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Created May 30, 2014 03:37
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Save clouddueling/305579a54dbe221c0728 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
I have a few gulpfiles. One manages my theme in multiple apps and the other manages the app's unique stuff.
// Keeps my theme synced in multiple apps
var gulp = require('gulp');
var gutil = require('gulp-util');
var compass = require('gulp-compass');
var clean = require('gulp-clean');
| Config
// Global App CSS
var targetCSSDir = '.tmp/styles';
// Standard App CSS Dir
var appCSSDir = '/public/dist/styles';
// All app dirs
var appDirs = ['owner', 'client', 'middle'];
// iFlat SASS
var iflatSassDir = 'assets/iflat/styles';
var reenSassDir = 'assets/reen/styles';
| Release Tasks
| Run before each commit and is then pushed to staging and production.
// What tasks does running gulp trigger?
gulp.task('default', ['css', 'watch']);
gulp.task('release-css', ['css-iflat', 'release-iflat', 'css-reen', 'release-reen']);
| Watch Tasks
// Keep an eye on Sass, Coffee, and PHP files for changes...
gulp.task('watch-iflat', function () { + '/**/*.scss', ['css-iflat', 'release-iflat']);
gulp.task('watch-reen', function () { + '/**/*.scss', ['css-reen', 'release-reen']);
| Small Tasks
| Small pieces release tasks so you can be specific in your watch tasks.
// Compile iFlat SCSS
gulp.task('css-iflat', function () {
return gulp.src(iflatSassDir + '/iflat.scss')
compress: true,
css: targetCSSDir,
sass: iflatSassDir
})).on('error', gutil.log)
// Copy iFlat styles to each app
gulp.task('release-iflat', function () {
for (var dir in appDirs) {
gutil.log("Copying '" + targetCSSDir + "/iflat.css' to '" + appDirs[dir] + appCSSDir + "/iflat.css'");
gulp.src(targetCSSDir + '/iflat.css')
.pipe(gulp.dest(appDirs[dir] + appCSSDir));
// Compile REEN SCSS
gulp.task('css-reen', function () {
return gulp.src(reenSassDir + '/reen.scss')
compress: true,
css: targetCSSDir,
sass: reenSassDir
})).on('error', gutil.log)
// Copy REEN styles to each app
gulp.task('release-reen', function () {
for (var dir in appDirs) {
gutil.log("Copying '" + targetCSSDir + "/reen.css' to '" + appDirs[dir] + appCSSDir + "/reen.css'");
gulp.src(targetCSSDir + '/reen.css')
.pipe(gulp.dest(appDirs[dir] + appCSSDir));
// From one of the apps that has it's theme managed by the other gulpfile.js
var gulp = require('gulp');
var gutil = require('gulp-util');
var clean = require('gulp-clean');
var coffee = require('gulp-coffee');
var concat = require('gulp-concat');
| Config
// Coffee and SCSS files
var assetsDir = 'app/assets';
// Temporary dir before concating
var tempDir = '.tmp';
// HTML files and concatenated and minified JS
var distDir = 'public/dist';
// bower_components
var bowerDir = 'public/bower_components';
| Release Tasks
| Run before each commit and is then pushed to staging and production.
// TODO Add phpunit
// TODO Add karma + protractor
// TODO Create a 'release' task that runs everything including tests
gulp.task('release-owner', [
gulp.task('release-owner-vendor', [
| Watch Tasks
gulp.task('watch-release-owner', function() { + '/**/*.html', ['release-owner-copy-views']); + '/**/*.coffee', ['release-owner-clean', 'release-owner-coffee', 'release-owner-concat']);
| Small Tasks
| Small pieces release tasks so you can be specific in your watch tasks.
gulp.task('release-owner-clean', function() {
// Delete old app files
return gulp.src([
assetsDir + '/owner/**/[!ownerVendor]*.js',
tempDir + '/owner/**/*.js'
gulp.task('release-owner-copy-views', function() {
// Copy views to dist
return gulp.src(assetsDir + '/owner/**/*.html')
.pipe(gulp.dest(distDir + '/owner'));
// Compile coffee to js
gulp.task('release-owner-coffee', function() {
return gulp.src(assetsDir + '/owner/**/*.coffee')
.pipe(coffee({bare: true}).on('error', gutil.log))
.pipe(gulp.dest(tempDir + '/owner'));
// Concat js and copy to dist
gulp.task('release-owner-concat', function() {
return gulp.src(tempDir + '/owner/**/*.js')
.pipe(gulp.dest(distDir + '/owner'));
// Delete old vendor file
gulp.task('release-owner-vendor-clean', function() {
return gulp.src('public/dist/owner/ownerVendor.js')
// Concat owner vendor files
// TODO make this array smaller or located in package.json
gulp.task('release-owner-vendor-concat', function() {
bowerDir + '/lodash/dist/lodash.min.js',
bowerDir + '/momentjs/min/moment.min.js',
bowerDir + '/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js',
bowerDir + '/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.min.js',
bowerDir + '/angular/angular.min.js',
bowerDir + '/angular-animate/angular-animate.min.js',
bowerDir + '/angular-bootstrap/ui-bootstrap-tpls.min.js',
bowerDir + '/angular-ui-router/release/angular-ui-router.min.js',
bowerDir + '/angular-loading-bar/build/loading-bar.min.js',
bowerDir + '/angular-ui-calendar/src/calendar.js',
bowerDir + '/jquery-spinner/dist/jquery.spinner.min.js',
bowerDir + '/seiyria-bootstrap-slider/dist/bootstrap-slider.min.js',
bowerDir + '/jquery-steps/build/jquery.steps.min.js',
bowerDir + '/toastr/toastr.min.js',
bowerDir + '/bootstrap-file-input/bootstrap.file-input.js',
bowerDir + '/jquery.slimscroll/jquery.slimscroll.min.js',
bowerDir + '/holderjs/holder.js',
bowerDir + '/raphael/raphael-min.js',
bowerDir + '/morris.js/morris.js',
bowerDir + '/scripts/vendors/responsive-tables.js',
bowerDir + '/scripts/vendors/jquery.sparkline.min.js',
bowerDir + '/flot/jquery.flot.js',
bowerDir + '/flot/jquery.flot.resize.js',
bowerDir + '/flot/jquery.flot.pie.js',
bowerDir + '/flot/jquery.flot.stack.js',
bowerDir + '/flot/jquery.flot.time.js',
bowerDir + '/gauge.js/dist/gauge.min.js',
bowerDir + '/jquery.easy-pie-chart/dist/angular.easypiechart.min.js',
bowerDir + '/angular-wizard/dist/angular-wizard.min.js',
bowerDir + '/fullcalendar/fullcalendar.min.js',
bowerDir + '/fullcalendar/gcal.js',
bowerDir + '/angularjs-imageupload-directive/public/javascripts/imageupload.js',
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