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F# Transducers - they work for the most part
open System.Collections.Generic
open Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
module Folds =
// These are the fast implementations we actually want to use
/// Tail-recursive left fold
let inline foldl (stepfn:'b->'a->'b)(acc:'b)(coll:#seq<'a>) : 'b =
use enumer = coll.GetEnumerator()
let rec loop acc' =
match enumer.MoveNext() with
| false -> acc'
| true -> loop ( stepfn acc' enumer.Current )
loop acc
let inline foldlpost (stepfn:'b->'a->'b)(postfn:'b->'c)(acc:'b)(coll:#seq<'a>) : 'c =
use enumer = coll.GetEnumerator()
let rec loop acc' =
match enumer.MoveNext() with
| false -> postfn acc'
| true -> loop ( stepfn acc' enumer.Current )
loop acc
// let inline unfold
// (stepfn)(acc)
// (pred)(mapElm)(inc)(seed) =
// let rec loop acc' state =
// match pred state with
// | false -> acc'
// | true -> loop (stepfn acc' (mapElm state)) (inc state)
// loop acc seed
let inline unfold
(pred:'a->bool)(mapElm:'a->'b)(inc:'a->'a)(seed:'a) : 'c =
let rec loop acc' state =
match pred state with
| false -> acc'
| true -> loop (stepfn acc' (mapElm state)) (inc state)
loop acc seed
/// Tail-recursive left unfold
let inline unfoldlsl (pred:'a->bool)(mapElm:'a->'b)(inc:'a->'a)(seed:'a) : 'b list =
let rec loop acc' state =
match pred state with
| false -> acc'
| true -> loop (mapElm state::acc') (inc state)
loop [] seed
let inline unfoldls pred mapElm inc seed = unfoldlsl pred mapElm inc seed |> List.rev
let inline unfoldpost
(stepfn:'c->'b->'c) (acc:'c)
(pred:'a->bool)(mapElm:'a->'b)(inc:'a->'a)(seed:'a): 'd =
let rec loop acc' state =
match pred state with
| false -> postfn acc'
| true -> loop(stepfn acc' (mapElm state)) (inc state)
loop acc seed
// let hyloUnfold h f g = hylo h (f ) (unfold g)
// TODO implement scan
module Left =
let map ( f :'a->'b ) ( collection:#seq<'a> ) =
foldl ( fun acc elm -> (f elm)::acc) [] collection
let filter (pred:'a -> bool) (collection:#seq<'a>) =
foldl ( fun acc elm -> if pred elm then elm::acc else acc ) [] collection
let collect ( f :'a->'b list ) ( collection:#seq<'a> ) =
let cons xs x = x::xs
foldl ( fun acc elm -> foldl cons acc (f elm)) [] collection
let take num (collection:#seq<'a>) =
match num with
| 0 -> []
| x when x < 0 ->
invalidArg "num" (sprintf "args for take must be postive, value passed in was %d" num )
| _ ->
use numer = collection.GetEnumerator()
let rec loop (acc:'a list) (cnt:int) =
match numer.MoveNext(), cnt < num-1 with
| true, true -> loop (numer.Current::acc) (cnt+1)
| _ -> acc
match numer.MoveNext() with
| true -> loop (numer.Current::[]) 0
| false -> []
let takeSafe num (collection:#seq<'a>) =
match num with
| x when x <= 0 -> []
| _ ->
use numer = collection.GetEnumerator()
let rec loop (acc:'a list) (cnt:int) =
match numer.MoveNext(), cnt < num-1 with
| true, true -> loop (numer.Current::acc) (cnt+1)
| _ -> acc
match numer.MoveNext() with
| true -> loop (numer.Current::[]) 0
| false -> []
let takeWhile pred (collection:#seq<'a>) =
use numer = collection.GetEnumerator()
let rec loop (acc:'a list) =
match numer.MoveNext(), pred numer.Current with
| true, true -> loop (numer.Current::acc)
| _ -> acc
match numer.MoveNext() with
| true -> loop (numer.Current::[])
| false -> []
let skip num (collection:#seq<'a>) =
use numer = collection.GetEnumerator()
let rec takeRest (acc:'a list) =
match numer.MoveNext() with
| true -> takeRest (numer.Current::acc)
| false -> acc
let rec loop (acc:'a list) (cnt:int) =
match numer.MoveNext(), cnt < num-1 with
| true, true -> loop acc (cnt+1)
| _ -> takeRest acc
match numer.MoveNext() with
| true -> loop [] 0
| false -> []
let skipWhile pred (collection:#seq<'a>) =
use numer = collection.GetEnumerator()
let rec takeRest (acc:'a list) =
match numer.MoveNext() with
| true -> takeRest (numer.Current::acc)
| false -> acc
let rec loop (acc:'a list) =
match numer.MoveNext(), pred numer.Current with
| true, true -> loop acc
| _ -> takeRest (numer.Current::acc)
match numer.MoveNext() with
| true -> loop []
| false -> []
let indexFrom start (collection:#seq<'a>) =
use numer = collection.GetEnumerator()
let rec loop (acc:(int*'a)list) (cnt:int) v =
match numer.MoveNext() with
| true -> loop ((cnt,v)::acc) (cnt+1) (numer.Current)
| false -> (cnt,v)::acc
match numer.MoveNext() with
| true -> loop [] start numer.Current
| false -> []
let index collection =
indexFrom 0 collection
let partitionAll num (collection:#seq<'a>)=
use numer = collection.GetEnumerator()
let rec addUntil cnt (acc:'a list list) (input:'a) =
match numer.MoveNext() with
| false ->
match acc with
| [] -> [input]::[]
| ahd::atl ->
match cnt < num with
| true -> (input::ahd)::atl
| false -> [input]::(ahd::atl)
| true when cnt < num ->
match acc with
| [] -> addUntil (cnt+1) ([input]::[]) numer.Current
| ahd::atl -> addUntil (cnt+1) ((input::ahd)::atl) numer.Current
| true ->
match acc with
| [] -> []
| ls -> addUntil 1 ([input]::ls) numer.Current
match numer.MoveNext() with
| true -> addUntil 0 [] numer.Current
| false -> []
let partition pred (collection:#seq<'a>) =
let sift (accTrue,accFalse) input =
match pred input with
| true -> input::accTrue,accFalse
| false -> accTrue,input::accFalse
foldl sift ([],[]) collection
let private unique (exists:HashSet<_>) hashfn acc input =
match exists.Add (hashfn input) with
| true -> input::acc
| false -> acc
let distinct (collection:#seq<'a>) =
let exists = HashSet<int>()
let unique' acc input = unique exists hash acc input
foldl unique' [] collection
let distinctBy (proj:'a->'key) (collection:#seq<'a>) =
let exists = HashSet<'key>()
let unique' acc input = unique exists proj acc input
foldl unique' [] collection
let distinctFrom (exists:HashSet<int>) (collection:#seq<'a>) =
let unique' acc input = unique exists hash acc input
foldl unique' [] collection
// end of module Left
let map ( f :'a->'b ) ( collection:#seq<'a> ) = f collection |> List.rev
let filter (pred:'a -> bool) (collection:#seq<'a>) =
Left.filter pred collection |> List.rev
let collect ( f :'a->'b list ) ( collection:#seq<'a> ) =
Left.collect f collection |> List.rev
let take num (collection:#seq<'a>) =
Left.take num collection |> List.rev
let takeWhile pred (collection:#seq<'a>) =
Left.takeWhile pred collection |> List.rev
let skip num (collection:#seq<'a>) =
Left.skip num collection |> List.rev
let skipWhile pred (collection:#seq<'a>) =
Left.skipWhile pred collection |> List.rev
let index (collection:#seq<'a>) =
Left.index collection |> List.rev
let indexFrom start (collection:#seq<'a>) =
Left.indexFrom start collection |> List.rev
let partition pred (collection:#seq<'a>) =
let accTrue,accFalse = Left.partition pred collection
accTrue |> List.rev, accFalse |> List.rev
let partitionAll num (collection:#seq<'a>)=
use numer = collection.GetEnumerator()
let rec addUntil cnt (acc:'a list list) (input:'a) =
match numer.MoveNext() with
| false ->
match acc with
| [] -> [input]::[]
| hd::tl ->
match cnt < num with
| true -> (input::hd|>List.rev)::tl
| false -> [input]::((hd|>List.rev)::tl)
| true when cnt < num ->
match acc with
| [] -> addUntil (cnt+1) ([input]::[]) numer.Current
| hd::tl -> addUntil (cnt+1) ((input::hd)::tl) numer.Current
| true ->
match acc with
| [] -> []
| hd::tl -> addUntil 1 ([input]::((hd|>List.rev)::tl)) numer.Current
match numer.MoveNext() with
| true -> addUntil 0 [] numer.Current
| false -> []
|> List.rev
let distinct (collection:#seq<'a>) =
Left.distinct collection |> List.rev
let distinctBy (proj:'a->'key) (collection:#seq<'a>) =
Left.distinctBy proj collection |> List.rev
let distinctFrom (exists:HashSet<int>) (collection:#seq<'a>) =
Left.distinctFrom exists collection |> List.rev
let inline private findWith func acc input =
match acc with
| Some x -> Some (func x input)
| None -> Some input
let inline private optLoop func (collection:#seq<'a>) =
use numer = collection.GetEnumerator()
let rec loop acc input =
match numer.MoveNext() with
| true -> loop (func acc input) (numer.Current)
| false -> func acc input
match numer.MoveNext() with
| true -> loop None numer.Current
| false -> None
let minOption (collection:#seq<'a>) =
optLoop (findWith min) collection
let maxOption (collection:#seq<'a>) =
optLoop (findWith max) collection
let inline sumOption (collection:#seq< ^T> when ^T : (static member (+) : ^T * ^T -> ^T)) =
optLoop (findWith (+)) collection
let inline avgOption (collection:#seq<'T> when ^T : (static member (+) : ^T * ^T -> ^T)) : float option =
if Option.isNone (sumOption collection) then None else
float (sumOption collection).Value / float (Seq.length collection) |> Some
open System
open Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
open Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Printf
open System.Collections.Generic
open System.Collections.Concurrent
open Fusion
module Core =
type Transducer<'a,'b> =
/// partial application is the key to the functionality of a transducer
/// transform should take a step function as its argument without and acc
/// or input and then used by a fold or an unfold
abstract transform<'r> : stepfn: ('r->'b->'r) -> acc:'r -> input:'a -> 'r
// TODO Add another member to transducers that transforms the postfn on
// a foldpost
// OR another abstract type STateful transducer, that implements transducer
/// When transducers are composed using this function t1
/// will execute before t2
let inline compose (t1:Transducer<'a,'b>) (t2:Transducer<'b,'c>) =
{ new Transducer<'a,'c> with
member __.transform stepfn acc input =
( t2.transform >> t1.transform ) stepfn acc input
/// Comp should be used if transducers are being composed in a
/// pipeline with `|>` The transducers will execute from top to
/// bottom
let inline comp (t1:Transducer<_,_>) (t2:Transducer<_,_>) =
compose t2 t1
/// Forward composition operator
/// When transducers are composed using this operator the left transducer
/// will execute first
let inline (|>>) xf1 xf2 = compose xf1 xf2
/// When transducers are composed using this operator the right transducer
/// will execute first
let inline (<<|) xf1 xf2 = comp xf1 xf2
type FoldArgs<'a,'b> =
abstract StepFn : ('b->'a->'b)
abstract Acc : 'b
let inline (|&>) (xf:Transducer<_,_>)(fld:FoldArgs<_,_>) =
{ new FoldArgs<_,_> with
member __.StepFn = xf.transform fld.StepFn
member __.Acc = []
let inline (<&|) (fld:FoldArgs<_,_>)(xf:Transducer<_,_>) =
{ new FoldArgs<_,_> with
member __.StepFn = xf.transform fld.StepFn
member __.Acc = []
let inline consfn xs x = x::xs
let foldList =
{ new FoldArgs<_,_> with
member __.StepFn = consfn
member __.Acc = []
type UnfoldArgs<'a,'b,'c,'d> =
abstract StepFn : ('c->'d->'c)
abstract Acc : 'c
abstract Pred : ('a->bool)
abstract MapElm : ('a->'b)
abstract Inc : ('a->'a)
let inline (|~>) (xf:Transducer<_,_>)(uf:UnfoldArgs<_,_,_,_>) =
{ new UnfoldArgs<_,_,_,_> with
member __.StepFn = xf.transform uf.StepFn
member __.Acc = []
member __.Pred = uf.Pred
member __.MapElm = uf.MapElm
member __.Inc = uf.Inc
let inline (<~|) (uf:UnfoldArgs<_,_,_,_>)(xf:Transducer<_,_>) =
{ new UnfoldArgs<_,_,_,_> with
member __.StepFn = xf.transform uf.StepFn
member __.Acc = []
member __.Pred = uf.Pred
member __.MapElm = uf.MapElm
member __.Inc = uf.Inc
let inline concat =
{ new Transducer<_,_> with
member __.transform stepfn acc input =
Folds.foldl stepfn acc input
let inline collect (func:'a -> #seq<'c>) =
{ new Transducer<_,_> with
member __.transform stepfn acc input =
Folds.foldl stepfn acc (func input)
let inline map (func:'a->'b) =
{ new Transducer<_,_> with
member __.transform (stepfn:'c->'b->'c) (acc:'c) (input:'a) =
stepfn acc ( func input )
let inline filter pred =
{ new Transducer<_,_> with
member __.transform stepfn acc input =
match pred input with
| true -> stepfn acc input
| false -> acc
let filterMap (pred:'a -> bool) mapfn =
{ new Transducer<_,_> with
member __.transform stepfn acc input =
match pred input with
| true -> stepfn acc (mapfn input)
| false -> acc
let filterMapAlt pred funcTrue funcFalse =
{ new Transducer<_,_> with
member __.transform stepfn acc input =
match pred input with
| true -> stepfn acc ( funcTrue input )
| false -> stepfn acc ( funcFalse input )
let mapWhen2 pred1 pred2 mapfn1 mapfn2 =
{ new Transducer<_,_> with
member __.transform stepfn acc input =
match pred1 input, pred2 input with
| true, _ -> stepfn acc ( mapfn1 input )
| _ ,true -> stepfn acc ( mapfn2 input )
| _ , _ -> acc
let choose() =
{ new Transducer<_,_> with
member __.transform stepfn acc input =
match Option.isSome input with
| true -> stepfn acc input.Value
| false -> acc
/// take throws an invalid argument exception on negative input values
let take num =
let count = ref 0
{ new Transducer<_,_> with
member __.transform stepfn acc input =
match num with
| x when x < 0 ->
invalidArg "num" (sprintf "args for take must be postive, value passed in was %d" num )
| 0 -> acc
| _ ->
match !count < num with
| true -> incr count
stepfn acc input
| false -> acc
/// negative input value is the same as "take 0"
let takeSafe num =
let count = ref 0
{ new Transducer<_,_> with
member __.transform stepfn acc input =
match num with
| x when x <= 0 -> acc
| _ ->
match !count < num with
| true -> incr count
stepfn acc input
| false -> acc
let takeWhile (pred:'a -> bool) =
let taking = ref true
{ new Transducer<_,_> with
member __.transform stepfn acc input =
taking := pred input
match !taking with
| true -> stepfn acc input
| false -> acc }
let skip num =
let count = ref 0
{ new Transducer<_,_> with
member __.transform stepfn acc input =
match num with
| x when x < 0 ->
invalidArg "num" (sprintf "args for skip must be postive, value passed in was %d" num )
| 0 -> stepfn acc input
| _ ->
match !count >= num with
| true -> stepfn acc input
| false -> incr count
acc }
let skipSafe num =
let count = ref 0
{ new Transducer<_,_> with
member __.transform stepfn acc input =
match num with
| x when x <= 0 -> stepfn acc input
| _ ->
match !count >= num with
| true -> stepfn acc input
| false -> incr count
acc }
let skipWhile (pred:'a -> bool) =
let skipping = ref true
{ new Transducer<_,_> with
member __.transform stepfn acc input =
skipping := pred input
match !skipping with
| true -> acc
| false -> stepfn acc input }
let inline slice start finish =
let start' = start-1
let takeNum = if finish < start' then 0 else finish - start'
let sc = ref 0 // skip count
let tc = ref 0 // take count
{ new Transducer<_,_> with
member __.transform stepfn acc input =
match !sc < start' with
| true -> incr sc; acc
| false ->
match !tc < takeNum with
| true -> incr tc; stepfn acc input
| false -> acc }
let index() =
let counter = ref 0
let inc (cnt:int ref) input =
let idx = !cnt
incr cnt
{ new Transducer<_,_> with
member __.transform stepfn acc input =
stepfn acc (inc counter input) }
/// Stateful version of index that can execute across a transduction
let indexFrom (start:int) =
let counter = ref start
let inc (cnt:int ref) input =
let idx = !cnt
incr cnt
{ new Transducer<_,_> with
member __.transform stepfn acc input =
stepfn acc (inc counter input) }
/// Stateful version of distinct that can operate across a reduction
/// Should only be used inside of a function that returns a transducer
// distinctS needs to return a transducer due to the value restriction
let inline distinct() =
let exists = HashSet<int>()
let dedupe (input:'a) =
exists.Add (hash input)
{ new Transducer<_,_> with
member __.transform stepfn acc input =
match dedupe input with
| true -> stepfn acc input
| false -> acc }
/// Should only be used inside of a function that returns a transducer
let distinctBy (proj:'a -> 'key) =
let exists = HashSet<'key>()
let dedupe (input:'a) =
exists.Add (proj input)
{ new Transducer<_,_> with
member __.transform stepfn acc input =
match dedupe input with
| true -> stepfn acc input
| false -> acc }
/// Should only be used inside of a function that returns a transducer
let distinctFrom (other:HashSet<int>) =
let exists = HashSet(other)
let dedupe (input:'a) =
exists.Add (hash input)
{ new Transducer<_,_> with
member __.transform stepfn acc input =
match dedupe input with
| true -> stepfn acc input
| false -> acc }
// TODO - Implement the metamorphism version of Quicksort
/// Create an empty hashset for storing hashes for distinction comparison
let idSet() = HashSet<int>()
let inline logf (msg) =
{ new Transducer<_,_> with
member __.transform stepfn acc input =
stepfn acc (printf msg input; input) }
let inline logfn (msg) =
{ new Transducer<_,_> with
member __.transform stepfn acc input =
stepfn acc (printfn msg input; input) }
// Ninja Logging Operators
let inline ( !?! ) t1 =
(logf ("\n| %A |")) |>> t1 |>> ( logf( "==> %A " ))
let inline ( |?> ) t1 t2 =
t1 |>> ( t2 |>> ( logf( "==> %A " )))
let inline ( <?| ) t2 t1 =
(logf (" %A =")) <<| t2 <<| (logf ("=> %A ")) <<| t1
module CoreExtensions =
type Transducer<'b,'c> with
member self.Fold stepfn acc =
Folds.foldl (self.transform stepfn) acc
member self.Unfold stepfn (acc:'c) pred mapElm inc : 'a -> 'c =
Folds.unfold (self.transform stepfn) acc pred mapElm inc
open System.Collections.Generic
module XCol =
let map mapfn =
{ new Transducer<_,_> with
member __.transform stepfn acc input =
stepfn acc ( mapfn input )
let filter pred =
{ new Transducer<_,_> with
member __.transform stepfn acc input =
stepfn acc ( Folds.filter pred input )
let collect (proj:'a -> 'b list) =
{ new Transducer<_,_> with
member __.transform stepfn acc input =
Folds.foldl stepfn acc ( proj input )
/// take the first 'num' elements from a sequence inside a transduction
let take num =
{ new Transducer<_,_> with
member __.transform stepfn acc input =
stepfn acc ( Folds.take num input )
let takeWhile pred =
{ new Transducer<_,_> with
member __.transform stepfn acc input =
stepfn acc ( Folds.takeWhile pred input )
let skip num =
{ new Transducer<_,_> with
member __.transform stepfn acc input =
stepfn acc ( Folds.skip num input )
let skipWhile pred =
{ new Transducer<_,_> with
member __.transform stepfn acc input =
stepfn acc ( Folds.skipWhile pred input )
let index() =
{ new Transducer<_,_> with
member __.transform stepfn acc input =
stepfn acc ( Folds.index input )
let indexFrom start =
{ new Transducer<_,_> with
member __.transform stepfn acc input =
stepfn acc ( Folds.indexFrom start input )
let partition pred =
{ new Transducer<_,_> with
member __.transform stepfn acc input =
stepfn acc ( Folds.partition pred input )
let partitionAll num =
{ new Transducer<_,_> with
member __.transform stepfn acc input =
stepfn acc ( Folds.partitionAll num input )
let distinct() =
{ new Transducer<_,_> with
member __.transform stepfn acc input =
stepfn acc ( Folds.distinct input )
let distinctBy proj =
{ new Transducer<_,_> with
member __.transform stepfn acc input =
stepfn acc ( Folds.distinctBy proj input )
let distinctFrom (exists:HashSet<int>) =
{ new Transducer<_,_> with
member __.transform stepfn acc input =
stepfn acc ( Folds.distinctFrom exists input )
let minOption() =
{ new Transducer<_,_> with
member __.transform stepfn acc input =
stepfn acc ( Folds.minOption input )
let maxOption() =
{ new Transducer<_,_> with
member __.transform stepfn acc input =
stepfn acc ( Folds.maxOption input )
let avgOption() =
{ new Transducer<_,_> with
member __.transform stepfn acc input =
stepfn acc ( Folds.avgOption input )
let sumOption() =
{ new Transducer<_,_> with
member __.transform stepfn acc input =
stepfn acc ( Folds.sumOption input )
let head() =
{ new Transducer<_,_> with
member __.transform stepfn acc input =
stepfn acc ( Seq.head input)
let last() =
{ new Transducer<_,_> with
member __.transform stepfn acc input =
stepfn acc ( Seq.last input)
let reduce redux =
{ new Transducer<_,_> with
member __.transform stepfn acc input =
stepfn acc ( Seq.reduce redux input)
let windowed size =
{ new Transducer<_,_> with
member __.transform stepfn acc input =
stepfn acc ( Seq.windowed size input)
let scan folder state =
{ new Transducer<_,_> with
member __.transform stepfn acc input =
stepfn acc ( Seq.scan folder state input)
let slice start finish =
let start' = start-1
let takeNum = if finish < start' then 0 else finish - start'
{ new Transducer<_,_> with
member __.transform stepfn acc input =
stepfn acc
( Folds.skip start' input
|> Folds.take takeNum )
let compareWith comparer =
{ new Transducer<_,_> with
member __.transform stepfn acc input =
stepfn acc ( let s1,s2 = input
Seq.compareWith comparer s1 s2 )
let contains pred =
{ new Transducer<_,_> with
member __.transform stepfn acc input =
stepfn acc ( Seq.exists pred input)
let groupBy projection =
{ new Transducer<_,_> with
member __.transform stepfn acc input =
stepfn acc ( Seq.groupBy projection input)
let iterOver func =
{ new Transducer<_,_> with
member __.transform stepfn acc input =
stepfn acc ( Seq.iter func input; input )
module Left =
/// take the first 'num' elements from a sequence inside a transduction
let take num =
{ new Transducer<_,_> with
member __.transform stepfn acc input =
stepfn acc ( Folds.Left.take num input )
let takeWhile pred =
{ new Transducer<_,_> with
member __.transform stepfn acc input =
stepfn acc ( Folds.Left.takeWhile pred input )
let skip num =
{ new Transducer<_,_> with
member __.transform stepfn acc input =
stepfn acc ( Folds.Left.skip num input )
let skipWhile pred =
{ new Transducer<_,_> with
member __.transform stepfn acc input =
stepfn acc ( Folds.Left.skipWhile pred input )
let index() =
{ new Transducer<_,_> with
member __.transform stepfn acc input =
stepfn acc ( Folds.Left.indexFrom 0 input )
let indexFrom start =
{ new Transducer<_,_> with
member __.transform stepfn acc input =
stepfn acc ( Folds.Left.indexFrom start input)
let partition pred =
{ new Transducer<_,_> with
member __.transform stepfn acc input =
stepfn acc ( Folds.Left.partition pred input )
let partitionAll num =
{ new Transducer<_,_> with
member __.transform stepfn acc input =
stepfn acc ( Folds.Left.partitionAll num input )
let distinct() =
{ new Transducer<_,_> with
member __.transform stepfn acc input =
stepfn acc ( Folds.Left.distinct input )
let distinctBy proj =
{ new Transducer<_,_> with
member __.transform stepfn acc input =
stepfn acc ( Folds.Left.distinctBy proj input )
let distinctFrom (exists:HashSet<int>) =
{ new Transducer<_,_> with
member __.transform stepfn acc input =
stepfn acc ( Folds.Left.distinctFrom exists input )
open System.Collections
open System.Collections.Generic
open System.Collections.Concurrent
module Collections =
// Pour the transducer into a particular form
let inline private consfn xs x = x::xs
let inline intoList2 (tdx:Transducer<'a,'b>) (collection:#seq<'a>) =
consfn |> tdx.transform |> Folds.foldl |> fun fld -> fld [] collection
//Folds.foldl (tdx.transform consReduc) [] collection |> List.rev
let inline intoList (tdx:Transducer<'a,'b>) (collection:#seq<'a>) =
Folds.foldl (tdx.transform consfn) [] collection |> List.rev
let inline intoArray (tdx:Transducer<_,_>) (collection:#seq<_>) =
collection |> intoList tdx |> Array.ofList
let inline intoSeq (tdx:Transducer<_,_>) (collection:#seq<_>) =
collection |> intoList tdx :> seq<_>
type GenericList<'a> = System.Collections.Generic.List<'a>
let inline intoGenericList (tdx:Transducer<_,_>) (collection:#seq<_>) =
GenericList<_>( intoList tdx collection )
let inline intoLinkedList (tdx:Transducer<_,_>) (collection:#seq<_>) =
LinkedList( intoList tdx collection )
let inline intoMap (tdx:Transducer<_,_>) (collection:#seq<_>) =
let addelem (map:Map<_,_>) input = map.Add input
Folds.foldl (tdx.transform addelem) (Map<_,_>([])) collection
let inline intoSet (tdx:Transducer<_,_>) (collection:#seq<_>) =
let addelem (set:Set<_>) input = set.Add input
Folds.foldl (tdx.transform addelem) (Set<_>([])) collection
let inline intoHashSet (tdx:Transducer<_,_>) (collection:#seq<_>) =
let addelem (hs:HashSet<_>) input = hs.Add input |> ignore; hs
Folds.foldl (tdx.transform addelem) (HashSet<_>()) collection
type Dictionary<'K,'V> with
member self.TryAdd(key,value) : bool =
try self.Add(key,value); true
with | _ -> false
let inline intoDictionary (tdx:Transducer<_,_>) (collection:#seq<_>) =
let addelem (dict:Dictionary<_,_>) input = dict.TryAdd input |> ignore; dict
Folds.foldl (tdx.transform addelem) (Dictionary<_,_>()) collection
let inline intoQueue (tdx:Transducer<_,_>) (collection:#seq<_>) =
Queue<_>(intoList tdx collection)
let inline intoStack (tdx:Transducer<_,_>) (collection:#seq<_>) =
Stack<_>(intoList tdx collection)
let inline intoConcurrentDictionary (tdx:Transducer<_,_>) (collection:#seq<_>) =
let addelem (dict:ConcurrentDictionary<_,_>) input = dict.TryAdd input |> ignore; dict
Folds.foldl (tdx.transform addelem) (ConcurrentDictionary<_,_>()) collection
let inline intoConcurrentQueue (tdx:Transducer<_,_>) (collection:#seq<_>) =
ConcurrentQueue<_>(intoList tdx collection)
let inline intoConcurrentStack (tdx:Transducer<_,_>) (collection:#seq<_>) =
ConcurrentStack<_>(intoList tdx collection)
let inline intoConcurrentBag (tdx:Transducer<_,_>) (collection:#seq<_>) =
ConcurrentBag<_>(intoList tdx collection)
// need to change to transform.into (to:list, tdx:transducer, from:#seq<_> )
type transduce =
static member inline into (tdx:Transducer<_,_> , list: _ list ) = intoList tdx list
static member inline into (tdx:Transducer<_,_> , list: _ [] ) = intoArray tdx list
static member inline into (tdx:Transducer<_,_> , seqs:seq<_> ) = intoSeq tdx seqs
static member inline into (tdx:Transducer<_,_> , list:GenericList<_> ) = intoGenericList tdx list
static member inline into (tdx:Transducer<_,_> , list:LinkedList<_> ) = intoLinkedList tdx list
static member inline into (tdx:Transducer<_,_> , hashset:HashSet<_> ) = intoHashSet tdx hashset
static member inline into (tdx:Transducer<_,_> , map:Map<_,_> ) = intoMap tdx map
static member inline into (tdx:Transducer<_,_> , set:Set<_> ) = intoSet tdx set
static member inline into (tdx:Transducer<_,_> , dict:Dictionary<_,_> ) = intoDictionary tdx dict
static member inline into (tdx:Transducer<_,_> , queue:Queue<_> ) = intoQueue tdx queue
static member inline into (tdx:Transducer<_,_> , stack:Stack<_> ) = intoStack tdx stack
static member inline into (tdx:Transducer<_,_> , dict:ConcurrentDictionary<_,_>) = intoConcurrentDictionary tdx dict
static member inline into (tdx:Transducer<_,_> , queue:ConcurrentQueue<_> ) = intoConcurrentQueue tdx queue
static member inline into (tdx:Transducer<_,_> , stack:ConcurrentStack<_> ) = intoConcurrentStack tdx stack
static member inline into (tdx:Transducer<_,_> , bag:ConcurrentBag<_> ) = intoConcurrentBag tdx bag
module Left =
// Pour the transducer into a particular form
let inline private consReduc xs x = x::xs
let inline intoList (tdx:Transducer<_,_>) (collection:#seq<_>) =
Folds.foldl (tdx.transform consReduc) [] collection
let inline intoArray (tdx:Transducer<_,_>) (collection:#seq<_>) =
collection |> intoList tdx |> Array.ofList
let inline intoSeq (tdx:Transducer<_,_>) (collection:#seq<_>) =
collection |> intoList tdx :> seq<_>
let inline intoGenericList (tdx:Transducer<_,_>) (collection:#seq<_>) =
System.Collections.Generic.List<_>( intoList tdx collection )
let inline intoLinkedList (tdx:Transducer<_,_>) (collection:#seq<_>) =
LinkedList( intoList tdx collection )
let inline intoQueue (tdx:Transducer<_,_>) (collection:#seq<_>) =
Queue<_>(intoList tdx collection)
let inline intoStack (tdx:Transducer<_,_>) (collection:#seq<_>) =
Stack<_>(intoList tdx collection)
let inline intoConcurrentQueue (tdx:Transducer<_,_>) (collection:#seq<_>) =
ConcurrentQueue<_>(intoList tdx collection)
let inline intoConcurrentStack (tdx:Transducer<_,_>) (collection:#seq<_>) =
ConcurrentStack<_>(intoList tdx collection)
// need to change to transform.into (to:list, tdx:transducer, from:#seq<_> )
type transduce =
static member inline into (tdx:Transducer<_,_> , list: _ list ) = intoList tdx list
static member inline into (tdx:Transducer<_,_> , list: _ [] ) = intoArray tdx list
static member inline into (tdx:Transducer<_,_> , seqs:seq<_> ) = intoSeq tdx seqs
static member inline into (tdx:Transducer<_,_> , list:GenericList<_> ) = intoGenericList tdx list
static member inline into (tdx:Transducer<_,_> , list:LinkedList<_> ) = intoLinkedList tdx list
static member inline into (tdx:Transducer<_,_> , queue:Queue<_> ) = intoQueue tdx queue
static member inline into (tdx:Transducer<_,_> , stack:Stack<_> ) = intoStack tdx stack
static member inline into (tdx:Transducer<_,_> , queue:ConcurrentQueue<_> ) = intoConcurrentQueue tdx queue
static member inline into (tdx:Transducer<_,_> , stack:ConcurrentStack<_> ) = intoConcurrentStack tdx stack
open System
open System.Collections
open System.Collections.Generic
open System.Collections.Concurrent
open Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
open Microsoft.FSharp.Control
open System.Runtime.CompilerServices
module Seq =
let inline transduce (tdz:Transducer<_,_>) (collection:#seq<_>) =
intoSeq tdz collection
let inline transduceL (tdz:Transducer<_,_>) (collection:#seq<_>) =
Left.intoSeq tdz collection
module Extensions =
type List<'a> with
/// Execute a trasduction across a list from the end to the start
static member inline TransduceL (tdz:Transducer<_,_>) (ls:'a list) =
Left.intoList tdz ls
/// Execute a trasduction across this list from the end to the start
member inline self.transduceL (tdz:Transducer<_,_>) =
Left.intoList tdz self
/// Execute a trasduction across this list from the start to the end
member inline self.transduce (tdz:Transducer<_,_>) =
intoList tdz self
/// Execute a trasduction across a list from the end to the start
static member inline Transduce (tdz:Transducer<_,_>) (ls:'a list) =
intoList tdz ls
type IEnumerable<'a> with
member inline self.transduceL (tdz:Transducer<_,_>) =
Left.intoList tdz self :> seq<_>
/// Execute a trasduction across this list from the start to the end
member inline self.transduce (tdz:Transducer<_,_>) =
intoList tdz self :> seq<_>
type System.Collections.Generic.List<'T> with
static member inline TransduceL (tdz:Transducer<_,_>)
(ls:System.Collections.Generic.List<'T>) =
Left.intoGenericList tdz ls
member inline self.transduceL (tdz:Transducer<_,_>) =
Left.intoGenericList tdz self
/// Execute a trasduction across this list from the start to the end
member inline self.transduce (tdz:Transducer<_,_>) =
intoGenericList tdz self
/// Execute a trasduction across a list from the end to the start
static member inline Transduce (tdz:Transducer<_,_>)
(ls:System.Collections.Generic.List<_>) =
intoGenericList tdz ls
type LinkedList<'T> with
static member inline Transduce (tdz:Transducer<_,_>) (linkls:LinkedList<'T>) =
intoLinkedList tdz linkls
static member inline TransduceL (tdz:Transducer<_,_>) (linkls:LinkedList<'T>) =
Left.intoLinkedList tdz linkls
member inline self.transduce (tdz:Transducer<_,_>) =
intoLinkedList tdz self
member inline self.transduceL (tdz:Transducer<_,_>) =
Left.intoLinkedList tdz self
type ``[]``<'a> with
/// Execute a trasduction across an array from the end to the start
static member inline TransduceL (tdz:Transducer<_,_>) (arr:'a []) =
Left.intoArray tdz arr
/// Execute a trasduction across this array from the end to the start
member inline self.transduceL (tdz:Transducer<_,_>) =
Left.intoArray tdz self
/// Execute a trasduction across this array from the start to the end
member inline self.transduce (tdz:Transducer<_,_>) =
intoArray tdz self
/// Execute a trasduction across an array from the start to the end
static member inline Transduce (tdz:Transducer<_,_>) (arr:'a []) =
intoArray tdz arr
type HashSet<'a> with
member inline self.transduce (tdz:Transducer<_,_>) =
intoHashSet tdz self
static member inline Transduce (tdz:Transducer<_,_>) (hashset:HashSet<_>) =
intoHashSet tdz hashset
type Dictionary<'K,'V> with
static member inline Transduce (tdz:Transducer<_,_>) (dict:Dictionary<_,_>) =
intoDictionary tdz dict
member inline self.transduce (tdz:Transducer<_,_>) =
intoDictionary tdz self
type Map<'Key, 'Value when 'Key : comparison> with
static member inline Transduce (tdz:Transducer<_,_>) (map:Map<_,_>) =
intoMap tdz map
member inline self.transduce (tdz:Transducer<_,_>) =
intoMap tdz self
type Set<'a when 'a : comparison> with
member inline self.transduce (tdz:Transducer<_,_>) =
intoSet tdz self
static member inline Transduce (tdz:Transducer<_,_>) (set:Set<_>) =
intoSet tdz set
type Queue<'T> with
static member inline Transduce (tdz:Transducer<_,_>) (queue:Queue<'T>) =
intoQueue tdz queue
static member inline TransduceL (tdz:Transducer<_,_>) (queue:Queue<'T>) =
Left.intoQueue tdz queue
member inline self.transduce (tdz:Transducer<_,_>) =
intoQueue tdz self
member inline self.transduceL (tdz:Transducer<_,_>) =
Left.intoQueue tdz self
type Stack<'T> with
static member inline Transduce (tdz:Transducer<_,_>) (stack:Stack<'T>) =
intoStack tdz stack
static member inline TransduceL (tdz:Transducer<_,_>) (stack:Stack<'T>) =
Left.intoStack tdz stack
member inline self.transduce (tdz:Transducer<_,_>) =
intoStack tdz self
member inline self.transduceL (tdz:Transducer<_,_>) =
Left.intoStack tdz self
type ConcurrentDictionary<'K,'V> with
static member inline Transduce (tdz:Transducer<_,_>) (dict:ConcurrentDictionary<_,_>) =
intoConcurrentDictionary tdz dict
member inline self.transduce (tdz:Transducer<_,_>) =
intoConcurrentDictionary tdz self
type ConcurrentBag<'T> with
static member inline Transduce (tdz:Transducer<_,_>) (bag:ConcurrentBag<_>) =
intoConcurrentBag tdz bag
member inline self.transduce (tdz:Transducer<_,_>) =
intoConcurrentBag tdz self
type ConcurrentQueue<'T> with
static member inline Transduce (tdz:Transducer<_,_>) (queue:ConcurrentQueue<'T>) =
intoConcurrentQueue tdz queue
static member inline TransduceL (tdz:Transducer<_,_>) (queue:ConcurrentQueue<'T>) =
Left.intoConcurrentQueue tdz queue
member inline self.transduce (tdz:Transducer<_,_>) =
intoConcurrentQueue tdz self
member inline self.transduceL (tdz:Transducer<_,_>) =
Left.intoConcurrentQueue tdz self
type ConcurrentStack<'T> with
static member inline Transduce (tdz:Transducer<_,_>) (stack:ConcurrentStack<'T>) =
intoConcurrentStack tdz stack
static member inline TransduceL (tdz:Transducer<_,_>) (stack:ConcurrentStack<'T>) =
Left.intoConcurrentStack tdz stack
member inline self.transduce (tdz:Transducer<_,_>) =
intoConcurrentStack tdz self
member inline self.transduceL (tdz:Transducer<_,_>) =
Left.intoConcurrentStack tdz self
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Is there some transducer implementation as a consumable NuGet library for F#?

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