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Last active December 17, 2015 19:39
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D3: Using d3timer to Centrally Control Movement

Using d3timer to Centrally Control Movement

This is a follow-on from "Using attrTween in a Transition to Move an Element Using a Function".

Both this example, and the previous example show exactly the same kind of movement (although the movement here continues unless you explicitly click the "Stop" button). The animation is exactly the same, paths followed are the same etc.

The difference here is that this does not use transitions, it uses the "d3.timer" functionality to call a function that both determines how far around an iteration each element is and to move the element using the transform attribute.

But why on earth do this if we've just done the same thing using a transition?

The issue is one of control: with this approach we can do all kinds of calculations within the "tickFn" on multiple elements. If we wanted we could implement collision detection, manipulate the elements to follow all kinds of wacky routes, and more. This is the kind of thing the "force layout" code does: uses a d3.timer and a tickFn to execute multiple operations on multiple elements before updating their positions.

You could take the previous example and also use a d3.timer function thereby combining the power of transitions and retaining some control, but it could get messy. For me at least.

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<head lang=en>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>D3: Using d3timer to Centrally Control Movement</title>
svg {
background: #eee;
circle {
fill: steelblue;
stroke: #fff;
stroke-width: 3px;
<script src=""></script>
<div id="btns">
<div id="startdiv"><button id="startbtn">Start</button></div>
<div id="stopdiv"><button id="stopbtn">Stop</button></div>
var width = 640;
var height = 480;
var svg ="body").append("svg")
.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", height)
var circleData = [];
// Define first circle and type of motion:- circular
var t_circle =;
t_circle.set("id", 1);
t_circle.set("cr", 10);
t_circle.set("rotr", 100);
t_circle.set("rtype", "circle");
t_circle.set("offset", 20);
t_circle.set("timelimit", 2000);
t_circle.set("starttime", undefined);
t_circle.set("elapsed", 0);
t_circle.set("x", 100);
t_circle.set("y", 100);
t_circle.set("scale", 1);
t_circle.set("move", false);
// Elliptical motion
t_circle =;
t_circle.set("id", 2);
t_circle.set("cr", 20);
t_circle.set("rotrx", 200);
t_circle.set("rotry", 100);
t_circle.set("rtype", "ellipse");
t_circle.set("offset", -100);
t_circle.set("timelimit", 2000);
t_circle.set("starttime", undefined);
t_circle.set("elapsed", 0);
t_circle.set("x", 200);
t_circle.set("y", 100);
t_circle.set("scale", 1);
t_circle.set("move", false);
// Create the circle elements, and move them into their start positions
var circle = svg.selectAll("circle")
.data(circleData, function(d) { return d.get('id');})
.attr("r", function(d) { return d.get('cr'); })
.attr('d', function(d) {
var initial_x = (d.get('rotr') != undefined ? d.get('rotr') : d.get('rotrx'));
d.set('x', (width/2) + d.get('offset') + initial_x);
d.set('y', (height/2) + d.get('offset'));
return d;
.attr("transform", function(d) {return "translate(" + d.get('x') + "," + d.get('y') + "), scale(" + d.get('scale') + ")";});
// Create the text elements, bind the same data:
var text = svg.selectAll("text")
.data(circleData, function(d) { return d.get('id');})
.text(function(d){ return d.get('id');})
// timer_ret_val: could be used to stop the timer, but not actually used in this code really.
var timer_ret_val = false;
// Keeps a record of the elapsed time since the timer began.
var timer_elapsed = 0;
// Kick off the timer, and the action begins:
function tickFn(_elapsed) {
timer_elapsed = _elapsed;
// Process all circles data.
for (var i = 0; i<circleData.length;i++) {
var t_circleData = circleData[i];
if (t_circleData.get('move') == true) {
if (t_circleData.get('starttime') == undefined)
t_circleData.set('starttime', _elapsed);
// Calc elapsed time.
var t_elapsed = _elapsed - t_circleData.get('starttime');
// Keep a record.
t_circleData.set('elapsed', t_elapsed);
// Calculate how far through the desired time for one iteration.
var t = t_elapsed / t_circleData.get('timelimit');
// Calculate new x/y positions depending upon whether circular or elliptical motion required.
if (t_circleData.get('rtype') == 'circle') {
var rotation_radius = t_circleData.get('rotr');
var t_offset = t_circleData.get('offset');
var t_angle = (2 * Math.PI) * t;
var t_x = rotation_radius * Math.cos(t_angle);
var t_y = rotation_radius * Math.sin(t_angle);
t_circleData.set('x', (width/2) + t_offset + t_x);
t_circleData.set('y', (height/2) + t_offset + t_y);
if (t_circleData.get('rtype') == 'ellipse') {
var rotation_radius_x = t_circleData.get('rotrx');
var rotation_radius_y = t_circleData.get('rotry');
var t_offset = t_circleData.get('offset');
var t_angle = (2 * Math.PI) * t;
var t_x = rotation_radius_x * Math.cos(t_angle);
var t_y = rotation_radius_y * Math.sin(t_angle);
t_circleData.set('x', (width/2) + t_offset + t_x);
t_circleData.set('y', (height/2) + t_offset + t_y);
// Actually move the circles and the text.
var t_circle = svg.selectAll("circle");
.attr("transform", function(d) {return "translate(" + d.get('x') + "," + d.get('y') + "), scale(" + d.get('scale') + ")";});
var t_text = svg.selectAll("text");
.attr("transform", function(d) {return "translate(" + d.get('x') + "," + d.get('y') + "), scale(" + d.get('scale') + ")";});
return timer_ret_val;
// These two buttons don't stop the timer,
// just set flags to indicate that these two elements should stop/start:
startbtn.on("click", function() {
for (var i = 0; i<circleData.length;i++) {
var t_circleData = circleData[i];
t_circleData.set('move', true);
t_circleData.set('starttime', timer_elapsed - t_circleData.get('elapsed'));
stopbtn.on("click", function() {
for (var i = 0; i<circleData.length;i++) {
var t_circleData = circleData[i];
t_circleData.set('move', false);
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