -50,-34 -25,-41 -20,-71 -70,-35 -17,-47 -17,-42 13,-34 -8,-31 -114,-29 -54,-50 -37,-44 2,-96 24,-68 36,-61 56,-65 15,-95 -17,-174 -69,-36 -24,-25 0,-30 -5,-15 1158,36 2991,101 255,7 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Madison"
d="m -3279,6167 -1,983 -1,973 -7,983 -1,942 -927,79 -948,-17 -968,-17 -947,-17 17,-957 7,-958 12,-962 7,-973 942,12 952,17 962,12 195,-10 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Mahaska"
d="m 5373,6175 952,0 937,-10 973,-16 20,973 15,968 16,947 10,973 -968,20 -984,16 -947,15 -958,4 -4,-967 -10,-963 -10,-968 -15,-977 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Marion"
d="m 581,6212 937,-4 947,-4 963,-10 972,-4 15,977 10,968 10,963 4,967 -978,10 -942,0 -963,4 -963,-1 -9,-962 1,-968 -5,-958 1,-791 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Marshall"
d="m 5213,-1612 20,963 15,984 -1,949 5,973 -972,5 -988,-1 -957,5 -956,4 0,-973 11,-934 1,-978 -4,-959 926,-9 961,-10 962,-14 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Mills"
d="m -16656,9883 -18,973 -18,947 -23,937 -1946,-48 -948,-13 -702,-8 -36,-46 -42,-48 -45,-48 -40,-59 -39,-99 -12,-64 -4,-73 9,-45 9,-60 17,-49 21,-45 23,-38 14,-50 3,-45 2,-48 -16,-51 -12,-39 -28,-41 -23,-23 -49,-23 -56,-25 -41,-21 -33,-25 -28,-25 -4,-10 -21,-23 -23,-46 -6,-49 50,-115 43,-73 7,-86 -22,-64 -100,-108 -2,-2 -48,-55 -21,-75 5,-29 16,-32 41,-35 27,-28 35,-32 32,-49 23,-34 14,-49 -2,-41 -10,-59 -10,-45 -5,-61 -5,-70 10,-51 0,-45 -5,-34 -15,-47 -36,-55 -20,-45 -20,-46 -26,-61 -5,-55 5,-54 12,-36 306,5 963,30 963,29 942,18 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Mitchell"
d="m 6851,-15987 0,804 5,971 10,965 5,480 -3820,35 1,-490 -5,-976 -4,-976 0,-793 1159,-4 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Monona"
d="m -18743,-1840 -29,964 -29,974 -44,958 -29,968 -977,-34 -967,-29 -962,-35 -936,-56 -26,-29 -25,-60 -16,-51 1,-45 -7,-46 -14,-40 -40,-60 -26,-41 -25,-41 0,-64 17,-19 19,-13 34,-8 33,-11 30,-26 28,-22 23,-34 14,-45 3,-45 -13,-36 -13,-44 -10,-56 -10,-40 5,-36 8,-38 13,-40 26,-37 20,-36 16,-55 -3,-39 -38,-52 -39,-30 -37,-6 -43,-15 -41,-3 -41,2 -37,8 -35,-3 -28,-5 -27,-24 -24,-22 -15,-35 -14,-48 2,-35 2,-38 -1,-43 1,-48 -4,-12 -17,-9 -35,-28 -113,-11 -78,25 -84,134 -99,-21 -37,-54 -1,-31 33,-100 82,-49 50,-64 7,-18 6,-36 -16,-30 -5,-35 -58,-44 -17,-7 -41,-31 -162,24 -98,-53 -17,-37 -6,-14 -11,-31 -26,-95 -7,-110 20,-132 69,-126 31,-123 -16,-132 -54,-57 -10,-24 -79,-47 -156,-47 -57,-73 -19,-55 -20,-69 -64,-68 -117,-74 -55,-85 -6,-37 -4,-7 -11,-35 -7,-41 1,-26 2,-45 5,-25 0,-51 4,-25 -3,-30 -21,-71 -20,-45 -10,-36 -5,-30 5,-30 373,12 486,17 957,40 961,50 302,11 654,34 977,34 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Monroe"
d="m 4439,10065 958,-4 947,-15 36,997 20,942 4,968 -968,5 -968,4 -973,5 -5,0 -134,5 -758,5 -56,0 -5,-958 -9,-962 -9,-982 942,0 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Montgomery"
d="m -14746,9930 948,23 962,28 -17,963 -23,932 -23,957 -942,-33 -963,-18 -958,-19 -953,-23 23,-937 18,-947 18,-973 963,23 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Muscatine"
d="m 16947,4997 967,-22 963,-22 952,-22 25,0 978,-22 967,-18 17,989 11,607 -26,-4 -5,0 -67,-2 -4,0 -72,-1 -66,-5 -62,0 -51,5 -78,1 -4,0 -83,9 -55,16 -46,26 -4,3 -47,32 -41,35 -57,41 -54,37 -53,38 -87,43 -77,33 -41,16 -71,30 -36,10 -31,0 -104,-12 -60,-8 -54,-18 -63,-22 -41,-15 -46,-10 -52,0 -46,6 -40,14 -41,17 -55,17 -53,18 -110,24 -55,18 -40,18 -40,26 -26,30 -21,40 -10,46 -10,40 0,106 -2,49 -2,50 -16,32 -27,41 -30,50 -25,61 -24,74 -12,81 -11,96 -4,112 4,39 -1,16 -571,11 -968,12 -963,17 -11,-983 -16,-968 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="O'Brien"
d="m -19992,-13537 970,24 960,29 959,50 960,34 -23,955 -19,960 -24,975 -24,960 -965,-24 -950,-24 -956,-24 -960,-24 19,-980 19,-965 20,-976 2,-642 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Osceola"
d="m -16061,-16151 -24,800 -24,980 -34,971 -960,-34 -959,-50 -960,-29 -970,-24 45,-971 34,-980 24,-760 1383,32 1888,52 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Page"
d="m -16715,12740 953,23 958,19 963,18 942,33 -17,977 -18,947 123,1 -17,871 -17,827 -1025,-39 -1394,-54 -861,-35 -584,-21 23,-821 38,-811 -123,-6 28,-962 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Palo_Alto"
d="m -12288,-13316 925,13 975,13 955,13 960,17 -18,965 -17,960 -13,991 -18,959 -965,-17 -956,-18 -970,-18 -950,-23 23,-955 23,-975 18,-1071 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Plymouth"
d="m -20064,-9646 -35,969 -44,975 -42,1444 -1,475 -1979,-65 -961,-29 -1267,-52 -659,-24 -384,-11 -10,-18 3,-50 13,-34 25,-20 31,10 36,-4 10,-31 6,-13 -25,-12 -32,-5 -20,-31 -10,-50 30,-23 -55,-33 -15,-66 -10,-25 0,-25 -10,-51 -36,-91 -30,-20 -31,5 -15,7 -6,8 -35,30 -16,5 -33,-15 -18,-27 1,-10 1,-20 9,-14 15,-15 15,-3 11,-2 47,-24 33,-33 5,-56 -8,-18 -15,-20 -19,-21 -22,-42 -15,-29 -13,-3 -28,-22 -25,-20 -26,-36 0,-91 -9,-35 -46,-31 -46,15 -35,15 -25,-2 4,-94 -43,-61 -20,-11 -61,0 -21,-2 -2,-35 12,-20 3,-23 -92,-97 -25,0 -50,-80 -27,-21 -25,-10 -28,10 -29,-18 -27,8 -26,13 -18,-31 -40,-75 -21,6 -20,-21 -1,-38 24,-44 7,-25 -4,-21 -48,-34 -12,-46 15,-39 -31,-46 -1,-28 29,-43 3,-20 27,-95 40,-25 35,-9 27,-16 -31,-36 -10,0 -43,-8 -43,-39 -3,-36 8,-24 27,-29 62,-61 46,-72 96,-33 25,-15 5,-49 103,-67 -30,-79 19,-39 32,-59 32,-38 10,-27 41,-35 -5,-76 15,-30 -5,-5 11,-25 30,10 35,11 31,80 21,5 20,-10 5,-79 16,-9 5,-4 15,7 26,-15 -10,-71 4,-40 43,-17 22,-19 42,-12 2,-25 -42,-54 -18,-32 2,-20 12,-24 -8,-31 9,-39 38,-44 44,-1 10,-30 -35,-26 -5,-35 36,-35 76,-20 6,-30 -18,-27 -18,-9 -15,-20 -36,-1 -9,-21 19,-110 1,-15 695,24 965,35 966,30 950,35 1001,45 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Pocahontas"
d="m -12380,-9461 950,23 970,18 956,18 965,17 -12,985 -12,975 -13,959 -2,965 -981,-18 -961,-18 -1922,-56 7,-954 13,-970 23,-964 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Polk"
d="m -2490,2266 967,1 983,1 962,1 -1,963 -1,974 -6,973 158,0 9,1033 0,187 -36,20 -36,60 -20,26 -26,0 -20,-5 -15,-21 -36,-126 -26,-20 -20,0 -10,20 -11,76 -25,20 -52,10 -25,-5 -10,-20 -16,-30 -10,-21 -20,-10 -52,0 -25,10 -36,46 -36,25 -36,0 -25,-10 -5,-21 5,-15 30,-25 21,-20 0,-25 -10,-30 -21,-16 -36,10 -36,56 -41,30 -30,5 -26,-15 -5,-20 10,-20 41,-41 11,-25 0,-30 -11,-25 -35,-16 -36,11 -72,60 -51,-5 -21,-15 16,-25 -36,-1 -968,-46 -967,-11 -963,-2 12,-983 -194,0 -4,-968 6,-1004 1,-267 0,-25 1,-656 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Pottawattamie"
d="m -17505,6024 927,28 957,19 962,28 -23,963 -18,968 -23,962 -23,938 -947,-24 -963,-23 -973,-19 -942,-18 -963,-29 -963,-30 -306,-5 8,-23 12,-38 31,-25 20,-15 15,7 6,1 43,9 38,18 32,17 40,-1 38,-14 27,-23 18,-34 -7,-46 -14,-29 -22,-39 -49,-39 -65,-25 -51,1 -82,-6 -16,1 -35,1 -59,-2 -77,5 -59,-2 -57,-4 -37,-20 -36,-20 -7,0 -34,-51 -20,-40 5,-60 6,-46 20,-38 40,-58 52,-72 32,-53 11,-40 -1,-66 -5,-45 -20,-51 -21,-49 -23,-37 -12,-36 -15,-34 -6,-38 -25,-139 -22,-122 1,-96 25,-54 68,-25 77,5 35,18 17,33 -5,45 -38,66 -19,55 3,91 15,11 18,-1 164,-75 67,-45 30,-45 21,-76 0,-100 -11,-42 -22,-47 -43,-48 -31,-23 -8,-5 -43,-18 -51,-10 -51,5 -51,0 -53,-10 -80,-26 -67,-41 -64,-60 -17,-21 -46,-35 -18,-30 -12,-47 -2,-40 12,-29 16,-15 35,-16 41,-29 36,-21 39,-24 38,-38 15,-23 16,-40 3,-50 -23,-46 -21,-45 -27,-56 -18,-40 3,-37 12,-34 16,-40 21,-34 23,-38 8,-30 -6,-64 -10,-66 -10,-40 11,-54 20,-42 26,-35 34,-28 28,-22 15,-36 10,-44 -20,-51 -30,-46 -22,-40 -34,-26 -30,-14 -35,-8 -56,-4 -43,0 -31,15 -41,15 -51,-5 -44,-30 -33,-21 -41,-29 -41,-16 -40,-16 -49,-13 -56,-9 -54,-24 -36,-25 -27,-25 -13,-32 -12,-51 7,-30 20,-34 20,-24 26,-16 39,-29 38,-21 43,-29 14,-12 72,1 230,6 962,30 947,29 952,29 963,24 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Poweshiek"
d="m 5252,2257 957,-10 967,-10 977,-16 988,-10 5,953 0,973 10,979 26,0 5,1013 -952,20 -973,16 -937,10 -952,0 -10,-1024 -97,5 -5,-968 -9,-978 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Ringgold"
d="m -9036,12914 953,22 343,-9 620,21 958,17 978,17 -17,957 -6,968 -12,947 -16,711 -1781,17 -47,-1 -2021,-18 12,-758 12,-957 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Sac"
d="m -16327,-5672 966,14 976,19 961,23 982,23 -13,959 470,12 -23,994 -23,979 -33,959 -957,-23 -306,-6 -645,-7 -961,-19 -947,-23 58,-1938 23,-999 -537,-13 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Scott"
d="m 25625,3276 2,45 9,77 20,76 6,96 -6,58 -9,46 -41,42 -57,56 -30,50 -16,50 -6,31 -7,35 -2,61 -8,66 -17,50 -14,57 8,55 -4,85 16,146 5,96 11,106 5,70 -5,57 -17,36 -39,39 -44,40 -48,25 -52,26 -61,22 -66,13 -86,24 -90,49 -60,44 -39,46 -33,57 -30,59 -33,25 -44,37 -30,39 -43,55 -39,57 -36,50 -46,50 -50,38 -52,33 -48,16 -61,13 -80,2 -118,-10 -80,-10 -72,-17 -42,-13 -46,-13 -47,-7 -41,0 -5,1 -46,5 -66,35 -46,30 -52,31 -41,11 -51,9 -41,15 -39,22 -42,29 -41,45 -15,26 -6,45 -9,45 -16,38 -15,28 -34,24 -64,54 -87,74 -51,51 -51,55 -47,47 -35,24 -34,20 -47,2 -67,-2 -4,0 -63,17 -48,23 -49,16 -71,21 -73,12 -61,8 -46,10 -51,11 -66,11 -57,2 -4,1 -62,6 -62,-5 -76,-5 -67,-5 -77,-12 -11,-607 -17,-989 -967,18 -27,-969 -22,-973 947,-22 36,25 61,10 82,40 77,75 26,96 41,61 87,65 36,50 31,21 30,-6 16,-25 0,-35 20,-15 46,15 21,-10 10,-31 25,-10 31,15 21,5 30,-45 21,-10 30,-16 0,-10 -10,-45 5,-20 41,-26 10,-10 0,-25 11,-5 40,10 21,0 10,-20 -10,-36 20,-25 77,-35 36,5 31,20 15,40 5,25 31,10 25,0 26,-15 20,-30 16,-16 46,0 30,-40 47,-5 61,50 36,5 36,-46 82,0 45,-71 31,-10 16,71 41,20 30,35 26,0 36,-45 66,-21 102,5 26,-45 92,15 92,-16 56,-25 21,5 20,25 21,0 25,-25 21,-1 77,15 41,10 66,-15 26,-35 56,-36 36,5 20,25 -5,51 21,50 36,30 41,-15 51,-50 36,-1 35,36 47,10 35,15 57,60 20,25 -15,41 0,25 21,30 15,30 21,10 45,-50 26,10 41,60 -31,30 1,26 30,20 77,-51 41,-10 25,-46 26,-5 61,20 62,45 31,41 51,15 31,-5 25,-41 31,0 25,-30 31,-56 56,-15 46,15 41,50 57,15 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Shelby"
d="m -17917,2048 941,24 967,19 962,18 977,19 -13,973 -23,983 -18,953 430,12 -13,1074 -952,-24 -962,-28 -957,-19 -927,-28 13,-1059 -501,-12 28,-968 24,-973 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Sioux"
d="m -25636,-13749 865,42 945,40 949,51 960,24 490,18 470,2 965,35 -12,328 -2,642 -20,976 -19,965 -19,980 -971,-30 -1001,-45 -950,-35 -966,-30 -965,-35 -695,-24 2,-91 60,-85 52,-81 51,41 5,-36 4,-59 22,-42 58,-3 19,-16 -13,-54 18,-53 57,-55 -14,-24 -22,-92 -30,-29 -31,-12 -35,-46 6,-83 40,-53 -2,-36 110,-64 47,-71 2,-70 -29,-83 -131,-87 1,-49 46,-60 -16,-30 -30,-1 -31,-4 -25,-11 20,-35 11,-26 71,-30 77,-24 56,-10 149,-131 51,15 51,-19 62,-101 -5,-13 35,-58 3,-36 -7,-35 -20,-25 -31,-20 6,-36 6,-19 40,-21 44,-64 43,-67 40,-73 14,-111 -42,-114 -97,-96 -76,-60 27,-254 -14,-95 -39,-99 -3,-82 17,-129 -40,-111 -71,-66 -6,0 -92,4 -65,49 -93,6 -127,-92 -70,2 -56,-14 -58,26 -16,11 -30,-15 -18,-32 -18,-35 -15,-30 -4,-49 18,-34 7,-18 56,-25 60,-24 -18,-92 -20,-20 -17,-24 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Story"
d="m 1387,-1574 4,959 -1,978 -11,934 0,973 -957,-1 -962,-1 -983,-1 -967,-1 1,-959 7,-953 1,-969 -4,-958 962,1 992,1 951,-4 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Tama"
d="m 7131,-2596 966,-15 977,-11 16,974 15,969 10,968 21,631 -10,318 15,973 -988,10 -977,16 -967,10 -957,10 -5,-973 1,-949 -15,-984 -20,-963 -15,-959 961,-15 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Taylor"
d="m -12899,12833 948,23 973,18 969,22 973,18 -24,1934 -12,957 -12,758 -200,-3 -1156,-28 -1138,-30 -1267,-46 17,-827 17,-871 -123,-1 18,-947 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Union"
d="m -9005,10052 963,17 963,7 947,17 968,17 -6,968 -7,957 -7,947 -978,-17 -958,-17 -620,-21 -343,9 -953,-22 12,-947 12,-948 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Van_Buren"
d="m 10283,12891 963,-15 963,-21 983,-16 979,-11 10,952 16,982 16,978 0,261 30,0 -5,136 -6,-7 -63,-80 -23,-54 -122,8 -403,27 -925,63 -366,19 -997,52 -1000,44 -5,-104 0,-307 -15,-977 -15,-967 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Wapello"
d="m 8296,10010 952,-15 978,-16 26,973 15,967 16,972 -979,16 -958,15 -973,16 -969,15 -4,-968 -20,-942 -36,-997 984,-16 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Warren"
d="m -3279,6167 963,2 967,11 968,46 36,1 -16,25 21,15 51,5 72,-60 36,-11 35,16 11,25 0,30 -11,25 -41,41 -10,20 5,20 26,15 30,-5 41,-30 36,-56 36,-10 21,16 10,30 0,25 -21,20 -30,25 -5,15 5,21 25,10 36,0 36,-25 36,-46 25,-10 52,0 20,10 10,21 16,30 10,20 25,5 52,-10 25,-20 11,-76 10,-20 20,0 26,20 36,126 15,21 20,5 26,0 20,-26 36,-60 36,-20 -1,791 5,958 -1,968 9,962 -978,-1 -963,-6 -989,-11 -952,-12 1,-942 7,-983 1,-973 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Washington"
d="m 12136,6072 977,-27 963,-11 957,-16 594,-16 0,35 72,56 0,50 41,-5 25,-35 16,-20 15,20 -25,50 5,30 25,5 31,5 10,66 -5,106 -82,15 -15,71 10,30 133,90 0,61 -30,20 -5,30 97,96 67,131 5,71 6,962 16,958 16,968 -979,11 -952,31 -973,22 -415,5 -538,-10 5,-322 -26,-620 -15,-983 -16,-963 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Wayne"
d="m -1331,12973 953,11 666,-4 307,10 979,-4 327,-15 426,6 215,0 0,80 -1,811 5,76 9,982 5,952 -1,586 -403,10 -1221,32 -788,7 -288,2 -1184,7 1,-648 1,-957 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Webster"
d="m -8576,-6466 966,18 966,7 951,7 1007,12 -12,964 -12,944 333,11 -7,979 -7,969 -1,964 -635,-11 -353,-1 -956,-7 -967,-7 -946,-7 18,-964 17,-979 12,-984 -378,-1 2,-949 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Winnebago"
d="m -2010,-15975 1230,8 -6,770 -1,1001 -6,976 -981,-7 -950,-1 -954,-2 -950,-12 2,-970 11,-986 12,-789 2353,9 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Winneshiek"
d="m 14492,-16104 11,819 16,991 62,0 11,940 16,960 17,965 -991,17 -960,11 -971,21 -960,11 -21,-960 -11,-490 -5,-475 -11,-981 -16,-960 -5,-794 2827,-52 348,-7 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Woodbury"
d="m -20186,-5783 971,29 -22,429 -2,525 577,23 -24,1004 -16,202 -13,772 -28,959 -967,-29 -977,-34 -654,-34 -302,-11 -961,-50 -957,-40 -486,-17 -373,-12 4,-7 172,-21 125,-158 -50,-87 9,-86 -18,-122 -64,-104 -117,-76 -32,-31 -77,-145 -18,-186 -7,-86 -15,-33 -1,-15 -74,-81 -205,-139 -78,-164 24,-121 74,-120 -59,-207 14,-182 138,-150 20,-18 47,-48 35,-42 31,-61 13,-68 12,-90 7,-129 -16,-90 -24,-72 -41,-61 -66,-43 -67,-23 -92,-26 -112,5 -128,12 -13,-3 -74,-15 -79,-29 -35,-18 -18,-20 -6,-58 12,-24 4,-39 -14,-33 -59,-25 -41,-3 -24,-17 -4,-87 107,-47 21,-35 5,-46 1,-177 -10,-85 -56,-36 -76,10 -21,-35 384,11 659,24 1267,52 961,29 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Worth"
d="m 3043,-15967 0,793 4,976 5,976 -965,-1 -960,4 -960,-11 -960,10 6,-976 1,-1001 6,-770 1715,9 1894,-8 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
class="county" id="Wright"
d="m -4666,-9346 966,-3 966,-4 955,7 971,6 -6,990 -2,974 -1,970 -6,959 -976,4 -967,-7 -981,-6 -951,-2 12,-964 7,-969 6,-975 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
d="m 17631,-16175 -4,112 -1,100 -1,7 -9,64 -15,45 -11,31 -6,10 -14,25 -21,46 -3,51 4,35 10,45 17,45 32,34 33,34 65,83 49,74 5,15 19,54 31,101 18,105 -1,76 -8,56 -13,46 -18,67 -18,49 -26,31 -17,34 -9,30 12,35 12,40 23,43 41,35 41,10 47,5 40,5 43,18 53,39 67,34 36,-11 71,20 79,37 100,59 98,76 103,84 70,57 57,76 46,85 6,12 71,150 10,59 5,47 26,61 31,35 46,15 8,13 12,18 10,40 -7,55 -13,26 -28,37 -43,44 -97,116 -81,101 -102,121 -84,103 -3,5 -34,54 -28,62 -35,71 -25,68 -21,83 -40,107 -15,46 -16,50 -31,64 -40,38 -4,2 -52,22 -34,17 -7,4 -27,20 -19,26 -15,40 -5,45 0,76 9,57 8,105 5,66 4,121 -10,116 1,15 4,72 -2,86 8,79 10,86 10,101 36,137 36,109 46,133 31,91 9,26 12,35 3,44 -2,61 -13,61 17,41 6,9 33,48 12,18 36,76 11,101 0,81 3,56 2,25 16,116 -3,111 3,71 28,59 33,47 51,45 77,40 72,46 71,65 41,81 4,11 22,69 24,90 18,60 15,48 15,40 26,20 10,7 20,13 23,29 18,27 1,37 -3,51 3,89 6,123 14,114 26,96 21,96 15,60 8,40 18,41 15,30 18,28 8,28 0,32 -10,34 -4,17 2,6 5,19 16,25 22,13 20,10 11,20 1,15 6,20 22,35 21,14 21,4 15,3 26,0 20,-1 31,4 26,14 15,18 5,31 0,25 16,30 15,16 5,4 27,19 37,24 89,46 79,42 65,50 51,41 36,45 55,42 47,29 63,32 50,28 49,13 57,8 25,-1 41,-7 46,-2 42,13 47,24 51,22 35,15 67,25 21,8 50,21 108,16 82,20 218,62 165,28 113,20 119,29 140,21 104,25 56,15 82,10 76,15 57,15 69,26 69,24 62,47 35,48 15,20 41,71 25,53 23,54 14,60 10,50 16,51 29,51 42,97 52,99 22,59 24,72 28,57 39,49 61,55 44,31 38,50 23,49 18,60 26,82 5,56 -15,50 -41,61 -40,61 -36,66 -10,50 -5,76 3,41 2,35 41,60 70,67 94,69 113,65 82,40 63,23 16,9 79,29 56,21 72,24 51,30 31,30 21,44 8,61 17,49 41,48 16,10 52,39 9,6 83,40 94,36 74,35 4,2 62,33 62,50 67,60 35,20 43,12 37,24 14,12 18,17 54,68 87,102 75,78 41,55 41,67 52,74 46,60 32,22 9,3 6,1 19,4 21,20 9,25 6,31 2,34 -2,66 -8,51 -19,46 -23,55 -21,61 -14,64 -1,20 0,37 4,21 7,38 15,57 24,76 17,34 36,77 46,88 36,43 52,70 69,87 64,84 45,43 10,9 68,54 54,37 53,23 77,22 62,12 62,17 35,14 58,29 13,7 82,43 77,37 98,65 83,43 83,32 62,12 73,19 25,7 63,21 4,2 88,49 88,42 55,19 41,29 29,34 22,49 16,43 10,51 7,66 34,40 35,18 42,7 5,1 67,14 41,-6 41,15 30,26 30,43 8,34 3,13 1,51 8,22 2,79 -10,96 -9,109 -9,87 -2,19 5,82 12,86 1,8 13,65 35,100 48,69 9,21 16,38 21,57 30,47 28,64 29,40 10,29 1,47 -13,39 -18,42 -20,35 -16,40 -5,41 -3,47 -3,41 -24,53 -25,45 -46,73 -29,46 -2,66 11,68 26,67 30,54 24,61 26,73 13,60 4,68 -14,59 -2,7 -19,45 -14,37 -11,29 -37,81 -36,99 -17,92 -11,96 -12,61 -10,45 -17,42 -13,24 -16,28 -8,51 -2,42 -10,86 9,26 12,37 10,78 -4,59 -21,52 -26,35 -45,33 -51,21 -4,1 -68,22 -62,20 -46,27 -46,31 -4,4 -66,57 -18,15 -4,3 -25,19 -42,29 -83,57 -95,54 -47,26 -13,7 -59,43 -70,64 -56,66 -61,86 -42,67 -25,49 -11,44 1,20 2,45 9,77 20,76 6,96 -6,58 -9,46 -41,42 -57,56 -30,50 -16,50 -6,31 -7,35 -2,61 -8,66 -17,50 -14,57 8,55 -4,85 16,146 5,96 11,106 5,70 -5,57 -17,36 -39,39 -44,40 -48,25 -52,26 -61,22 -66,13 -86,24 -90,49 -60,44 -39,46 -33,57 -30,59 -33,25 -44,37 -30,39 -43,55 -39,57 -36,50 -46,50 -50,38 -52,33 -48,16 -61,13 -80,2 -118,-10 -80,-10 -72,-17 -42,-13 -46,-13 -47,-7 -41,0 -5,1 -46,5 -66,35 -46,30 -52,31 -41,11 -51,9 -41,15 -39,22 -42,29 -41,45 -15,26 -6,45 -9,45 -16,38 -15,28 -34,24 -64,54 -87,74 -51,51 -51,55 -47,47 -35,24 -34,20 -47,2 -67,-2 -4,0 -63,17 -48,23 -49,16 -71,21 -73,12 -61,8 -46,10 -51,11 -66,11 -57,2 -4,1 -62,6 -62,-5 -76,-5 -67,-5 -77,-12 -26,-4 -5,0 -67,-2 -4,0 -72,-1 -66,-5 -62,0 -51,5 -78,1 -4,0 -83,9 -55,16 -46,26 -4,3 -47,32 -41,35 -57,41 -54,37 -53,38 -87,43 -77,33 -41,16 -71,30 -36,10 -31,0 -104,-12 -60,-8 -54,-18 -63,-22 -41,-15 -46,-10 -52,0 -46,6 -40,14 -41,17 -55,17 -53,18 -110,24 -55,18 -40,18 -40,26 -26,30 -21,40 -10,46 -10,40 0,106 -2,49 -2,50 -16,32 -27,41 -30,50 -25,61 -24,74 -12,81 -11,96 -4,112 4,39 -1,16 -1,20 7,60 -12,62 -2,65 -10,40 -20,45 -26,46 -26,45 -22,41 -43,72 -28,52 -19,46 -17,66 -9,36 -23,72 -28,49 -30,46 -18,34 -8,46 2,50 17,40 22,29 49,59 44,49 32,53 23,50 21,48 11,65 10,36 18,50 43,59 38,33 4,2 37,17 32,13 31,19 32,29 16,39 11,25 10,36 15,39 33,39 34,17 51,20 66,12 51,-2 42,-6 4,-1 45,-17 31,-8 20,-5 47,13 58,29 53,52 29,43 31,56 50,88 56,99 37,59 31,66 54,76 43,60 34,58 18,42 11,42 2,51 -3,64 -2,62 -3,38 0,41 5,45 5,61 21,80 10,76 0,85 1,111 0,101 -5,76 -5,67 -7,60 -12,82 -13,61 -22,66 -14,31 -4,41 7,40 7,50 17,34 12,40 2,35 -4,36 -7,36 -13,56 -18,91 -21,92 -27,80 -24,31 -35,34 -35,22 -40,26 -4,3 -36,29 -35,22 -37,14 -33,14 -25,17 -25,21 -25,29 -72,96 -45,66 -52,54 -63,84 -59,74 -23,60 -33,81 -36,65 -31,46 -43,42 -29,29 -36,24 -34,37 -17,24 -19,34 -32,42 -44,36 -22,55 -16,55 -1,48 17,58 25,101 9,70 -1,91 -13,45 -10,56 -15,65 -15,46 -23,44 -19,41 -29,46 -16,35 -17,37 -9,49 -12,53 -8,53 -5,40 5,74 15,67 11,53 -2,81 -4,62 -5,81 -13,64 -18,46 -20,46 -30,46 -36,40 -35,30 -45,37 -43,29 -92,53 -49,42 -65,43 -81,54 -53,34 -19,11 -42,10 -62,3 -44,3 -58,-3 -60,-12 -23,-2 -28,-3 -57,0 -56,5 -57,10 -63,11 -71,18 -85,34 -103,44 -82,35 -178,78 -131,61 -85,39 -52,29 -52,46 -56,50 -48,40 -49,61 -69,60 -69,69 -69,58 -64,60 -30,30 -28,57 -24,59 -7,58 2,48 25,45 41,36 31,25 41,6 51,24 39,33 48,42 38,45 27,39 28,52 20,56 21,55 15,55 5,86 -5,55 -10,81 -20,96 -32,88 -18,57 -17,76 -18,61 3,55 -5,71 15,65 31,66 48,87 24,48 15,66 0,60 -15,56 -31,40 -46,35 -35,24 -16,12 -71,14 -86,19 -71,13 -39,15 -51,20 -37,-33 -76,-22 -41,-11 -31,-4 -20,10 -17,24 -10,30 -24,26 -28,18 -34,8 -26,-5 -20,-21 -5,-25 0,-30 -12,-25 -19,-15 -46,0 -26,10 -30,5 -31,-5 -22,-8 -21,-20 -14,-27 3,-38 -13,-38 -29,-27 -46,-25 -36,-19 -74,-39 -61,-30 -41,-26 -21,-25 0,-29 11,-31 15,-35 21,-46 10,-40 -16,-25 -20,-5 -28,-4 -28,-16 -16,-21 -10,-35 15,-30 21,-20 20,-20 21,-26 10,-35 -5,-25 -16,-30 -30,-20 -31,5 -51,0 -87,8 -82,-13 -73,-26 -50,-39 -47,-51 -27,-59 -50,-117 -25,-50 -30,-39 -37,-21 -40,-23 -47,-25 -41,-24 -31,-35 -21,-35 -16,-40 -10,-36 1,-44 13,-41 -1,-51 0,-60 -6,-35 -26,-30 -31,-20 -36,-15 -62,-15 -133,-33 -128,-29 -88,-24 -45,-24 -31,-41 -15,-40 0,-35 12,-40 8,-36 -5,-40 0,-25 -10,-30 -26,-46 -36,-30 -31,-24 -93,-59 -76,-58 -6,-7 -63,-80 -23,-54 -122,8 -403,27 -925,63 -366,19 -997,52 -1000,44 -1302,54 -189,7 -2101,78 -302,8 -640,19 -1349,38 -1891,51 -403,10 -1221,32 -788,7 -288,2 -1184,7 -1102,5 -777,12 -1529,20 -502,6 -1781,17 -47,-1 -2021,-18 -200,-3 -1156,-28 -1138,-30 -1267,-46 -1025,-39 -1394,-54 -861,-35 -584,-21 -1687,-64 -1626,-68 103,-71 44,-124 -20,-62 -145,-140 -18,-206 -34,-83 -162,-174 -225,-58 -169,-116 -72,-280 -57,-65 -198,-111 -28,-80 -15,-129 63,-161 97,-96 235,-119 51,-59 37,-95 0,-22 -6,-39 -19,-46 -26,-56 -10,-40 -18,-50 -7,-56 5,-40 10,-46 32,-58 15,-47 -10,-91 5,-45 -28,-60 -27,-53 -11,-34 -9,-43 13,-45 13,-34 19,-39 26,-18 41,-12 46,-15 54,-4 38,-21 26,-25 35,-38 20,-64 3,-45 4,-55 -10,-34 -36,-46 -42,-48 -45,-48 -40,-59 -39,-99 -12,-64 -4,-73 9,-45 9,-60 17,-49 21,-45 23,-38 14,-50 3,-45 2,-48 -16,-51 -12,-39 -28,-41 -23,-23 -49,-23 -56,-25 -41,-21 -33,-25 -28,-25 -4,-10 -21,-23 -23,-46 -6,-49 50,-115 43,-73 7,-86 -22,-64 -100,-108 -2,-2 -48,-55 -21,-75 5,-29 16,-32 41,-35 27,-28 35,-32 32,-49 23,-34 14,-49 -2,-41 -10,-59 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35,-42 31,-61 13,-68 12,-90 7,-129 -16,-90 -24,-72 -41,-61 -66,-43 -67,-23 -92,-26 -112,5 -128,12 -13,-3 -74,-15 -79,-29 -35,-18 -18,-20 -6,-58 12,-24 4,-39 -14,-33 -59,-25 -41,-3 -24,-17 -4,-87 107,-47 21,-35 5,-46 1,-177 -10,-85 -56,-36 -76,10 -21,-35 -10,-18 3,-50 13,-34 25,-20 31,10 36,-4 10,-31 6,-13 -25,-12 -32,-5 -20,-31 -10,-50 30,-23 -55,-33 -15,-66 -10,-25 0,-25 -10,-51 -36,-91 -30,-20 -31,5 -15,7 -6,8 -35,30 -16,5 -33,-15 -18,-27 1,-10 1,-20 9,-14 15,-15 15,-3 11,-2 47,-24 33,-33 5,-56 -8,-18 -15,-20 -19,-21 -22,-42 -15,-29 -13,-3 -28,-22 -25,-20 -26,-36 0,-91 -9,-35 -46,-31 -46,15 -35,15 -25,-2 4,-94 -43,-61 -20,-11 -61,0 -21,-2 -2,-35 12,-20 3,-23 -92,-97 -25,0 -50,-80 -27,-21 -25,-10 -28,10 -29,-18 -27,8 -26,13 -18,-31 -40,-75 -21,6 -20,-21 -1,-38 24,-44 7,-25 -4,-21 -48,-34 -12,-46 15,-39 -31,-46 -1,-28 29,-43 3,-20 27,-95 40,-25 35,-9 27,-16 -31,-36 -10,0 -43,-8 -43,-39 -3,-36 8,-24 27,-29 62,-61 46,-72 96,-33 25,-15 5,-49 103,-67 -30,-79 19,-39 32,-59 32,-38 10,-27 41,-35 -5,-76 15,-30 -5,-5 11,-25 30,10 35,11 31,80 21,5 20,-10 5,-79 16,-9 5,-4 15,7 26,-15 -10,-71 4,-40 43,-17 22,-19 42,-12 2,-25 -42,-54 -18,-32 2,-20 12,-24 -8,-31 9,-39 38,-44 44,-1 10,-30 -35,-26 -5,-35 36,-35 76,-20 6,-30 -18,-27 -18,-9 -15,-20 -36,-1 -9,-21 19,-110 1,-15 2,-91 60,-85 52,-81 51,41 5,-36 4,-59 22,-42 58,-3 19,-16 -13,-54 18,-53 57,-55 -14,-24 -22,-92 -30,-29 -31,-12 -35,-46 6,-83 40,-53 -2,-36 110,-64 47,-71 2,-70 -29,-83 -131,-87 1,-49 46,-60 -16,-30 -30,-1 -31,-4 -25,-11 20,-35 11,-26 71,-30 77,-24 56,-10 149,-131 51,15 51,-19 62,-101 -5,-13 35,-58 3,-36 -7,-35 -20,-25 -31,-20 6,-36 6,-19 40,-21 44,-64 43,-67 40,-73 14,-111 -42,-114 -97,-96 -76,-60 27,-254 -14,-95 -39,-99 -3,-82 17,-129 -40,-111 -71,-66 -6,0 -92,4 -65,49 -93,6 -127,-92 -70,2 -56,-14 -58,26 -16,11 -30,-15 -18,-32 -18,-35 -15,-30 -4,-49 18,-34 7,-18 56,-25 60,-24 -18,-92 -20,-20 -17,-24 -11,-14 -3,-5 -56,-24 -10,-35 -51,-36 -66,-20 -15,-51 57,-55 -18,-37 18,-90 -36,-8 -29,-22 54,-37 86,17 94,1 107,10 98,-38 46,-123 -15,-76 -8,-210 43,-88 8,-101 -2,-167 48,-40 -6,-48 17,-151 -46,-65 -70,-4 -40,-25 -43,-33 -50,-34 -25,-41 -20,-71 -70,-35 -17,-47 -17,-42 13,-34 -8,-31 -114,-29 -54,-50 -37,-44 2,-96 24,-68 36,-61 56,-65 15,-95 -17,-174 -69,-36 -24,-25 0,-30 -5,-15 1158,36 2991,101 255,7 1562,41 1383,32 1888,52 557,13 837,19 2980,56 266,6 189,4 3052,51 316,3 1557,10 1378,9 883,6 2353,9 240,3 1230,8 1715,9 1894,-8 214,-1 1159,-4 2649,-16 556,-5 271,-2 2975,-34 21,-1 2827,-52 348,-7 643,-16 2552,-60 158,0 20,-1 153,-3 z" style="stroke:#000000;stroke-opacity:1;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none"
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<p>Iowa 2011 Census Data</p>
var pop_json = [{"name": "Adair", "population": 7682},
{"name": "Adams", "population": 4029},
{"name": "Allamakee", "population": 14330},
{"name": "Appanoose", "population": 12887},
{"name": "Audubon", "population": 6119},
{"name": "Benton", "population": 26076},
{"name": "Black Hawk", "population": 131090},
{"name": "Boone", "population": 26306},
{"name": "Bremer", "population": 24276},
{"name": "Buchanan", "population": 20958},
{"name": "Buena Vista", "population": 20260},
{"name": "Butler", "population": 14867},
{"name": "Calhoun", "population": 9670},
{"name": "Carroll", "population": 20816},
{"name": "Cass", "population": 13956},
{"name": "Cedar", "population": 18499},
{"name": "Cerro Gordo", "population": 44151},
{"name": "Cherokee", "population": 12072},
{"name": "Chickasaw", "population": 12439},
{"name": "Clarke", "population": 9286},
{"name": "Clay", "population": 16667},
{"name": "Clayton", "population": 18129},
{"name": "Clinton", "population": 49116},
{"name": "Crawford", "population": 17096},
{"name": "Dallas", "population": 66135},
{"name": "Davis", "population": 8753},
{"name": "Decatur", "population": 8457},
{"name": "Delaware", "population": 17764},
{"name": "Des Moines", "population": 40325},
{"name": "Dickinson", "population": 16667},
{"name": "Dubuque", "population": 93653},
{"name": "Emmet", "population": 10302},
{"name": "Fayette", "population": 20880},
{"name": "Floyd", "population": 16303},
{"name": "Franklin", "population": 10680},
{"name": "Fremont", "population": 7441},
{"name": "Greene", "population": 9336},
{"name": "Grundy", "population": 12453},
{"name": "Guthrie", "population": 10954},
{"name": "Hamilton", "population": 15673},
{"name": "Hancock", "population": 11341},
{"name": "Hardin", "population": 17534},
{"name": "Harrison", "population": 14928},
{"name": "Henry", "population": 20145},
{"name": "Howard", "population": 9566},
{"name": "Humboldt", "population": 9815},
{"name": "Ida", "population": 7089},
{"name": "Iowa", "population": 16355},
{"name": "Jackson", "population": 19848},
{"name": "Jasper", "population": 36842},
{"name": "Jefferson", "population": 16843},
{"name": "Johnson", "population": 130882},
{"name": "Jones", "population": 20638},
{"name": "Keokuk", "population": 10511},
{"name": "Kossuth", "population": 15543},
{"name": "Lee", "population": 35862},
{"name": "Linn", "population": 211226},
{"name": "Louisa", "population": 11387},
{"name": "Lucas", "population": 8898},
{"name": "Lyon", "population": 11581},
{"name": "Madison", "population": 15679},
{"name": "Mahaska", "population": 22381},
{"name": "Marion", "population": 33309},
{"name": "Marshall", "population": 40648},
{"name": "Mills", "population": 15059},
{"name": "Mitchell", "population": 10776},
{"name": "Monona", "population": 9243},
{"name": "Monroe", "population": 7970},
{"name": "Montgomery", "population": 10740},
{"name": "Muscatine", "population": 42745},
{"name": "O'Brien", "population": 14398},
{"name": "Osceola", "population": 6462},
{"name": "Page", "population": 15932},
{"name": "Palo Alto", "population": 9421},
{"name": "Plymouth", "population": 24986},
{"name": "Pocahontas", "population": 7310},
{"name": "Polk", "population": 430640},
{"name": "Pottawattamie", "population": 93158},
{"name": "Poweshiek", "population": 18914},
{"name": "Ringgold", "population": 5131},
{"name": "Sac", "population": 10350},
{"name": "Scott", "population": 165224},
{"name": "Shelby", "population": 12167},
{"name": "Sioux", "population": 33704},
{"name": "Story", "population": 89542},
{"name": "Tama", "population": 17767},
{"name": "Taylor", "population": 6317},
{"name": "Union", "population": 12534},
{"name": "Van Buren", "population": 7570},
{"name": "Wapello", "population": 35625},
{"name": "Warren", "population": 46225},
{"name": "Washington", "population": 21704},
{"name": "Wayne", "population": 6403},
{"name": "Webster", "population": 38013},
{"name": "Winnebago", "population": 10866},
{"name": "Winneshiek", "population": 21056},
{"name": "Woodbury", "population": 102172},
{"name": "Worth", "population": 7598},
{"name": "Wright", "population": 13229}];
var min = d3.min(pop_json, function(d) { return d.population;});
var max = d3.max(pop_json, function(d) { return d.population;})/3;
var colorScale = d3.scale.linear()
.domain([min, max])
var counties = d3.selectAll(".county")
.attr("fill", function(d) { return "hsla(202, 100%, 38%, "+ colorScale(d.population) +")"; })
gravity: 'w',
html: true,
title: function() {
var d = this.__data__;
return + ": " + d.population;
Copy link

Could you please fix the broken link to d3.js, using ? Thanks!

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