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2048 in reasonml
type direction =
| Up
| Down
| Left
| Right;
type action =
| NewGame
| Move(direction)
| Add(int, int, option(int))
| AddRandom
| GameOver;
type state = {
board_size: int,
score: int,
last_delta_score: int,
step: int,
turn: bool,
board: array(array(option(int))),
ended: bool,
let component = ReasonReact.reducerComponent("Game_2048");
module Matrix = {
/* let map_ = (raw_map, f, m) => {
raw_map((m) => raw_map(f, m), m)
let map = (f, m) => map_(, f, m); */
let map = (f, m) => {
let raw_map =;
raw_map((m) => raw_map(f, m), m)
let where = (f, m) => {
let raw_fold = BatArray.fold_lefti;
raw_fold((r, x, l) => raw_fold((r, y, i) => switch (f(i)) {
| true => [(x,y), ...r]
| false => r
}, r, l), [], m)
module ScoreBoard = {
let component = ReasonReact.statelessComponent("Game_2048_ScoreBoard");
let make = (~score, ~last_delta_score, _children) => {
render: (_self) => {
let delta = if (last_delta_score<0) { {j|$last_delta_score|j} } else { {j|+$last_delta_score|j} };
<div> (ReasonReact.stringToElement({j|score: $score ($delta)|j})) </div>
module GameBoard = {
module Cell = {
let component = ReasonReact.statelessComponent("Game_2048_GameBoard_Cell");
let make = (~x, ~y, ~p, _children) => {
render: (_self) => {
let (class_, text, background) = switch p {
| Some(t) => {
({j|gameboard_cell gameboard_cell_$t|j}, {j|$t|j}, switch t {
| t when t <= 7 => { let i = Pervasives.float(t)/.8.0; {j|rgba(255,255,0, $i)|j}}
| t when t <= 15 => { let i = Pervasives.float(t)/.16.0; {j|rgba(0,0,255, $i)|j}}
| _ => "#202020"
| None => ({j|gameboard_cell gameboard_cell_empty|j}, "", "#C0C0C0")
let style = ReactDOMRe.Style.make(~width="100px", ~height="100px", ~background={j|$background|j},
~textAlign="center", ~fontSize="30px", ~fontFamily="sans-serif", ());
<td style=(style) className=(class_) id=({j|board_cell_$(x)_$(y)|j})>
let component = ReasonReact.statelessComponent("Game_2048_GameBoard");
let make = (~board_size, ~board, _children) => {
render: (_self) => {
let _board_size = board_size;
let board_elements = board |> Array.mapi((x, ln) =>
<tr key=({j|board_ln_$x|j})>
|> Array.mapi((y, i) => <Cell x y p=(i) key=({j|board_cell_$(x)_$(y)|j}) />)
|> ReasonReact.arrayToElement)
<table> <tbody> (board_elements |> ReasonReact.arrayToElement) </tbody> </table>
module InputArea = {
let component = ReasonReact.statelessComponent("Game_2048_InputArea");
let make = (~onMove, _children) => {
let handleInput = (event, _self) => {
let charCode = ReactDOMRe.domElementToObj(;
String.iter((c) => switch c {
| 'h' => onMove(Left) |> ignore
| 'j' => onMove(Up) |> ignore
| 'k' => onMove(Down) |> ignore
| 'l' => onMove(Right) |> ignore
| _ => ()
}, charCode);
ReactDOMRe.domElementToObj( #= "";
render: (self) => {
<button onClick=((_) => onMove(Left))> (ReasonReact.stringToElement({js|⬅️|js})) </button>
<button onClick=((_) => onMove(Up))> (ReasonReact.stringToElement({js|⬆️|js})) </button>
<button onClick=((_) => onMove(Down))> (ReasonReact.stringToElement({js|⬇️|js})) </button>
<button onClick=((_) => onMove(Right))> (ReasonReact.stringToElement({js|➡️|js})) </button>
<textarea onInput=(self.handle(handleInput)) />
let newGame(size) = { board_size: size, score: 0, last_delta_score: 0, step:0, turn:false, board: Array.make_matrix(size, size, None), ended: false };
let moveBoard = (board, size, direction) => {
let filter_adj_((sc0, h), (sc, tail)) = (sc + sc0, [h, ...tail]);
let rec filter_adj(ln) = switch(ln) {
| [Some(a), Some(b), ...tail] when a==b => filter_adj_((a, Some(a+1)), filter_adj(tail)) /*[Some(a+b), ...filter_adj(tail)]*/
| [a, ...tail] => filter_adj_((0, a), filter_adj(tail)) /*[a, ...filter_adj(tail)]*/
| [] => (0, [])
let to_array(n, ln) = {
let arr = Array.make(n, None);
List.iteri((i,x) => arr[i]=x, ln);
let process = (board, size, readarr, savearr) => {
let newBoard = Array.make_matrix(size, size, None);
let score = ref(0);
for (x in 0 to size-1) {
let (sc, ln) = readarr(board, x) |> Array.to_list |> List.filter ((!=)(None)) |> filter_adj;
ln |> to_array(size) |> savearr(newBoard, x);
score := score^ + sc;
(score^, newBoard)
let (score, board) = switch direction {
| Left => process(board, size,
(b, x) => b[x],
(b, x, t) => b[x] = t)
| Right => process(board, size,
(b, x) => BatArray.rev(b[x]),
(b, x, t) => b[x] = BatArray.rev(t))
| Up => process(board, size,
(b, x) => => ln[x], b),
(b, x, t) => BatArray.iter2((ln, tt) => ln[x] = tt, b, t))
| Down => process(board, size,
(b, x) => => ln[x], b) |> BatArray.rev,
(b, x, t) => BatArray.iter2((ln, tt) => ln[x] = tt, b, BatArray.rev(t)))
(board, score)
let make = (_children) => {
initialState: () => newGame(4),
reducer: (action, state) => {
let move = (board, size, direction) => {
let (newBoard, _) as result = moveBoard(board, size, direction);
if (newBoard == board) {
} else {
let add = (board, x, y, t) => {
if (board[x][y] == t) {
} else {
let board = [...board];
board[x] = [...board[x]];
board[x][y] = t;
switch action {
| NewGame => ReasonReact.UpdateWithSideEffects(newGame(4), (self) => self.reduce((_)=>AddRandom, ()))
| Move(direction) => {
switch (move(state.board, state.board_size, direction)) {
| Some((board, score)) => ReasonReact.UpdateWithSideEffects({...state,
step: state.step+1,
board: board,
score: state.score+score,
last_delta_score: score,
turn: false},
(self) => {
Js.log("Side effect => AddRandom");self.reduce((_)=>AddRandom, ())})
| None => ReasonReact.SideEffects((_) => { /*let d = Printf.sprintf("%a", direction);*/ Js.log({j|info: can not move $direction|j}) })
| Add(x, y, t) => {
switch (add(state.board, x, y, t)) {
| Some(board) => {
let space = Array.of_list(Matrix.where((==)(None), state.board)) |> Array.length;
if (space > 0) {
step: state.step+1,
board: board,
turn: true},
(_) => Js.log({j|Add($x,$y): $t|j}));
} else {
step: state.step+1,
board: board,
turn: true},
(self) => {
Js.log({j|Add($x,$y): $t|j});
self.reduce((_)=>GameOver, ());
| None => NoUpdate
| AddRandom => {
let i = Array.of_list(Matrix.where((==)(None), state.board));
/* Js.log(Array.length(i)); */
switch (Array.length(i)) {
| t when t > 0 => {
let j =;
let (x, y) = i[j];
ReasonReact.SideEffects((self) => self.reduce((_)=>Add(x, y, Some(1)), ()))
| _ => ReasonReact.SideEffects((self) => self.reduce((_)=>GameOver, ()))
| GameOver => ReasonReact.Update({...state, ended: true})
render: ({state: {step, score, last_delta_score, board_size, board}} as self) => {
let message = {j|step: $step!|j};
<div onClick=(self.reduce((_) => AddRandom))>
<ScoreBoard score last_delta_score />
<GameBoard board_size board />
<InputArea onMove=((direction) => self.reduce((_) => Move(direction), ())) />
/* This is the BuckleScript configuration file. Note that this is a comment;
BuckleScript comes with a JSON parser that supports comments and trailing
comma. If this screws with your editor highlighting, please tell us by filing
an issue! */
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"scripts": {
"build": "bsb -make-world",
"start": "bsb -make-world -w",
"clean": "bsb -clean-world",
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1",
"webpack": "webpack -w"
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