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Created July 23, 2020 03:28
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OAuth2 by Clojure
(:require [cheshire.core :refer [parse-string generate-string]]
[mount.core :refer [defstate]]
[buddy.core.keys :as keys]
[buddy.core.dsa :as dsa]
[backend.config :refer [env]]
[org.httpkit.client :as http])
(:import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64))
(def access_token (atom nil))
(defstate private-key :start (-> env
(defn unixtime-now
(-> (java.util.Date.)
(/ 1000)
(defn- enc-header []
(-> {:alg "RS256"
:typ "JWT"}
(.getBytes "UTF-8")
(defn- enc-claim []
(-> {:iss ""
:scope ""
:aud ""
:exp (+ 3600 (unixtime-now))
:iat (unixtime-now)}
(.getBytes "UTF-8")
(defn sig []
(let [h (enc-header)
c (enc-claim)
s (-> (clojure.string/join "." [h c])
(dsa/sign {:key private-key :alg :rsassa-pkcs15+sha256})
(clojure.string/join "." [h c s])))
(defn access-token []
(reset! access_token
(-> @(http/post ""
{:grant_type "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer"
:assertion (sig)}})
(parse-string true)
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