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Created June 23, 2010 05:40
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place & receive a phone call with Ruby (Adhearsion)
require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../../config/environment")
require 'adhearsion'
require 'adhearsion/initializer/asterisk'
require 'drb'
desc "Make an outgoing phone call to number provided as 'call' (via Cloudvox)"
task :make_outgoing_call do
if ENV['call']
# Outgoing context from Cloudvox Switchboard, under "Outgoing settings (AMI)."
# If you don't have one, create a free account at and add an app.
# For example:
# outgoing_context = "outgoing-42"
outgoing_context = "OUTGOING_CONTEXT"
Adhearsion = DRbObject.new_with_uri 'druby://localhost:9050'
# channel example: Local/12063335555@outgoing-42
Adhearsion.originate :channel => "Local/#{ENV['call']}@#{outgoing_context}",
#:variables => {:foo_id => 123, :bar_id =>},
:caller_id => "2063576220",
:context => outgoing_context,
:application => 'AGI',
# change this to your client 's hostname or IP
:data => 'agi://'
print """
Cloudvox Adhearsion outgoing example
Syntax: rake make_outgoing_call call=12065554444
default {
say_digits 12345
execute "swift", "\"I'm calling from Cloudvox to wish you a very happy birthday. This message could say anything, interact with the caller, play sounds
# .. more call processing ..
unless defined? Adhearsion
if File.exists? File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../adhearsion/lib/adhearsion.rb"
# If you wish to freeze a copy of Adhearsion to this app, simply place a copy of Adhearsion
# into a folder named "adhearsion" within this app's main directory.
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../adhearsion/lib/adhearsion.rb"
require 'rubygems'
gem 'adhearsion', '>= 0.8.2'
require 'adhearsion'
Adhearsion::Configuration.configure do |config|
# Supported levels (in increasing severity) -- :debug < :info < :warn < :error < :fatal
config.logging :level => :info
# Whether incoming calls be automatically answered. Defaults to true.
# config.automatically_answer_incoming_calls = false
# Whether the other end hanging up should end the call immediately. Defaults to true.
# config.end_call_on_hangup = false
# Whether to end the call immediately if an unrescued exception is caught. Defaults to true.
# config.end_call_on_error = false
# NOTE: Pay special attention to the argument_delimiter field below:
# For Asterisk <= 1.4, use "|" (default)
# For Asterisk >= 1.6, use ","
# The delimiter can also be specified in Asterisk's asterisk.conf.
# This setting applies only to AGI. The AMI delimiter is auto-detected.
config.enable_asterisk :argument_delimiter => '|'
# config.asterisk.enable_ami :host => "", :username => "admin", :password => "password", :events => true
config.asterisk.enable_ami :host => "", :port => 5038,
:username => "MANAGER_USERNAME", :password => "MANAGER_PASSWORD", :events => true
# Streamlined Rails integration! The first argument should be a relative or absolute path to
# the Rails app folder with which you're integrating. The second argument must be one of the
# the following: :development, :production, or :test.
# config.enable_rails :path => 'gui', :env => :development
config.enable_rails :path => '../', :env => :development
# Note: You CANNOT do enable_rails and enable_database at the same time. When you enable Rails,
# it will automatically connect to same database Rails does and load the Rails app's models.
# Configure a database to use ActiveRecord-backed models. See ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection
# for the appropriate settings here.
# You can also override the default log destination by supplying an alternate
# logging object with :logger. The default is ahn_log.db.
# config.enable_database :adapter => 'mysql',
# :username => 'joe',
# :password => 'secret',
# :host => ''
# Configure an LDAP connection using ActiveLdap. See ActiveLdap::Base.establish_connect
# for the appropriate settings here.
# config.enable_ldap :host => '',
# :port => 389,
# :base => 'dc=dataspill,dc=org',
# :logger => ahn_log.ldap,
# :bind_dn => "uid=drewry,ou=People,dc=dataspill,dc=org",
# :password => 'password12345',
# :allow_anonymous => false,
# :try_sasl => false
# Configure XMPP call controller
# config.enable_xmpp :jid => '',
# :password => 'passwd',
# :server => '',
# :port => 5347
Adhearsion::Initializer.start_from_init_file(__FILE__, File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/..")
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