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Created March 28, 2013 19:10
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Vagrant isn't bullet proof
Several of my co-workers have been evangelizing about Vagrant for sometime. I actually think it's a pretty cool concept, so when the opportunity came around today to give it a try, I jumped.
Getting Startedd
Despite what the directions provided at Vagrant might have you believe, this isn't enough to get you started:
$ vagrant init precise32
$ vagrant up
In fact when I tried this thrift maneuver, I got the following:
> vagrant up
There were warnings and/or errors while loading your Vagrantfile.
Your Vagrantfile was written for an earlier version of Vagrant,
and while Vagrant does the best it can to remain backwards
compatible, there are some cases where things have changed
significantly enough to warrant a message. These messages are
shown below.
* `config.vm.customize` calls are VirtualBox-specific. If you're
using any other provider, you'll have to find provider-specific configuration
to translate to manually in your Vagrantfile.
Bringing machine 'default' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
[default] Box 'precise64' was not found. Fetching box from specified URL for
the provider 'virtualbox'. Note that if the URL does not have
a box for this provider, you should interrupt Vagrant now and add
the box yourself. Otherwise Vagrant will attempt to download the
full box prior to discovering this error.
Downloading with Vagrant::Downloaders::HTTP...
Downloading box:
Progress: 8% (28186380 / 320671744)^CWaiting for cleanup before exiting...
According to my coworker, Vagrant was just "being overly explicit". He suggested I do the following:
* uninstall vagrant, and use OSX version listed here:
* Sorry about that, I didn’t know they had got up to 1.1.2.
So I did the following:
* Unistalled Vagrant 1.1.2, installed Vagrant 1.0.3
> vagrant up
The local file Vagrant uses to store data ".vagrant" already exists
and is a directory! If you are in your home directory, then please run
this command in another directory. If you aren't in a home directory,
then please rename ".vagrant" to something else, or configure Vagrant
to use another filename by modifying `config.vagrant.dotfile_name`.
To which he replied, "Just delete the .vagrant file."
So I did the following:
> rm -rf .vagrant/
> vagrant up
Vagrant has detected that you have a version of VirtualBox installed
that is not supported. Please install one of the supported versions
listed below to use Vagrant:
4.0, 4.1
Awesome, guess I have to uninstall Virtualbox and re-install. So I did, and then ran the following:
> vagrant up
There was a problem with the configuration of Vagrant. The error message(s)
are printed below:
* Base MAC address for eth0/NAT must be set. Contact box maintainer for more information.
Is there no justice? So I responded to my coworker (who's evangelizing was wearing thin at this point):
Deleted the .vagrant directory (not a file)
~ > vagrant up
Vagrant has detected that you have a version of VirtualBox installed
that is not supported. Please install one of the supported versions
listed below to use Vagrant:
4.0, 4.1
// uninstalled virtualbox
// re-installed v4.1
> vagrant up
There was a problem with the configuration of Vagrant. The error message(s)
are printed below:
* Base MAC address for eth0/NAT must be set. Contact box maintainer for more information.
Later we finally realized that it might just be the right move to manually edit the Vagrant file, manually adding the box: = "precise64"
config.vm.box_url = ""
A reload later … and we were finally in business
> vagrant reload
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