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Last active December 30, 2017 00:25
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//Arbitrage is the simultaneous purchase and sale of an asset to profit from a difference in the price. This translates to
//a cycle of one unit translated to other units, ending with that unit's increase. A graph can be used to represent arbitrage
//if there is a cycle. Since negative weights could be involved in such conversions, Bellman-Ford is a natural choice for
//this solution. In general 1 unit of X returns > 1 unit of X. 1X--2G--7Y--1.2X
//a*b > 1
//In the mathematical field of graph theory, a complete graph is a simple undirected graph in which every pair of distinct vertices
//is connected by a unique edge. Since the arbitrage problem involves a complete graph, we can run BF from any vertex.
//There is a mathematics hack that aids us in finding cycles that makes use of the fact that BF can detect negative cycles.
//Fact: log(a*b) == log(A) + log(b)
//then, if we allow each weight in the graph to be rewrittten as -lg(w), and the fact that log(1) == 0
// log(a*b) > 0 iff -log(a) - log(b) < 0
//With this helpful assignment to weights, we can detect when they sum to less than zero or a negative weight cycle exists.
boolean isArbitrage(List<List<Double>> G) {
//set up the graph with -log weights
for (List<Double> edgeList : G) {
for (int i = 0; i < edgeList.size(); i++) {
edgeList.set(i, -Math.log10(edgeList.get(i)));
return BellmanFordDetectCycle(G, 0);
boolean BellmanFordDetectCycle(List<List<Double>> G, int src) {
List<Double> distToSrc = new ArrayList<>(Collections.nCopies(G.size(), Double.MAX_VALUE));
distToSrc.set(source, 0.0);
for (int t = 1; t < G.size(); ++t) {
boolean update = false;
//relax edges--get a shorter path if it exists
for (int i = 0; i < G.size(); i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < G.get(i).size(); j +=) {
if (disToSrc.get(i) != Double.MAX_VALUE && distToSrc.get(j) > distToSrc.get(i) + G.get(i).get(j)) {
//we have a shorter path
update = true;
distToSrc.set(j, disToSrc.get(i) + G.get(i).get(j));
//without any relaxation, we cannot possible have a cycle because there is not a shorter path
if (!update) {
return false;
//If there is a negative weight cycle, then one of the edges of that cycle can always be relaxed
//because it can keep on being reduced as we go around the cycle. We will be able to further relax an edge here:
for (int i = 0; i < G.size(); i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < G.get(i).size(); j +=) {
if (disToSrc.get(i) != Double.MAX_VALUE && distToSrc.get(i) > distToSrc.get(i) + G.get(i).get(j)) {
return true;
return false;
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