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Last active September 22, 2015 08:32
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Using FSharp.Control.Reactive to recognize keyboard input
#r "PresentationCore"
#r "PresentationFramework"
#r "WindowsBase"
#r "System.Xaml"
#I "../../packages/FSharp.Control.Reactive.2.3.1/lib/net40/"
#I "../../packages/Rx-Linq.2.2.5/lib/net45"
#I "../../packages/Rx-Core.2.2.5/lib/net45"
#I "../../packages/Rx-Interfaces.2.2.5/lib/net45"
#I "../../packages/Rx-PlatformServices.2.2.5/lib/net45"
#I "../../packages/Rx-Providers.2.2.5/lib/net45"
#r "System.Reactive.Core"
#r "System.Reactive.Interfaces"
#r "System.Reactive.Providers"
#r "System.Reactive.PlatformServices"
#r "System.Reactive.Linq"
#r "FSharp.Control.Reactive"
// #endregion
open System
open System.Windows
open System.Windows.Input
open System.Windows.Media
open FSharp.Control.Reactive.Observable
open System.Collections.Generic
module ReactiveInput =
type Chord = (Key list) * Key
type ChordMulti = (Key list) * (Key list)
type Combo = Key list
type KeyInput =
| Chord of Chord
| ChordMulti of ChordMulti
| Combo of Combo
/// Does the key from the event match the specified key?
/// Used as a predicate for functions like 'filter'
let matchKey (k:Key) (x:KeyEventArgs) : bool =
x.Key = k
/// Does the key from the event match any of the keys in the list?
/// Used as a prediate for functions like 'filter'
let matchKeys (ks:Key list) (x:KeyEventArgs) =
let rec loop = function
| hd::tl when hd = x.Key -> true
| hd::tl -> loop tl
| [] -> false
loop ks
/// Returns an observable sequence if the last keyEvent
/// orginated from the provided key
/// Used with flatmap to build up combos
let nextKey ( k:Key ) ( keyEvent:IEvent<_,_> ) _ : IObservable<_> =
|> take 1
|> filter ( matchKey k )
/// Construct an observable that fires after a list of keys have been entered in order
/// e.g let listCombo = comboMaker ( window.KeyUp ) [ Key.NumPad4; Key.NumPad5; Key.NumPad6 ]
let comboMaker ( keys : Combo )
( keyUp : IEvent<KeyEventHandler,KeyEventArgs> ) : IObservable<_> =
let rec loop ( keys: Key list ) ( acc:IObservable<_> ) =
match keys with
| hd::tl -> loop tl ( acc |> flatmap ( nextKey hd keyUp ))
| [] -> acc
|> filter (matchKeys keys )
|> loop keys
/// Returns an observable sequence if the last keyDown event
/// orginated from any of the provided keys
/// Used with flatmap to build up combos
let nextKeyOr (ks:Key list) (keyEvent:IEvent<_,_>) _ =
|> take 1 |> filter ( matchKeys ks )
/// Constructs and observable that fires when the 'k' is pressed
/// while the 'hold' key is pressed down
/// While all keys are pressed down the observable will iterate,
/// release the 'holds' keys before 'k' and it will stop
let keyChord ((holds,k):Chord) (keyDown:IEvent<_,_>)(keyUp:IEvent<_,_>) =
/// fire as long as k is held down and none of the hold keys are released
let play _ = keyDown
|> takeWhile ( matchKey k )
|> takeUntilOther
( keyUp
|> filter ( matchKeys holds ))
// loop ensures that the number of nextDownKey checks equals the number of keys in the hold list
let rec chordLoop hs (acc:IObservable<KeyEventArgs>) =
match hs with
| hd::tl -> chordLoop tl ( acc |> flatmap ( nextKeyOr holds keyDown))
| [] -> acc
chordLoop holds keyDown
|> flatmap ( play )
|> distinct
/// Constructs and observable that fires when the sequence of keys in 'ks' are
/// pressed in order while the 'holds' keys are pressed down
let keyChordMulti ((holds,ks):ChordMulti)(keyDown:IEvent<_,_>)(keyUp:IEvent<_,_>) =
let chordBreak k =
( keyDown
|> filter ( fun x -> matchKeys (k::holds) x |> not ))
let playKey k _ = keyDown
|> filter ( matchKey k)
|> take 1
|> takeUntilOther
( keyUp |> filter ( matchKeys holds ) )
|> chordBreak k
let rec loop keys acc =
match keys with
| [] -> acc
| hd::tl -> loop tl ( acc |> flatmap (playKey hd ))
loop ks keyDown
|> filter (matchKeys (holds@ks))
|> distinct
/// Constructs and observable that fires when the sequence of keys in 'ks' are
/// pressed in order while the 'holds' keys are pressed down
/// If the 'holds' and the last key in the sequence are pressed down the observable
/// will continue to fire
let keyChordMultiSustain ((holds,ks): ChordMulti )
( keyDown : IEvent<_,_> )
( keyUp : IEvent<_,_> ) =
let chordBreak k =
( keyDown
|> filter ( fun x -> matchKeys (k::holds) x |> not ))
let playKey k _ = keyDown
|> filter ( matchKey k )
|> take 1
|> takeUntilOther
( keyUp |> filter ( matchKeys holds ))
|> chordBreak k
let sustain k _ = keyDown
|> filter ( matchKey k )
|> takeUntilOther
( keyUp |> filter ( matchKeys holds ))
let rec loop keys acc =
match keys with
| [] -> acc
| hd::[] -> acc |> flatmap ( sustain hd )
| hd::tl -> loop tl ( acc |> flatmap ( playKey hd ))
loop ks keyDown
|> filter (matchKeys (holds@ks))
|> distinct
/// Takes a list of inputs for combos, chords and multichords and constructs and observable
/// that fires when the keyinputs for each kind of hotkey signal occur in the order
/// of the inputlist
let complexCombo (inputs:KeyInput list)(keyDown:IEvent<_,_>)(keyUp:IEvent<_,_>) =
/// Variation on comboMaker that allows combos to be strung together
/// as part of a complex combo
let comboBuild ( keys: Key list ) (acc:IObservable<KeyEventArgs>) =
let rec comboLoop( keys: Key list ) ( acc:IObservable<_> ) =
match keys with
| hd::tl -> comboLoop tl ( acc |> flatmap ( nextKey hd keyDown ))
| [] -> acc
comboLoop keys acc
/// Variation on keyChord that allows chords to be strung together as
/// part of a complex combo
let chordBuild ((holds,k):Chord) (acc:IObservable<KeyEventArgs>) =
/// checks to make sure the keyDown matches k
let play _ = keyDown
|> take 1
|> filter ( matchKey k )
|> distinct
/// ends the chord if the holdkeys are released before k is pressed
let press _ = keyUp
|> takeWhile
( fun x -> not ( matchKeys holds x ))
|> take 1
|> distinct
let sustain x = play x
|> flatmap (press)
// holdLoop ensures that the number of nextDownKey checks equals the number of keys in the hold list
let rec holdLoop hs (acc:IObservable<KeyEventArgs>) =
match hs with
| hd::tl -> holdLoop tl ( acc |> flatmap ( nextKeyOr holds keyDown))
| [] -> acc
holdLoop holds acc
|> flatmap ( sustain )
|> distinct
/// Variation on keyChordMulti that allows multichords to be strung together as part of
/// a complex combo
let multichordBuild ((holds,ks):ChordMulti) (acc:IObservable<KeyEventArgs>) =
/// ends the chord if the holdkeys are released before all the keys in ks are pressed
let press _ = keyUp
|> takeWhile
( fun x -> not ( matchKeys holds x ))
|> take 1
|> distinct
/// holdLoop ensures that the number of nextDownKey checks equals the number of keys in the hold list
let rec holdLoop hs (acc:IObservable<KeyEventArgs>) =
match hs with
| hd::tl -> holdLoop tl ( acc |> flatmap ( nextKeyOr holds keyDown))
| [] -> acc
/// keyLoop ensures that after the holds are checked the keyDown stream matches
/// the keys in ks in order
let rec keyLoop keys acc =
match keys with
| [] -> acc
| k::tl -> keyLoop tl ( acc |> flatmap ( nextKey k keyDown ))
holdLoop holds acc
|> keyLoop ks
|> flatmap press
/// Recursively build the complexCombo observable based on the KeyInput list
let rec make (input:KeyInput list) (acc:IObservable<KeyEventArgs>) =
match input with
| Combo ks ::tl -> make tl ( comboBuild ks acc )
| Chord ks ::tl -> make tl ( chordBuild ks acc )
| ChordMulti ks ::tl -> make tl ( multichordBuild ks acc)
| [] -> acc
make inputs keyDown
|> distinct
let konamiCode (keyUp:IEvent<_,_>) = comboMaker [ Key.Up ; Key.Up ;
Key.Down; Key.Down ;
Key.Left; Key.Right ;
Key.Left; Key.Right ;
Key.B ; Key.A ] keyUp
open ReactiveInput
let rarr() = let rnd = new System.Random()
[| for x in 0..1000 -> (rnd.Next(1,300)) |]
type KeyPadder() as self =
let canvas = Controls.Canvas()
let keylabel = Controls.Label()
let grid = Controls.Grid()
let window = Window()
let rect = Shapes.Rectangle()
let initrect =
rect.Width <- 200.0
rect.Height <- 40.0
rect.Fill <- Brushes.DarkRed
window.Width <- 500.0
window.Height <- 500.0
let mutable count = 0
let setup =
keylabel.Content <- "show this"
keylabel.Background <- Brushes.White
keylabel.Width <- 200.0
keylabel.Height <- 200.0
canvas.Background <- Brushes.Black
grid.Children.Add(canvas) |> ignore
grid.Children.Add(keylabel) |> ignore
canvas.Children.Add(rect) |> ignore
window.Content <- grid
/// Shape Dragging
let overRect _ = rect.IsMouseOver
let moveUntil _ = canvas.MouseMove
|> takeUntilOther canvas.MouseLeftButtonUp
let dragMove = canvas.MouseLeftButtonDown
|> filter overRect
|> map moveUntil
|> concatInner
let moveRect (args:Input.MouseEventArgs) =
let pos = args.GetPosition(canvas)
let x, y = pos.X, pos.Y
rect.RenderTransform <- TranslateTransform(x,y)
/// When you hold down the block, shots fired!
let spaceKey = window.KeyUp
|> filter ( matchKey Key.Space )
let shootUntil _ = spaceKey
|> takeUntilOther canvas.MouseLeftButtonUp
let dragShot = canvas.MouseLeftButtonDown
|> filter overRect
|> map shootUntil
|> concatInner
let shotsFired _ = count <- count + 1
keylabel.Content <- "Shots Fired :: " + string count
let listCombo = comboMaker [Key.NumPad1;Key.NumPad2;Key.NumPad3] window.KeyUp
let repeatCombo = comboMaker [Key.NumPad1;Key.NumPad2;Key.NumPad1] window.KeyUp
let konami = konamiCode window.KeyUp
let tkey = keyChord ( [Key.LeftShift], Key.W ) window.KeyDown window.KeyUp
let tchord = keyChord ([ Key.RightShift; Key.RightCtrl; Key.LeftCtrl ], Key.G) window.KeyDown window.KeyUp
let multiChord = keyChordMulti ( [ Key.RightCtrl; Key.RightShift ] ,
[ Key.A; Key.S; Key.D; Key.F ] )
let com1:Combo = [Key.NumPad7;Key.NumPad8;Key.NumPad9]
let com2:Combo = [Key.NumPad4;Key.NumPad5;Key.NumPad6]
let c2:Chord = [Key.RightShift],Key.Z
let cm1:ChordMulti = [Key.RightCtrl],[Key.X;Key.C]
let cm2:ChordMulti = [Key.RightCtrl],[Key.V;Key.B]
let intch = keyChordMulti ( [Key.RightAlt;Key.RightShift] ,
[ Key.Z ] )
let cCombo = complexCombo [
Combo com1 ;
Chord c2 ;
Combo com1 ;
/// Subscriptions that trigger at the end of the observables defined above
let subs =
let num = Array.init 20 (fun x -> ref 0)
let sub str obs = subscribe ( fun x -> printfn "%s !!!!" str ) obs |> ignore
let sub' n str obs = subscribe ( fun x -> n := !n + 1
printfn "%s played %d" str !n ) obs |> ignore
subscribe moveRect dragMove |> ignore
subscribe shotsFired listCombo |> ignore
subscribe shotsFired dragShot |> ignore
sub "KONAMI" konami
sub' num.[0] "Hold Key List chord" tchord
sub' num.[1] "chord" tkey
sub' num.[2] "multi-chord" multiChord
sub' num.[3] "Complex Combo" cCombo
sub' num.[4] "list Combo" listCombo
sub' num.[5] "repeat Combo" repeatCombo
member this.Dispose() =
interface IDisposable with
member x.Dispose() = self.Dispose()
let kp = new KeyPadder()
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