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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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  • Save clojens/5a7eecbf5b7dd599be2e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save clojens/5a7eecbf5b7dd599be2e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// ==UserScript==
// @name URL Observer Addon
// @namespace anon
// @match http://*/*
// @match https://*/*
// @exclude http://localhost/*
// @version 2
// @require
// @grant GM_info
// @grant metadata
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @run-at document-end
// ==/UserScript==
window.addEventListener("load", Greasemonkey_main, false);
function Greasemonkey_main () {
function GM_main ($) {
//alert ('jQuery is installed with no conflicts! The version is: ' + $.fn.jquery);
if (typeof jQuery === "function") {
console.log ("Running with local copy of jQuery!");
GM_main (jQuery);
else {
console.log ("fetching jQuery from some 3rd-party server.");
add_jQuery (GM_main, "1.7.2");
function add_jQuery (callbackFn, jqVersion) {
var jqVersion = jqVersion || "1.7.2";
var D = document;
var targ = D.getElementsByTagName ('head')[0] || D.body || D.documentElement;
var scriptNode = D.createElement ('script');
scriptNode.src = ''
+ jqVersion
+ '/jquery.min.js'
scriptNode.addEventListener ("load", function () {
var scriptNode = D.createElement ("script");
scriptNode.textContent =
'var gm_jQuery = jQuery.noConflict (true);\n'
+ '(' + callbackFn.toString () + ')(gm_jQuery);'
targ.appendChild (scriptNode);
}, false);
targ.appendChild (scriptNode);
var links = document.links;
var aLen = links.length;
var href = [];
for (var i = 0; i < aLen; i++)
var hrefs = JSON.stringify(href);
method: "POST",
url: "http://localhost/webhooks/urls.php",
data: hrefs,
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8' },
onload: function(response) {
console.log('gm:' + r.responseText);
# I trust I need not explain this?
mysql_connect('localhost', '', '');
$data = file_get_contents("php://input");
$urls = json_decode($data);
foreach($urls as $url)
$host = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST);
$domain = mysql_real_escape_string($host);
$hash = md5($url);
$url = mysql_real_escape_string($url);
mysql_query("INSERT IGNORE INTO urls (url,hash,host) VALUES ('$url','$hash','$domain') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE url='$url'");
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