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Created August 19, 2013 11:24
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Long polling example in Clojure
(ns long-polling
(:require [ :as json]))
(def timeout 100) ; sec
;[clojure.contrib.http.agent :as h]
;(use 'clojure.contrib.http.agent)
; fetch, this will wait if no messages are active
;(string (http-agent ""))
(import '(java.util.concurrent BlockingQueue LinkedBlockingQueue TimeUnit))
(defstruct Poller
(let [i (atom 0)]
(defn generate-unique-id
"Returns a distinct numeric ID for each call."
(swap! i inc)))
; id => ref it's watching
(def pollers (ref []))
; gc
(defn has-expired [poller]
(> (- (System/currentTimeMillis) (:last-polled poller)) (* 2 timeout 1000)))
(defn gc-pollers []
(common/ref-upd pollers (doall (filter #(not (has-expired %)) @pollers))))
(def pollers-gc (agent nil))
(defn loop-gc-pollers [state]
(Thread/sleep (* timeout 1000))
(send pollers-gc loop-gc-pollers))
(defn start-gc-pollers []
(send pollers-gc loop-gc-pollers))
(defn add-to-pollers [watching filter-func]
(let [p (struct Poller (generate-unique-id) watching (new LinkedBlockingQueue) filter-func (System/currentTimeMillis))]
(common/ref-add pollers p)
; Because compojure doesn't allow us to know when a client has
; disconnect, we send out messages every timeout s. This is also to avoid
; memory leaks, so we consider this a not-so-long-polling-implementation
(defn get-msg [id]
(let [q (common/find-first #(= (:id %) id) @pollers)]
(cond q
(let [updated (merge q { :last-polled (System/currentTimeMillis) })
rest (filter #(not= (:id %) id) @pollers)]
(common/ref-upd pollers (doall (cons updated rest)))
(let [val (. (:queue q) poll timeout TimeUnit/SECONDS)]
(cond val val
(json/json-str {:msg "timeout"})))))
(format "id not found %s" id))))
(defn add-msg [id msg old]
(when (not= msg old)
(let [qe (common/find-first #(= (:id %) id) @pollers)]
(when qe
(cond (:filter-func qe)
(. (:queue qe) put (json/json-str ((:filter-func qe) msg)))
(. (:queue qe) put (json/json-str msg)))))))
;(defn write-json [id data]
; (h/http-agent (str "" id)
; :method "POST" :body (json/json-str{ :data data })
; :handler (fn [agnt] (println (h/headers agnt)))))
; returns the unique id that will be publishing using
(defn register-polling [ref-to-watch filter-func]
(let [p-id (:id (add-to-pollers ref-to-watch filter-func))]
(add-watch ref-to-watch "polling" (fn [_ ref old new]
(add-msg p-id new old)))
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