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Created August 21, 2015 20:48
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This script automatically creates a snapshot of a VirtualBox virtual machine.
#-*- coding: utf8 -*-
#!/usr/bin/env python3
This script automatically creates a snapshot of a
VirtualBox virtual machine. Crontab it if you want
to make it every a definite period of time.
import sys
import subprocess
import pdb
from configparser import ConfigParser
from pathlib import Path
from datetime import datetime
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
_config = ConfigParser()
CURRENT_PATH = Path(__file__).parent
CONFIG_FILE_PATH = CURRENT_PATH / 'snapshots_config.ini'
TIME_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%d'
if not CONFIG_FILE_PATH.exists():
print('ERROR: No configuration file. Please add "snapshots_config.ini" in the script directory.', file=sys.stderr)
if __name__ == "__main__":
vms = _config['snapshot']['vms'].split(',')
snapshot_name =
for vm_name in vms:
output_list = subprocess.check_output(['vboxmanage', 'snapshot', vm_name, 'list'], universal_newlines=True).split('\n')
uncleaned_names = [item for item in output_list if 'Name:' in item and 'UUID:' in item]
cleaned_vm_names = list(map(lambda item: item[item.find(':') + 1:item.find('(')].strip(), uncleaned_names))
for cleaned_name in cleaned_vm_names[2:]: # First two are Base installation and tools configured.
snapshot_date = None
snapshot_date = datetime.strptime(cleaned_name, TIME_FORMAT)
except: pass
if snapshot_date is not None and snapshot_date <= ( - relativedelta(years=1)):['vboxmanage', 'snapshot', vm_name, 'delete', cleaned_name])['vboxmanage', 'snapshot', vm_name, 'take', snapshot_name])
__author__ = 'Charles Levesque'
__date__ = '2015-06-07'
# Configuration file for the script.
# Name of the vms you want to snapshot separated by commas.
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