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Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
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  • Save cloudRoutine/bdef814ce2e89ca95731 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save cloudRoutine/bdef814ce2e89ca95731 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Prints Binary Trees in horizontal orientation connected by pipes
Prints Trees Like
| |
| |_(3)_[Leaf]
| |
| |_(3)_[Node]
| |
| |_(4)_[Leaf]
| |
| |_(4)_[Leaf]
type BTree =
| Node of BTree * BTree
| Leaf
| Empty
let pipe_print (bt:BTree) : string =
let str = string
let concat (s:string list) = String.Concat s
let ind num s =
if num <= 0
then ""
else String.replicate num s
let rec construct t dep apnd : string =
let lvl = dep+1|>str
let pd = "| "
let ws = " "
match t with
| Node(l,r) when l = Empty ->
[ "[Node]\n";
apnd;"|_(";lvl;")_"; construct r (dep+1) (concat[apnd;ws]); ]
| Node(l,r) when r = Empty ->
[ "[Node]\n";
apnd;"|_(";lvl;")_"; construct l (dep+1) (concat[apnd;pd]) ]
| Node(l,r) ->
[ "[Node]\n";
apnd;"|_(";lvl;")_"; construct l (dep+1) (concat[apnd;pd]);"\n";
apnd;"|_(";lvl;")_"; construct r (dep+1) (concat[apnd;ws]); ]
| Leaf -> "[Leaf]"
| Empty -> "[Empty]"
"\n" + construct bt 0 ""
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