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Created October 10, 2014 02:49
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namespace Scratch
open System
open System.Windows
open FsXaml
module ScratchModel =
type CustomQueryView = XAML<"CustomQuery.xaml">
type CustomQuery() =
let cqv = new CustomQueryView()
let accessor = CustomQueryView.Accessor(cqv)
let root = accessor.ControlRoot
member val Root = root with get
member val Query = accessor.QueryBox.Text with get, set
member val ResultSource = accessor.ResultBox.ItemsSource with get, set
type WindowXAM = XAML<"ScratchWindow.xaml">
let testList = ["list";"of";"test";"elements";"for";"the query";"box so";"we can see";"how";"well";"it works" ]
type ScratchWindow() =
let xaml_ui = new WindowXAM ()
let root_ui = xaml_ui.CreateRoot ()
let win = WindowXAM.Accessor ( root_ui )
let window = win.WindowRoot
let mainPanel = win.StackTop
let QueryControl = CustomQuery()
QueryControl.ResultSource <- testList
mainPanel.Children.Add(QueryControl.Root) |> ignore
member val Window = window with get
member val TopPanel = mainPanel with get
member this.Show() =
win.WindowRoot.Visibility <- Visibility.Visible
member this.Hide() =
win.WindowRoot.Visibility <- Visibility.Hidden
let scratchwin = new ScratchWindow()
let ScratchApp = new Application()
ScratchApp.Run( scratchwin.Window ) |> ignore
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