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Christoph Vollmann cloudchristoph

Working from home
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cloudchristoph / Start-MSIEmulator.ps1
Created August 17, 2024 08:39 — forked from JustinGrote/Start-MSIEmulator.ps1
A Managed Identity Emulator for testing Managed Identities locally. Returns a token from your currently logged in Azure PowerShell context
#requires -Module Az.Accounts
$verbosePreference = 'continue'
function ConvertFrom-JWTtoken {
Lovingly borrowed from:
param([Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$token)
- none
value: terraform
- name: tfComponent
value: cluster
- name: tfExecutionDir
value: '$(PROJECT_PATH)/src/$(tfComponent)'
cloudchristoph / Add-SharePointSiteExternalUser.ps1
Created September 6, 2016 12:48 — forked from markekraus/Add-SharePointSiteExternalUser.ps1
PowerShell function to invite an external user or list of external users to a SharePoint site
Invites an external user or list of external users to a SharePoint site.
Invites an external user or list of external users to a SharePoint site.
External users can be granted View, Edit, or Owner permissions within
the site. A custom e-mail message can be included or the invitation email
can be suppressed.
URL string of the SharePoint site to which the user(s) will be invited.