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Last active April 10, 2017 21:17
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*Given a large list, insert into a balanced BST, then find the distance between 2 nodes
//the BST tree is required by the question, n is unknown but could be large
//step 1: sort the data the best way we know for large data
//given a "list" and number N of items.
//Is this data in one list or not? We don't know.
public static BigDecimal NUM;
int numArrays = NUM / Integer.MAX_VALUE - 5;
//make that many arrays, chunk the "list" or stream of data.
//external sort comes to mind; then we have Stream API or Arrays.parallelSort:
private List<Integer> sortLargeList(List<Integer> list) {
// check for size of list wrt to maxsize of List
return list.parallelStream() // in parallel, not just concurrently!
.sorted().collect(Collectors.toList());// sort them
//step 2:
//"list" must be divided into numArrays subLists if it is not contained in one list.
//Obviously the data won't fit into one list if it is very large
//and then one must assume it is streaming from somewhere...and we can get the IO and put it into lists
//Although there is a merge function for balanced trees, we have to deal with what we have
//outside of just theory. So we could code insert and merge for red-black tree but that is very advanced.
//In in the end we want to find the distance between nodes in a tree, so TreeMap proves inadequate
//-- and has a limit to its size as well. So we can
//store memory adequate size trees across a load balancing algo for many machines......
//Find how many trees can fit onto a machine and then we have ranges over machines for finding a node based on its original
for (List l : List[] lists ) { <----sublists
Integer[] a = sortLargeList(list); <-- sort each one at max size
//step3: insert the sorted arrays into the tree...we will have many trees...if we have much data
addTree(insertToBST(a, 0, a.length)); //...<----stick the ith tree into the machine with that range over total#machines
//get the nodes from their tree
getInRange(node.index, node2.index)); <---- get the machine with its range and return the tree
//what if nodes are not in same tree? getInRange() must return an error message, else it returns the tree root
findDistance(root, node, node2); //use iterative bs, lca to get the distance; we could also use bfs
BSTNode insertToBST(Integer[] arr, int start, int end) {
/* Base Case */
if (start > end) {
return null;
/* Get the middle element and make it root */
int mid = (start + end) >>> 1;
BSTNode node = new BSTNode(arr[mid]);
* Recursively construct the left subtree and make it left child of root
node.setLeft(insertToBST(arr, start, mid - 1));
* Recursively construct the right subtree and make it right child of
* root
node.setRight(insertToBST(arr, mid + 1, end));
return node;
//step4: get the distance between nodes using iterative binary search, iterative lca.
private int findDistance(BSTNode root, BSTNode n1, BSTNode n2) {
int x = binarySearchDist(root, n1.getValue()).count;
int y = binarySearchDist(root, n2.getValue()).count;
int lcaDistance = lcaDist(root, n1, n2);
return (x + y) - 2 * lcaDistance;
private BSTNodePair binarySearchDist(BSTNode root, int key) {
int count = 0;
BSTNode curr = root;
while (curr != null) {
if (curr.getValue() > key) {
curr = curr.getLeft();
} else if (curr.getValue() < key) {
curr = curr.getRight();
} else {
return count-1;
return -1;
private int lcaDist(BSTNode root, BSTNode one, BSTNode two) {
// Check if one and two are in the root tree.
int count = 0;
while (root != null) {
if (root.getValue() < one.getValue()
&& root.getValue() < two.getValue()) {
root = root.getRight();
} else if (root.getValue() > one.getValue()
&& root.getValue() > two.getValue()) {
root = root.getLeft();
} else {
return count - 1;
return -1;
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