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Created October 8, 2015 14:35
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Save clooth/9a74ec2110715c682966 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
/// All targets have the same base URL
let BaseURL = NSURL(string: "")!
/// First target handles user-related api endpoints
/// .Authentication needs to:
/// 1. Make the request to the path with the given credentials
/// 2. Get back an access token and store it somewhere
/// .Profile requires that access token to be set in the request headers, since it's an authenticated endpoint
/// but I can't seem to figure out how I can do this simply enough.
/// Do I need a wrapper class for MoyaProvider that keeps track of all my targets or something and then
/// passes the stored access tokens around to the endpoints and requests?
enum FirstTarget: MoyaTarget {
case Authenticate(username: String, password: String)
case Profile
var baseURL: NSURL { return BaseURL }
var path: String {
switch self {
case .Authenticate:
return "auth"
case .Profile:
return "profile"
var method: Moya.Method {
switch self {
case .Authenticate: return .POST
case .Profile: return .GET
var parameters: [String: AnyObject]? {
switch self {
case .Authenticate(let username, let password):
return ["username": username, "password": password]
case .Profile:
return nil
var sampleData: NSData { return NSData() }
/// The second target handles photo related api calls, all calls require the before mentioned access token as they
/// are authenticated api endpoints.
/// In addition, the .Upload needs to construct a custom HTTPBody for the image data to be sent to the upload API.
/// All endpoints except .Authenticate need the access token in all targets.
enum SecondTarget: MoyaTarget {
case Photos
case Upload(NSData)
var baseURL: NSURL { return BaseURL }
var path: String {
switch self {
case .Photos: return "photos"
case .Upload: return "photos/upload"
var method: Moya.Method {
switch self {
case .Photos: return .GET
case .Upload: return .POST
var parameters: [String: AnyObject]? {
return nil
var sampleData: NSData { return NSData() }
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