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Created November 19, 2015 22:42
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Gets the Top10 account balances from the joined tables 'Users' and 'Accounts'

The default is to put this on its own node so you will need to start DSE with dse cassandra -k to create a spark analytics node.

First run the project to populate the cassandra cluster (follow instructions in README). This project is based on the first bootcamp project and is a fairly general order management system (eg. users, accounts, products, orders). This can take a while so you may only want to run it for a minute or two to generate some data.

NOTE you will need to add the following table to your schema

CREATE TABLE useraccounts (
  user_id text,
  balance double,
  city text,
  first text,
  last text,
  state text,
  PRIMARY KEY (user_id)

In a new window start the shark shell dse shark

Then you can use any of the scripts in the src/main/resources/hive directory to run the hive scripts through shark.


INSERT INTO TABLE products_by_vendor_hive
SELECT recommendation, vendor, COUNT(distinct order_id) AS MyCount, product_id, product_name 
FROM product_orders_by_vendor 
GROUP BY recommendation, vendor, product_id, product_name SORT BY vendor, MyCount DESC;

Close the shark terminal and run a spark shell using dse spark

Now you can run the following commands to join the users and accounts table and filter some data. The result will be:

case class Account (user_id: String, account_id: String, balance: Double, last_updated: java.util.Date);

case class User (user_id: String, city_name: String, country_code: String, dob: java.util.Date, email: String, first_name: String, gender: String, last_name: String,
middle_name: String, phone_number: String, state_name: String, street_address: String, 
zip_code: String);

case class UserAccount (user_id: String, balance: Double, first: String, last: String, city: String, state: String)

val accounts = sc.cassandraTable[Account]("order_management", "accounts").cache
val users = sc.cassandraTable[User]("order_management", "users").cache

val accountsByUserId = accounts.keyBy(f => f.user_id);
val usersByUserId = users.keyBy(f => f.user_id);

//Join the tables by the user_id
val joinedUsers = accountsByUserId.join(usersByUserId).cache

//Create RDD with a the new object type which maps to our new table
val userAccountObjects ={ case (key, (account, user)) => new UserAccount(account.user_id, account.balance, user.first_name, user.last_name, user.city_name, user.state_name)}).cache

//get the top ten results 
val top10 = userAccountObjects.collect.toList.sortBy(_.balance).reverse.take(10)

val newRdd = sc.parallelize(top10);

//save to Cassandra
newRdd.saveToCassandra("order_management", "useraccounts")
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