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Created July 11, 2022 00:35
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es6 base64 encoder and decoder
const BIT_MASK_6 = 0b11_1111;
const BIT_MASK_8 = 0b1111_1111;
const CODEPOINT_TRIPLE_LIMIT = 0x1_00_00;
const CODEPOINT_QUAD_LIMIT = 0x11_00_00;
const CODEPOINT_EXTRA_BYTE = 0b10 << 6;
const BASE64_CHAR_62 = '+';
const BASE64_CHAR_63 = '/';
const BASE64_CHAR_PAD = '=';
const BASE64_CODEPOINT_62 = BASE64_CHAR_62.codePointAt(0);
const BASE64_CODEPOINT_63 = BASE64_CHAR_63.codePointAt(0);
const BASE64_CODEPOINT_PAD = BASE64_CHAR_PAD.codePointAt(0);
const BASE64URL_CHAR_62 = '-';
const BASE64URL_CHAR_63 = '_';
const BASE64URL_CHAR_PAD = ''; // Optional
const BASE64URL_CODEPOINT_62 = BASE64URL_CHAR_62.codePointAt(0);
const BASE64URL_CODEPOINT_63 = BASE64URL_CHAR_63.codePointAt(0);
const BASE64_TABLE = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/';
const BASE64_CHAR_TO_SEXTET_INDEX = new Map(Array.from(BASE64_TABLE).map((c, index) => [c, index]));
const BASE64_CODEPOINT_TO_SEXTET_INDEX = new Map(Array.from(BASE64_TABLE).map((c, index) => [c.codePointAt(0), index]));
const BASE64_SEXTET_TO_CHAR_INDEX = new Map(Array.from(BASE64_TABLE).map((c, index) => [index, c]));
const BASE64_SEXTET_TO_CODEPOINT_INDEX = new Map(Array.from(BASE64_TABLE).map((c, index) => [index, c.codePointAt(0)]));
/** @type {Map<number,number>} */
const BIT_MASKS = new Map([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8].map((v) => [v, 2 ** v - 1]));
const BIT_MASK_1 = BIT_MASKS.get(1);
const BIT_MASK_2 = BIT_MASKS.get(2);
const BIT_MASK_3 = BIT_MASKS.get(3);
const BIT_MASK_4 = BIT_MASKS.get(4);
const BIT_MASK_5 = BIT_MASKS.get(5);
const BIT_MASK_6 = BIT_MASKS.get(6);
const BIT_MASK_7 = BIT_MASKS.get(7);
const BIT_MASK_8 = BIT_MASKS.get(8);
* @param {string} utf8
* @yields {number} octet
export function* octetFromUtf8(utf8) {
for (let i = 0; i < utf8.length; i++) {
const codePoint = utf8.codePointAt(i);
let charBytes = 0;
yield (codePoint);
charBytes = 2;
} else if (codePoint < CODEPOINT_TRIPLE_LIMIT) {
charBytes = 3;
} else if (codePoint < CODEPOINT_QUAD_LIMIT) {
charBytes = 4;
// First byte is has `charBytes` amount of leading 1 bits
const firstByteValue = (0b1111_1111 << (8 - charBytes)) & BIT_MASK_8;
for (let j = 0; j < charBytes; j++) {
const position = 6 * (charBytes - 1 - j);
// Push target into last 6 bits and mask
const sextet = (codePoint >> position) & BIT_MASK_6;
const initalValue = j === 0 ? firstByteValue : CODEPOINT_EXTRA_BYTE;
const octet = initalValue | sextet;
yield octet;
* @param {string|BufferSource} source
* @return {Iterable<number>}
function toIterableUint8(source) {
/* eslint-disable indent */
/* eslint-disable unicorn/no-nested-ternary */
return (typeof source === 'string') ? octetFromUtf8(source)
: (source instanceof Uint8Array ? source
: source instanceof ArrayBuffer ? new Uint8Array(source)
: new Uint8Array(source.buffer));
/* eslint-enable indent */
/* eslint-enable unicorn/no-nested-ternary */
* @param {number} sextet
* @param {boolean} [url=false]
* @return {number}
function base64CodepointFromSextet(sextet, url) {
if (url) {
if (sextet === 63) return BASE64URL_CODEPOINT_63;
if (sextet === 62) return BASE64URL_CODEPOINT_62;
const value = BASE64_SEXTET_TO_CODEPOINT_INDEX.get(sextet);
if (value === null) throw new Error(`Invalid value: ${sextet}`);
return value;
* @param {number} codepoint
* @param {boolean} [url=false]
* @return {number}
function sextetFromBase64Codepoint(codepoint, url) {
if (url) {
if (codepoint === BASE64URL_CODEPOINT_62) return 62;
if (codepoint === BASE64URL_CODEPOINT_63) return 63;
const value = BASE64_CODEPOINT_TO_SEXTET_INDEX.get(codepoint);
if (value === null) throw new Error(`Invalid value: ${codepoint}`);
return value;
* @param {number} sextet
* @param {boolean} [url=false]
* @return {string}
function base64CharFromSextet(sextet, url) {
if (url) {
if (sextet === 62) return BASE64URL_CHAR_62;
if (sextet === 63) return BASE64URL_CHAR_63;
const value = BASE64_SEXTET_TO_CHAR_INDEX.get(sextet);
if (value == null) throw new Error(`Invalid value: ${sextet}`);
return value;
* @param {string} char
* @param {boolean} [url=false]
* @return {number} sextet
function sextetFromBase64Char(char, url) {
if (url) {
if (char === BASE64URL_CHAR_62) return 62;
if (char === BASE64URL_CHAR_63) return 63;
const value = BASE64_CHAR_TO_SEXTET_INDEX.get(char);
if (value == null) throw new Error(`Invalid value: ${char}`);
return value;
* @param {Iterable<number>} source
* @yields {number} sextet
function* sextetsFromOctets(source) {
let storedBits = 0;
let bitStore = 0;
for (const octet of source) {
const bitsNeeded = 6 - storedBits;
const partial = octet >> (8 - bitsNeeded);
const sextet = bitStore | partial;
yield sextet;
const remainingBits = 8 - bitsNeeded;
const mask = BIT_MASKS.get(remainingBits) ?? (2 ** remainingBits - 1);
const remainder = octet & mask;
bitStore = remainder << (6 - remainingBits);
storedBits = remainingBits;
if (storedBits === 6) {
yield bitStore;
bitStore = 0;
storedBits = 0;
if (storedBits) {
yield bitStore;
* @param {string|BufferSource} source
* @param {boolean} [url=false]
* @return {string}
export function encodeBase64AsString(source, url) {
const iterableSource = toIterableUint8(source);
let result = '';
let count = 0;
for (const sextet of sextetsFromOctets(iterableSource)) {
result += base64CharFromSextet(sextet, url);
if (!url) {
switch (count % 4) {
case 3:
return `${result}=`;
case 2:
return `${result}==`;
return result;
* @param {string|Uint8Array|BufferSource} source
* @param {boolean} [url=false]
* @return {Uint8Array}
export function encodeBase64AsArray(source, url) {
// Every 24bits is 4 (characters) of data
// Javascript underreports 3byte utf8 as single length, therefore byte count could be upto 3x utf8 length
// TODO: Implement optimistic size prediction
const iterableSource = toIterableUint8(source);
const destinationSize = (typeof source === 'string') ? (source.length * 4)
: Math.ceil((/** @type Uint8Array */ (iterableSource).length * 8) / 6);
const padSize = 4 - (destinationSize % 4);
const array = new Uint8Array(destinationSize + padSize);
let count = 0;
for (const sextet of sextetsFromOctets(iterableSource)) {
array[count++] = base64CodepointFromSextet(sextet, url);
if (!url) {
switch (count % 4) {
case 2:
array[count++] = BASE64_CODEPOINT_PAD;
// Fallthrough
case 3:
array[count++] = BASE64_CODEPOINT_PAD;
// Maintains memory footprint, but faster than slice
return array.subarray(0, count);
* @param {string|Uint8Array} source
* @param {?boolean} [url] Explicit base64url processing (auto if omitted)
* @return {Uint8Array}
export function decodeBase64AsArray(source, url) {
// Base64 has 24bits of data for every 32bits
let sourceBits = source.length * 6;
const unalignedBytes = source.length % 4;
if (unalignedBytes) {
if (url === false) throw new Error(`Invalid Base64 source: ${source.toString()}`);
switch (unalignedBytes) {
case 2:
sourceBits += 6;
// Fallthrough
case 3:
sourceBits += 6;
case 1:
throw new Error(`Invalid Base64 source: ${source.toString()}`);
const destinationSize = (url === false) ? sourceBits / 8 : Math.ceil(sourceBits / 8);
const array = new Uint8Array(destinationSize);
const isString = typeof source === 'string';
const decoder = isString ? sextetFromBase64Char : sextetFromBase64Codepoint;
const decodeURL = (url !== false);
let tripleByte = 0b0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000;
let writePosition = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < source.length; i++) {
const offset = i % 4;
const value = source[i];
const isPadding = isString ? value === BASE64_CHAR_PAD : value === BASE64_CODEPOINT_PAD;
if (!isPadding) {
const sextet = decoder(value, decodeURL);
const shiftedData = sextet << (6 * (3 - offset));
tripleByte |= shiftedData;
let bytesToWrite = 0;
if (isPadding) {
bytesToWrite = offset - 1;
} else if ((offset === 3) || (i === source.length - 1)) {
bytesToWrite = offset;
if (bytesToWrite) {
for (let j = 0; j < bytesToWrite; j++) {
const value = (tripleByte >> (8 * (2 - j))) & BIT_MASK_8;
array[writePosition++] = value;
tripleByte = 0;
if (isPadding) break;
if (array.length === writePosition) return array;
return array.subarray(0, writePosition);
* @param {string|Uint8Array} source
* @param {?boolean} [url] Explicit base64url processing (auto if omitted)
* @return {string}
export function decodeBase64AsASCII(source, url) {
// Base64 has 24bits of data for every 32bits
const decodeURL = (url !== false);
let output = '';
const isString = typeof source === 'string';
const decoder = isString ? sextetFromBase64Char : sextetFromBase64Codepoint;
let tripleByte = 0b0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000;
for (let i = 0; i < source.length; i++) {
const offset = i % 4;
const value = source[i];
const isPadding = isString ? value === BASE64_CHAR_PAD : value === BASE64_CODEPOINT_PAD;
if (!isPadding) {
const sextet = decoder(value, decodeURL);
const shiftedData = sextet << (6 * (3 - offset));
tripleByte |= shiftedData;
let bytesToWrite = 0;
if (isPadding) {
bytesToWrite = offset - 1;
} else if ((offset === 3) || (i === source.length - 1)) {
bytesToWrite = offset;
if (bytesToWrite) {
for (let j = 0; j < bytesToWrite; j++) {
const charCode = (tripleByte >> (8 * (2 - j))) & BIT_MASK_8;
// eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/prefer-code-point
output += String.fromCharCode(charCode);
tripleByte = 0;
if (isPadding) break;
return output;
* @param {string|Uint8Array|BufferSource} source
* @param {?boolean} [url] Explicit base64url processing (auto if omitted)
* @return {string}
export function decodeBase64AsUtf8(source, url) {
// Base64 has 24bits of data for every 32bits
const decodeURL = (url !== false);
let output = '';
const isString = typeof source === 'string';
const decoder = isString ? sextetFromBase64Char : sextetFromBase64Codepoint;
let tripleByte = 0b0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000;
let codePoint = 0;
let codePointLength = 0;
let codePointIndex = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < source.length; i++) {
const offset = i % 4;
const value = source[i];
const isPadding = isString ? value === BASE64_CHAR_PAD : value === BASE64_CODEPOINT_PAD;
if (!isPadding) {
const sextet = decoder(value, decodeURL);
const shiftedData = sextet << (6 * (3 - offset));
tripleByte |= shiftedData;
let bytesToWrite = 0;
if (isPadding) {
bytesToWrite = offset - 1;
} else if ((offset === 3) || (i === source.length - 1)) {
bytesToWrite = offset;
if (bytesToWrite) {
for (let j = 0; j < bytesToWrite; j++) {
const codePointOctet = (tripleByte >> (8 * (2 - j))) & BIT_MASK_8;
if (!codePointLength) {
if (codePointOctet >> 7 === 0) {
codePointLength = 1;
codePoint = codePointOctet;
} else if (codePointOctet >> 5 === 0b110) {
codePointLength = 2;
codePoint = codePointOctet & BIT_MASK_5;
} else if (codePointOctet >> 4 === 0b1110) {
codePointLength = 3;
codePoint = codePointOctet & BIT_MASK_4;
} else if (codePointOctet >> 3 === 0b1_1110) {
codePointLength = 4;
codePoint = codePointOctet & BIT_MASK_3;
} else {
throw new Error('Invalid source data');
if (codePointIndex) {
if (codePointOctet >> 6 !== 0b10) throw new Error('Invalid source data');
// Shift 6 and mask
codePoint <<= 6;
codePoint |= (codePointOctet & BIT_MASK_6);
if (codePointIndex === codePointLength) {
output += String.fromCodePoint(codePoint);
codePointIndex = 0;
codePointLength = 0;
tripleByte = 0;
if (isPadding) break;
if (codePointLength) {
output += String.fromCodePoint(codePoint);
return output;
/** @alias encodeBase64AsString */
export const encodeBase64AsASCII = encodeBase64AsString;
/** @alias encodeBase64AsString */
export const encodeBase64AsUtf8 = encodeBase64AsString;
/** @alias decodeBase64AsUtf8 */
export const decodeBase64AsString = decodeBase64AsUtf8;
export const encodeBase64UrlAsArray = (source) => encodeBase64AsArray(source, true);
export const encodeBase64UrlAsString = (source) => encodeBase64AsString(source, true);
export const decodeBase64UrlAsArray = (source) => decodeBase64AsArray(source, true);
export const decodeBase64UrlAsString = (source) => decodeBase64AsString(source, true);
export const decodeBase64UrlAsUtf8 = (source) => decodeBase64AsUtf8(source, true);
export const decodeBase64UrlAsASCII = (source) => decodeBase64AsASCII(source, true);
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