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Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
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  • Save cloudRoutine/e15cb00a6be383858238 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save cloudRoutine/e15cb00a6be383858238 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Prints Binary Trees In "Ancestor" Orientation ( AKA Leaves on the Top )
Example Tree Print
[Grandfather] [Grandmother] [Grandpa] [Grandma]
|______________| |__________|
| |
[Dad] [Mom]
[me] [Unknown]
type AncTree =
| Unspec
| Info of AncTree * string * AncTree
member this.Name() =
match this with
| Unspec -> "[Unknown]"
| Info(f,s,m) -> "["+s+"]"
override this.ToString()=
let bars x =
match x with
| x when x <= 0 -> String.replicate 0 "_"
| x -> String.replicate x "_"
let spaces x =
match x with
| x when x <= 0 -> String.replicate 0 " "
| x -> String.replicate x " "
let listConcat (ls:string list):string=
let rec concat_stringlist (strs: string list)(acc:string) : string =
match strs with
| x::[] -> concat_stringlist [] (acc + x + "\n" )
| x::xs -> concat_stringlist xs (acc + x + "\n" )
| [] -> acc
concat_stringlist ls ""
// [strings], 1st, 2nd, 3rd
// strings are all the same width (space padded if needed)
// first int is that total width
// second int is the column the root node starts in
// third int is the column the root node ends in
let rec formatNode tree =
match tree with
| Unspec -> [tree.Name()],
| Info(Unspec,s,Unspec) -> [tree.Name()],
| Info(left,s,right)
let nodestr = tree.Name()
let nodelen = nodestr.Length
let lhlf = nodelen /2
let rhlf = (nodelen-1)/2
let leftStrings,
leftColEnd = formatNode left
let rightStrings,
rightColEnd = formatNode right
let totalWidth = leftWidth + 1 + rightWidth
let rightColStart2 = rightColStart + 1 + leftWidth
let leftpadding = leftWidth - lhlf |> spaces
let rightpadding = rightWidth - rhlf |> spaces
let baseline = leftpadding + nodestr + rightpadding
let pipeline = spaces leftWidth + "|" + spaces rightWidth
let leftbars = leftWidth - leftColEnd + (leftColEnd - leftColStart)/2 |> bars
let rightbars = rightColStart + (rightColEnd - rightColStart)/2 |> bars
let lconnectpad = leftWidth - leftbars.Length - 1 |> spaces
let rconnectpad = rightWidth - rightbars.Length - 1 |> spaces
let connectline = lconnectpad + "|" + leftbars + "_" +
rightbars + "|" + rconnectpad
let ladjHeight, radjHeight =
match leftStrings, rightStrings with
| l,r when l.Length > r.Length
-> let hpad = List.init (l.Length - r.Length) (fun x -> "")
l, hpad@r
| l,r when r.Length > l.Length
-> let hpad = List.init (r.Length - l.Length) (fun x -> "")
hpad@l, r
| l,r -> l,r
let rec fixWidthLeft (strs:string list) (width:int) =
match strs with
| x::xs when x.Length < width
-> (spaces (width - x.Length) + x)::fixWidthLeft xs width
| x::xs -> x::fixWidthLeft xs width
| [] -> []
let rec fixWidthRight (strs:string list) (width:int) =
match strs with
| x::xs when x.Length < width
-> (x + spaces (width - x.Length))::fixWidthRight xs width
| x::xs -> x::fixWidthRight xs width
| [] -> []
let ladjHW, radjHW = fixWidthLeft ladjHeight leftWidth ,
fixWidthRight radjHeight rightWidth
let ancestors = (ladjHW,radjHW )
||> List.map2 (fun left right -> left + " " + right )
let treelines = ancestors @ connectline::pipeline::baseline::[]
treelines, totalWidth, leftWidth-lhlf, leftWidth+1+rhlf
let ancStrings,_,_,_ = formatNode this
ancStrings |> listConcat
let dadtree = Info(Info(Unspec,"Grandfather",Unspec),"Dad",Info(Unspec,"Grandmother",Unspec))
let momtree = Info(Info(Unspec,"Grandpa",Unspec),"Mom",Info(Unspec,"Grandma",Unspec))
let metree = Info(dadtree,"me",momtree)
let weirdtree = Info(metree,"weird",Unspec)
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