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Created January 10, 2024 22:32
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FUSE for browsing output of invokeai as directories
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Motivation: browse the "boards" created by InvokeAI as if they were subdirectories.
# To extend: do better than that. Basically, this is the idea:
# - root/
# - models
# - <model name1>
# - <"hashed" prompt1>
# - <image1.png>
# - <image2.png>
# - ...
# - PROMPT.txt
# - <"hashed" prompt2>
# - (as above)
# - ...
# - (as above)
# - <model name2>
# - (as above)
# - <model name3>
# - (as above)
# - ...
# - (as above)
# - prompts
# - <"hashed" prompt1>
# - <model name1>
# - <image1.png>
# - <image2.png>
# - ...
# - <model name2>
# - (as above)
# - ...
# - (as above)
# - <"hashed" prompt2>
# - (as above)
# - ...
# - (as above)
# - <board name1>
# - (as above)
# - <board name2>
# - (as above)
# - ...
# Using noprompts, nomodels, or noboards in the command-line will replace
# that level with the reserved word "ALL" and not separate on that level.
# by Mark Shoulson, 2023
# Still a VERY rough cut!
import fuse
import os
import path
import sys
import stat
import errno
import tempfile
import sqlite3 as sqlite
from itertools import count
import base64
import hashlib
from functools import update_wrapper
def debugf(func):
def f(self, *args, **kwargs):
print(f"Entering {f.__name__}({args!r}, {kwargs!r})")
rv = func(self, *args, **kwargs)
print(f"Returning {rv!r}")
return rv
update_wrapper(f, func)
return f
def getParts(path):
Return the slash-separated parts of a given path as a list
if path == os.sep:
return [os.sep]
return path.split(os.sep)
# I'm not likely to need THAT big a hash space.
import re
SanityRE = re.compile('[^A-Za-z0-9_]+')
def makehash(prompt):
# Special-cases
if prompt == NOPROMPT:
if prompt == ALL:
return ALL
shk = hashlib.shake_256(prompt.encode('utf-8'))
## Eep, can't use b64encode, it has / in it!
# rv = base64.b64encode(shk.digest(HASHLEN)).decode('utf-8')
# Hmm. I understand why I'm using hashes and not the whole string.
# But what about (sanitizing the string and) taking the first N chars
# and then appending the has, so they're still unique and they give
# you SOME idea of what each one was? And I'm only using it for uniqueness,
# I can replace the /...
# rv = shk.hexdigest(HASHLEN)
h = base64.b64encode(shk.digest(HASHLEN)).decode('utf-8')
h = h.replace('/', '@')
pr = SanityRE.sub(' ', prompt)[:PROMPTLEN]
pr = pr.strip()
rv = f"{pr}-{h}"
return rv
# Name for the unsorted board
# It's YOUR responsibility to make sure these special names don't conflict
# with anything actually being used.
# Name for prompt file
# Name for no-model models
# Name for no-prompt prompts, if any
# Special token for "ALL"; may be removed from user's sight.
ALL = "ALL" # "*" maybe better?
# Ugh, such a pain. OK, for reference:
# select images.*, board_images.board_id, board_name from images left join board_images on images.image_name=board_images.image_name left join boards on board_images.board_id=boards.board_id;
# There's surely a right way in SQL to make a View or something like that,
# but I don't want to do anything that's even adjacent to altering the
# database file, so I'll just put that in a string and use it as a
# subquery, k?
# Mmm, ok, so I tested (tried creating a temp view in a read-only file) and
# it looks like a temporary view does NOT try to change the DB, so it
# should be safe. Taking off the parens and making it a view, but leaving
# the f-strings, whatever...
# It's SOO much simpler just to make an "UNSORTED" board than to hassle
# with the IS NULL situation.
ImageTbl_cmd = f"select images.*, board_images.board_id, board_name, coalesce(board_name, '{UNSORTED}') as full_board_name from images left join board_images on images.image_name=board_images.image_name left join boards on board_images.board_id=boards.board_id"
ImageTbl = "all_images_boards"
class InvokeOutFS(fuse.Operations):
def init(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.dbfile = os.path.abspath(self.dbfile)
self.connection = sqlite.connect(self.dbfile)
self.cursor = self.connection.cursor()
except sqlite.OperationalError as e:
print("Error: %s"%e)
self.cursor.execute(f"CREATE TEMPORARY VIEW {ImageTbl} as {ImageTbl_cmd};")
if not getattr(self, "rootdir", None):
self.rootdir = os.sep.join(self.dbfile.split(os.sep)[:-2])
self.promptdict = {}
def destroy(self, *args, **kwargs):
def is_root(self, path=None, pathelts=None):
if pathelts is None:
pathelts = getParts(path)
return path == os.sep or len(pathelts) == 0 or pathelts == [os.sep]
def parseelts(self, pathelts):
# oh, whatever, it returns a dict:
# I guess distinguish /board from /board/"models" and board/"prompts" by
# length? No, still have to look at the last elt. So add those in
# {"board": board, "model": model, "promptname": promptname,
# "is_dir": boolean, "tree" : ("prompt" or "model")}
# Leaves out or None what it don't know
board = None
model = None
promptname = None
is_dir = True
tree = None
# I thought this would be a good use (finally) of the match statement.
# I was wrong. Forget it.
# Started with repeated ifs, I think I can nest...
# Not sure why I should ever not see '' at the front of the list,
# but it's happening? Is it causing the problem?
#if pathelts != [os.sep] and pathelts[0] != '':
# pathelts.insert(0, '')
numelts = len(pathelts)
if numelts >= 2: # ['', board]
board = pathelts[1]
# Otherwise, not much beyond is_dir=True
if numelts >= 3: # ['', board, ("models"|"prompts")]
tree = pathelts[2]
if numelts >= 4: # ['', board, tree, (model|promptname)]
if tree == "models":
model = pathelts[3]
promptname = pathelts[3]
if numelts >= 5: # ['', board, tree, 1stlev, 2ndlev]
if tree == "prompts":
# Special case!!
if pathelts[4] == PROMPT:
is_dir = False # !
model = pathelts[4]
promptname = pathelts[4]
if numelts > 5:
is_dir = False # At the image level now.
return dict(board=board, model=model, promptname=promptname,
tree=tree, is_dir=is_dir)
def is_directory(self, path=None, pathelts=None):
if not pathelts:
info = self.parseelts(pathelts)
return info['is_dir']
def getpromptnames(self):
# Populate/refresh the self.promptdict library.
self.cursor.execute("select distinct "
"json_extract(metadata, '$.positive_prompt') from images;")
while (batch := self.cursor.fetchmany()):
for item in batch:
p = item[0]
if p: # It's sometimes None?
self.promptdict[makehash(p)] = p
def getprompt(self, promptname):
if promptname == ALL:
return ALL
return self.promptdict[promptname]
except KeyError:
# Refresh the promptdict and try again.
return self.promptdict[promptname]
except KeyError:
# OK to raise here?
raise fuse.FuseOSError(fuse.ENOENT) # ?
def getattr(self, path, fh=None):
st = dict(st_mode = stat.S_IFDIR | 0o555,
st_ino = 0,
st_dev = 0,
st_nlink = 2,
st_uid = 0,
st_gid = 0,
st_size = 4096,
st_atime = 0,
st_mtime = 0,
st_ctime = 0)
if self.is_root(pathelts=pe):
return st
info = self.parseelts(pe)
if info.get("is_dir", False):
# XXXX Not confirming the existence of model or promptname subdir!
return st # same as root, fine.
# Special case! The prompt text file!
if pe[-1] == PROMPT:
promptname = info.get("promptname", None)
# If there's no promptname, let it fail later.
prompt = self.getprompt(promptname)
st['st_mode'] = stat.S_IFREG | 0o444
st['st_nlink'] = 1
# Careful! It's the length IN BYTES!
st['st_size'] = len(prompt.encode('utf-8'))
return st
# Otherwise, this is presumably an image file, so a soft link.
st['st_mode']=stat.S_IFLNK | 0o777
st['st_size'] = len(imgname)
# print(" IZImg ({0})".format(imgname))
query="SELECT COUNT(*) FROM images WHERE image_name=?;"
self.cursor.execute(query, [imgname])
except Exception as e:
# self.DBG("Whoa, except getattr2: {0}".format(e))
if cnt[0]<1:
# self.DBG("File not found.")
raise fuse.FuseOSError(fuse.ENOENT)
return st
def readlink(self, filename):
# print("RdLink: ({0!r} ({1!r})".format(filename, self.rootdir))
pe = getParts(filename)
name = pe[-1]
return os.sep.join([self.rootdir, "outputs", "images", name])
# Also, maybe for "all" boards (i.e. a combined board) Possibly a bad idea,
# unless optional at mount time.
# how about having options "noboards", "noprompts", "nomodels" for which level
# is to be left out? If either prompts or models are left out then that cuts out
# the "tree" level at which you choose prompts first or models first. You can
# omit one, two, or all three (which is just a listing of outputs/images I guess).
def listmodels(self, board, prompt=None):
# Don't read from model_config; models might have been
# deleted. Also, there ARE images with NO MODEL!! This
# is okay!
# OK, be careful. When prompt is None, don't restrict by prompt
# at all. When prompt is NOPROMPT, restrict to having no prompt.
# Note that this should be REAL PROMPTS and not the hashed promptname!
if getattr(self, 'nomodels', False):
yield ALL
restrict = "full_board_name=?"
if board == ALL:
restrict = "TRUE OR " + restrict
if prompt is None or prompt == ALL:
self.cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT "
"json_extract(metadata, '$.model.model_name') "
f"FROM {ImageTbl} "
f"WHERE {restrict};", [board])
elif prompt == NOPROMPT:
self.cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT "
"json_extract(metadata, '$.model.model_name') "
f"FROM {ImageTbl} "
"WHERE json_extract(metadata, '$.positive_prompt') IS NULL AND "
f"({restrict});", [board])
self.cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT "
"json_extract(metadata, '$.model.model_name') "
f"FROM {ImageTbl} "
"WHERE json_extract(metadata, '$.positive_prompt')=? "
f"AND ({restrict});",
[prompt, board])
# Maybe I should always yield NOMODEL.
while (batch := self.cursor.fetchmany()):
for r in batch:
if not r or not r[0]:
pass # ???? XXXX
yield r[0]
def listprompts(self, board, model=None, *, hash=False):
# As above, for prompts instead of models. Let's say this yields
# REAL PROMPTS and the caller has to hash to promptnames as needed.
# But for some reason "yield from" works and a for loop that hashes
# and then yields doesn't. So I guess hash here, optionally?
restrict = "full_board_name=?"
if getattr(self, 'noprompts', False):
yield ALL
if board == ALL:
restrict = "TRUE OR " + restrict
if model is None or model == ALL:
self.cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT "
"json_extract(metadata, '$.positive_prompt') "
f"FROM {ImageTbl} "
f"WHERE {restrict};", [board])
elif model == NOMODEL:
self.cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT "
"json_extract(metadata, '$.positive_prompt') "
f"FROM {ImageTbl} "
"WHERE json_extract(metadata, '$.model.model_name') is NULL "
f"AND ({restrict});", [board])
self.cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT "
"json_extract(metadata, '$.positive_prompt') "
f"FROM {ImageTbl} "
"WHERE json_extract(metadata, '$.model.model_name')=? "
f"AND ({restrict});",
[model, board])
# Maybe I should yield NOPROMPT no matter what
while (batch := self.cursor.fetchmany()):
for r in batch:
if not r or not r[0]:
pass # ???? XXXX
if hash:
yield makehash(r[0])
yield r[0]
def listimages(self, board, prompt=None, model=None):
# Use REAL PROMPT, and None vs NOMODEL and NOPROMPT as the others.
# Maybe can be a LITTLE more efficient.
# There's also a right way do to THIS in sqlite, isn't there?
# And I'm not doing it?
rprompt = rmodel = ""
restrict = "full_board_name=?"
if board == ALL:
restrict = "TRUE OR " + restrict
if prompt is not None and prompt != ALL:
if prompt == NOPROMPT:
rprompt = "json_extract(metadata, '$.positive_prompt') IS NULL"
rprompt = "json_extract(metadata, '$.positive_prompt') = ?"
if model is not None and model != ALL:
if model == NOMODEL:
rmodel = "json_extract(metadata, '$.model.model_name') IS NULL"
rmodel = "json_extract(metadata, '$.model.model_name') = ?"
if rprompt and rmodel:
rrestrict = f"{rprompt} AND {rmodel}"
rrestrict = rprompt or rmodel
if restrict:
rrestrict = " AND " + rrestrict
self.cursor.execute(f"SELECT image_name from {ImageTbl} WHERE "
[board] + params)
while (batch := self.cursor.fetchmany()):
for r in batch:
if not r or not r[0]:
yield ""
yield r[0]
def readdir(self, path, offset):
pe = getParts(path=path)
info = self.parseelts(pe)
if not info.get('is_dir', False):
raise fuse.FuseOSError(fuse.ENOTDIR)
yield '.'
yield '..'
if self.is_root(path=path):
if getattr(self, 'noboards', False):
yield ALL
# Always yield the unsorted dir
self.cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT board_name FROM boards;")
l = self.cursor.fetchall()
for r in l:
yield r[0]
# we SHOULD have the board at this point.
board = info.get('board', None)
restrict = "full_board_name=?"
if board == ALL:
restrict = "TRUE OR " + restrict
if board is None:
# Problem, right?
raise fuse.FuseOSError(ENOENT) # ??
if not info.get('tree', None):
# the board is supplied first, then the tree, so we must know
# the board and that's the level we're on.
# Confirm that it exists this time?
self.cursor.execute(f"SELECT count(*) FROM {ImageTbl} "
f"WHERE {restrict};",
res = self.cursor.fetchone()
if res[0] <= 0:
raise fuse.FuseOSError(fuse.ENOENT) # ?
# We're at the tree level, so the only things to
# return are the two possible trees:
yield "models"
yield "prompts"
elif info['tree'] == "models":
# We're in one of two branches now: prompts or models. If we
# know one but not the other, list the other. If we know
# neither, list the one we don't know.
# My structure isn't well-suited for good code-reuse. Oh well.
if (model := info.get('model', None)):
# Are we at the lowest level, knowing both model and
# prompt?
if (promptname := info.get('promptname', None)):
# We're in the model tree at the bottom, need to
# output the PROMPT file too.
prompt = self.getprompt(promptname) # XXX exception here?
yield PROMPT
yield from self.listimages(board, model=model, prompt=prompt)
# we know the model but not the prompts. I think we
# *should* restrict to prompts that are actually found
# in that model.
for p in self.listprompts(board, model):
yield makehash(p)
# We are in models tree, but don't know the model;
# have to list those.
if getattr(self, 'nomodels', False):
yield ALL
return # ???
yield from self.listmodels(board)
elif info['tree'] == 'prompts':
if (prompt := info.get('promptname', None)):
if prompt != NOPROMPT:
prompt = self.getprompt(prompt) # raises error here? probably wrong?
# Are we at the bottom now?
if (model := info.get('model', None)):
yield from self.listimages(board, model=model, prompt=prompt)
# Have to list the models for this prompt.
# Also the PROMPT entry!
yield PROMPT
yield from self.listmodels(board, prompt)
if getattr(self, 'noprompts', False):
yield ALL
return # ???
# Need to list the prompts, but hashed!
for p in self.listprompts(board):
yield makehash(p)
# I actually have to have a read() for the prompt.
def read(self, path, size, offset, fh):
# What's the FH?
pe = getParts(path)
info = self.parseelts(pe)
if info.get("is_dir", False):
raise fuse.FuseOSError(fuse.EISDIR)
if not info.get("promptname", None) or pe[-1] != PROMPT:
raise fuse.FuseOSError(fuse.EBADF) # ?
prompt = self.getprompt(info['promptname'])
bprompt = prompt.encode('utf8')
return bprompt[offset:offset+size]
mknod = unlink = write = mkdir = release = open = truncate = utime = None
symlink = None
link = None
rmdir = chmod = None
def usage():
-o dbfile=$PWD/databases/invokeai.db ~/mnt
options include noboards, noprompts, nomodels, and foreground.
if __name__ == '__main__':
server = InvokeOutFS()
server.path = os.getcwd()
# Simple parsing. Maybe I should do better?
if sys.argv[1] == "--help":
if sys.argv[1].startswith("-o"):
opts = sys.argv.pop(1)
if opts == '-o':
opts = sys.argv.pop(1)
# ?? wtf??
opts = opts[2:]
for opt in opts.split(","):
nam, val = opt.split('=', 2)
except ValueError:
nam, val = opt, True
if not val:
val = True
setattr(server, nam, val)
mntpt = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[1])
fu = fuse.FUSE(server, mntpt, foreground=hasattr(server,'foreground'),
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