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Last active May 15, 2020 14:56
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A compat memory alloc for lua
// gcc -g -Wall -o alloc alloc.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__MINGW32__) || defined(__MINGW64__)
#include <windows.h>
static void *
memory_map(size_t total) {
return VirtualAlloc(NULL, total, MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_NOACCESS);
static void
memory_unmap(void * ptr, size_t total) {
VirtualFree(ptr, total, MEM_RELEASE);
static void *
memory_alloc(void *ptr, size_t sz) {
return VirtualAlloc(ptr, sz, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);
static void
memory_free(void *ptr, size_t sz) {
VirtualAlloc(ptr, sz, MEM_RESET, PAGE_NOACCESS);
#include <sys/mman.h>
static void *
memory_map(size_t total) {
void *ptr = mmap(NULL, total, PROT_NONE, MAP_ANONYMOUS | MAP_PRIVATE, -1, 0);
if (ptr == MAP_FAILED) {
return NULL;
return ptr;
static void
memory_unmap(void * ptr, size_t sz) {
munmap(ptr, sz);
static void *
memory_alloc(void *ptr, size_t sz) {
void *p = mmap(ptr, sz, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_ANONYMOUS | MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_FIXED, -1, 0);
if (p == MAP_FAILED) {
return NULL;
return p;
static void
memory_free(void *ptr, size_t sz) {
typedef unsigned int hoffset_t;
typedef unsigned int hsize_t;
// at least sizeof(hoffset_t) + sizeof(hsize_t)
#define ALIGN 8
#define NULL_OFFSET 0
struct heap {
hsize_t total_size;
hsize_t chunk_size;
hsize_t size;
hoffset_t freelist;
hoffset_t freehead;
hsize_t used_size;
int alive_n;
int free_n;
struct block {
hsize_t sz;
hoffset_t next;
struct free_block {
hsize_t sz;
hoffset_t offset;
static inline struct block *
heap_offset(struct heap *h, hoffset_t off) {
return (struct block *)((char *)h + off * ALIGN);
static inline struct block *
heap_freelist(struct heap *h) {
return heap_offset(h, h->freelist);
static inline void *
heap_alloc_(struct heap *h, hsize_t sz) {
if (h->freelist == NULL_OFFSET)
return NULL;
struct block * b = heap_freelist(h);
hsize_t hsize = b->sz;
if (hsize <= sz) {
// try next free block
h->freelist = b->next;
if (h->freelist == NULL_OFFSET)
return NULL;
b = heap_freelist(h);
hsize = b->sz;
if (hsize <= sz) {
return NULL;
h->used_size += sz;
b->sz = hsize - sz; // split block
return heap_offset(h, h->freelist + b->sz); // return last part
static inline void
heap_free_(struct heap *h, void *ptr, hsize_t sz) {
assert(ptr >= (void *)h && ptr <= (void *)heap_offset(h, h->size - sz));
hoffset_t off = ((char *)ptr - (char *)h) / ALIGN;
struct block * b = ptr;
h->used_size -= sz;
b->sz = sz;
// add to head of free list
b->next = h->freehead;
h->freehead = off;
static void
heap_shrink(struct heap *h, void *ptr, size_t osize, size_t nsize) {
hsize_t os = (osize + ALIGN -1) / ALIGN;
hsize_t ns = (nsize + ALIGN -1) / ALIGN;
if (ns >= os)
heap_free_(h, (char *)ptr + ns * ALIGN, os-ns);
static int
comp_offset(const void *a, const void *b) {
const struct free_block *aa = a;
const struct free_block *bb = b;
return (signed int)(aa->offset - bb->offset);
static int
comp_size(const void *a, const void *b) {
const struct free_block *aa = a;
const struct free_block *bb = b;
return (signed int)(bb->sz - aa->sz);
static void
heap_arrange(struct heap *h) {
int i;
int n = h->free_n;
if (n == 0)
size_t tmp_size = n * sizeof(struct free_block);
if (tmp_size > (h->total_size - h->size) * ALIGN)
return; // not enough tmp size
struct free_block *dead = (struct free_block *)memory_alloc(heap_offset(h, h->size), tmp_size);
struct block * b = heap_offset(h, h->freehead);
for (i=0;i<n;i++) {
dead[i].sz = b->sz;
dead[i].offset = ((char *)b - (char *)h) / ALIGN; // offset
if (b->next == NULL_OFFSET) {
b = NULL;
} else {
b = heap_offset(h, b->next);
assert(b == NULL);
qsort(dead, n, sizeof(struct free_block), comp_offset);
// combine continues free block
int p=0;
hoffset_t next_offset = dead[p].offset + dead[p].sz;
for (i=1;i<n;i++) {
if (next_offset == dead[i].offset) {
// combine
dead[p].sz += dead[i].sz;
next_offset += dead[i].sz;
} else {
dead[p] = dead[i];
next_offset = dead[p].offset + dead[p].sz;
// sort by size
qsort(dead, p+1, sizeof(struct free_block), comp_size);
for (i=0;i<p;i++) {
struct block *b = heap_offset(h, dead[i].offset);
b->sz = dead[i].sz;
b->next = dead[i+1].offset;
b = heap_offset(h, dead[p].offset);
b->sz = dead[p].sz;
b->next = NULL_OFFSET;
h->freehead = h->freelist = dead[0].offset;
h->free_n = p + 1;
memory_free(dead, tmp_size);
heap_dump_info(struct heap *h) {
printf("HEAP size = %fM, use = %fM, alive block = %d, freed block = %d\n",
(float)h->size / 1024 * ALIGN / 1024,
(float)h->used_size * ALIGN / 1024.0f / 1024.0f,
struct block *b = heap_freelist(h);
printf("Free block = %fK\n", (float)b->sz * ALIGN / 1024.0f);
int n = 0;
while (b->sz >= 1024 * 1024 / ALIGN) { // big than 1M
if (b->next == NULL_OFFSET) {
b = NULL;
b = heap_offset(h, b->next);
printf("Block >1M %d\n", n);
n = 0;
while (b && b->sz >= 1024) { // big than 8K
if (b->next == NULL_OFFSET) {
b = heap_offset(h, b->next);
printf("Block >8K %d\n", n);
heap_dump_freelist(struct heap *h) {
int i;
struct block * b = heap_offset(h, h->freehead);
for (i=0;i<h->free_n;i++) {
if (b == NULL) {
printf("(Corrupt block)");
printf("(%d %d %d) ",
(int)(((char *)b - (char *)h) / ALIGN), // offset
(int)(b->sz), // size
if (b->next == NULL_OFFSET) {
b = NULL;
} else {
b = heap_offset(h, b->next);
struct heap *
heap_new(size_t total_size, size_t chunk_size) {
assert(total_size / ALIGN <= 0xffffffff && chunk_size > sizeof(struct heap)); // max 32G
total_size = total_size / ALIGN * ALIGN;
void * mem = memory_map(total_size);
if (mem == NULL)
return NULL;
hsize_t csz = (hsize_t)(chunk_size / ALIGN);
void * ptr = memory_alloc(mem, csz * ALIGN);
if (ptr == NULL) {
memory_unmap(mem, total_size);
return NULL;
hsize_t meta_size = (sizeof(struct heap) + ALIGN -1) / ALIGN;
struct heap *h = mem;
h->total_size = (hsize_t)total_size / ALIGN;
h->chunk_size = csz;
h->size = csz;
h->freelist = meta_size;
h->freehead = meta_size;
h->used_size = 0;
h->alive_n = 1;
h->free_n = 1;
struct block *b = heap_freelist(h);
b->sz = h->size - meta_size;
b->next = NULL_OFFSET;
return h;
heap_delete(struct heap *h) {
memory_unmap((void *)h, h->total_size * ALIGN);
void *
heap_alloc(struct heap *h, size_t sz) {
hsize_t s = (sz + ALIGN -1) / ALIGN;
if (s <= h->size - h->used_size) {
void * ret = heap_alloc_(h, s);
if (ret) {
return ret;
ret = heap_alloc_(h, s);
if (ret) {
return ret;
// expand
hsize_t new_size = h->size + h->chunk_size;
if (new_size > h->total_size)
return NULL;
void * ptr = memory_alloc(heap_offset(h, h->size), h->chunk_size * ALIGN);
if (ptr == NULL)
return NULL; // never failed
struct block *b = (void *)ptr;
b->sz = h->chunk_size;
b->next = h->freehead;
h->freelist = h->freehead = h->size;
h->size = new_size;
return heap_alloc_(h, s);
heap_free(struct heap *h, void *ptr, size_t sz) {
if (ptr == NULL)
hsize_t s = (sz + ALIGN -1) / ALIGN;
heap_free_(h, ptr, s);
void *
heap_lua_alloc(void *ud, void *ptr, size_t osize, size_t nsize) {
struct heap * h = ud;
if (nsize == 0) {
heap_free(h, ptr, osize);
return NULL;
if (ptr == NULL) {
// new block
return heap_alloc(h, nsize);
if (nsize <= osize) {
heap_shrink(h, ptr, osize, nsize);
return ptr;
void *newptr = heap_alloc(h, nsize);
if (newptr == NULL) {
return NULL;
memcpy(newptr, ptr, osize);
heap_free(h, ptr, osize);
return newptr;
main() {
struct heap *h = heap_new(1024 * 1024 * 1024, 1024 * ALIGN);
void *p1 = heap_alloc(h, 3);
void *p2 = heap_alloc(h, 13);
void *p3 = heap_alloc(h, 23);
printf("alloc %p %p\n", p1, p2);
heap_free(h, p1, 3);
heap_free(h, p2, 13);
heap_free(h, p3, 23);
int i;
for (i=0;i<10;i++) {
heap_alloc(h, 1024);
return 0;
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