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Last active August 3, 2017 22:57
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//Include and initialise web3
var Web3 = require("web3")
var web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider("http://localhost:8545"));
//Output the current block number (to check things are working)
//Output a list of accounts. On a new Parity node this will be empty []
//Include the keytherum library
var keythereum = require("keythereum");
//Define some options/config
var password = "wheethereum";
var kdf = "pbkdf2";
var options = {
kdf: "pbkdf2",
cipher: "aes-128-ctr",
kdfparams: {
c: 262144,
dklen: 32,
prf: "hmac-sha256"
//The unencrypted private key that MyEtherWallet displayed to us
var privateKey="0065c0e3b3da40d985e8467e5a9e2cfaa1627b55ca7d1ec2cd13a3c0a25d784f";
//Require complex cryptography library
var ecdsa = new (require("elliptic").ec)("secp256k1");
//Convert the private key to its public key counterpart
var publicKey = new Buffer(ecdsa.keyFromPrivate(privateKey).getPublic("arr"));
//Require the utility library for converting a public key to an address hex
var pubToAddress = require("ethereumjs-util").pubToAddress;
//Use it
var address = pubToAddress(publicKey).toString("hex");
//At this point you can print out the address, and verify that it matches what you started with in Icebox.
//Next I want to produce a keystore file for Mist/Parity
//I wasn't sure how to make a salt and a Initialisation Vector.
//My understanding is that they are random and play a part in the crypto security of this all.
//I use keythereums create method and steal the salt/IV from there.
//Can someone more knowledgable confirm that this is OK? :P
var dk = keythereum.create();
//I build the keystore file contents
var key = keythereum.dump(password, privateKey, dk.salt, dk.iv);
//And convert it to JSON
var jsonKey = JSON.stringify(key);
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