<!doctype html> |
<html lang="en"> |
<head lang=en> |
<meta charset="utf-8"> |
<title>D3: Using d3timer to Centrally Control Movement</title> |
</head> |
<body> |
<style> |
svg { |
background: #eee; |
} |
circle { |
fill: steelblue; |
stroke: #fff; |
stroke-width: 3px; |
} |
</style> |
<script src="http://d3js.org/d3.v3.min.js"></script> |
<div id="btns"> |
<div id="startdiv"><button id="startbtn">Start</button></div> |
<div id="stopdiv"><button id="stopbtn">Stop</button></div> |
</div> |
<script> |
var width = 640; |
var height = 480; |
var svg = d3.select("body").append("svg") |
.attr("width", width) |
.attr("height", height) |
.append("g"); |
var circleData = []; |
// Define first circle and type of motion:- circular |
var t_circle = d3.map(); |
t_circle.set("id", 1); |
t_circle.set("cr", 10); |
t_circle.set("rotr", 100); |
t_circle.set("rtype", "circle"); |
t_circle.set("offset", 20); |
t_circle.set("timelimit", 2000); |
t_circle.set("starttime", undefined); |
t_circle.set("elapsed", 0); |
t_circle.set("x", 100); |
t_circle.set("y", 100); |
t_circle.set("scale", 1); |
t_circle.set("move", false); |
circleData.push(t_circle); |
// Elliptical motion |
t_circle = d3.map(); |
t_circle.set("id", 2); |
t_circle.set("cr", 20); |
t_circle.set("rotrx", 200); |
t_circle.set("rotry", 100); |
t_circle.set("rtype", "ellipse"); |
t_circle.set("offset", -100); |
t_circle.set("timelimit", 2000); |
t_circle.set("starttime", undefined); |
t_circle.set("elapsed", 0); |
t_circle.set("x", 200); |
t_circle.set("y", 100); |
t_circle.set("scale", 1); |
t_circle.set("move", false); |
circleData.push(t_circle); |
// Create the circle elements, and move them into their start positions |
var circle = svg.selectAll("circle") |
.data(circleData, function(d) { return d.get('id');}) |
.enter() |
.append("circle") |
.attr("r", function(d) { return d.get('cr'); }) |
.attr('d', function(d) { |
var initial_x = (d.get('rotr') != undefined ? d.get('rotr') : d.get('rotrx')); |
d.set('x', (width/2) + d.get('offset') + initial_x); |
d.set('y', (height/2) + d.get('offset')); |
return d; |
}) |
.attr("transform", function(d) {return "translate(" + d.get('x') + "," + d.get('y') + "), scale(" + d.get('scale') + ")";}); |
// Create the text elements, bind the same data: |
var text = svg.selectAll("text") |
.data(circleData, function(d) { return d.get('id');}) |
.enter() |
.append("text") |
.text(function(d){ return d.get('id');}) |
// timer_ret_val: could be used to stop the timer, but not actually used in this code really. |
var timer_ret_val = false; |
// Keeps a record of the elapsed time since the timer began. |
var timer_elapsed = 0; |
// Kick off the timer, and the action begins: |
d3.timer(tickFn); |
function tickFn(_elapsed) { |
timer_elapsed = _elapsed; |
// Process all circles data. |
for (var i = 0; i<circleData.length;i++) { |
var t_circleData = circleData[i]; |
if (t_circleData.get('move') == true) { |
if (t_circleData.get('starttime') == undefined) |
t_circleData.set('starttime', _elapsed); |
// Calc elapsed time. |
var t_elapsed = _elapsed - t_circleData.get('starttime'); |
// Keep a record. |
t_circleData.set('elapsed', t_elapsed); |
// Calculate how far through the desired time for one iteration. |
var t = t_elapsed / t_circleData.get('timelimit'); |
// Calculate new x/y positions depending upon whether circular or elliptical motion required. |
if (t_circleData.get('rtype') == 'circle') { |
var rotation_radius = t_circleData.get('rotr'); |
var t_offset = t_circleData.get('offset'); |
var t_angle = (2 * Math.PI) * t; |
var t_x = rotation_radius * Math.cos(t_angle); |
var t_y = rotation_radius * Math.sin(t_angle); |
t_circleData.set('x', (width/2) + t_offset + t_x); |
t_circleData.set('y', (height/2) + t_offset + t_y); |
} |
if (t_circleData.get('rtype') == 'ellipse') { |
var rotation_radius_x = t_circleData.get('rotrx'); |
var rotation_radius_y = t_circleData.get('rotry'); |
var t_offset = t_circleData.get('offset'); |
var t_angle = (2 * Math.PI) * t; |
var t_x = rotation_radius_x * Math.cos(t_angle); |
var t_y = rotation_radius_y * Math.sin(t_angle); |
t_circleData.set('x', (width/2) + t_offset + t_x); |
t_circleData.set('y', (height/2) + t_offset + t_y); |
} |
} |
} |
// Actually move the circles and the text. |
var t_circle = svg.selectAll("circle"); |
t_circle |
.attr("transform", function(d) {return "translate(" + d.get('x') + "," + d.get('y') + "), scale(" + d.get('scale') + ")";}); |
var t_text = svg.selectAll("text"); |
t_text |
.attr("transform", function(d) {return "translate(" + d.get('x') + "," + d.get('y') + "), scale(" + d.get('scale') + ")";}); |
return timer_ret_val; |
} |
// These two buttons don't stop the timer, |
// just set flags to indicate that these two elements should stop/start: |
var startbtn=d3.select("#startbtn"); |
startbtn.on("click", function() { |
for (var i = 0; i<circleData.length;i++) { |
var t_circleData = circleData[i]; |
t_circleData.set('move', true); |
t_circleData.set('starttime', timer_elapsed - t_circleData.get('elapsed')); |
} |
}); |
var stopbtn=d3.select("#stopbtn"); |
stopbtn.on("click", function() { |
for (var i = 0; i<circleData.length;i++) { |
var t_circleData = circleData[i]; |
t_circleData.set('move', false); |
} |
}); |
</script> |
</body> |
</html> |