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Last active August 29, 2015 13:58
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Reescribir bloque de formulario
{# se pone _ luego el id del campo y por ultimo label, widget, errors o row #}
{% block _dinamico_bundle_contactbundle_message_email_errors %}
{% endblock %}
As of Symfony 2.1 (it may work as well for 2.0 but not sure) to apply theme for collection you do this way:
Lets say we have a collection of products (we have multiple Product entities)
$repository = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository('ExampleBundle:Product');
$products = $repository->findAll();
$productCollection = new Products;
foreach ($products as $product) {
$collection = $this->createForm(new ProductsType, $productCollection);
return $this->render('ExampleBundle:Default:index.html.twig', array(
'collection' => $collection->createView()
Your theme can look like this:
{% block _productsType_products_entry_name_row %}
<div class="yourDivName">{{ block('form_widget') }}</div>
{% endblock %}
{% block _productsType_products_entry_description_row %}
<div class="yourDivDescription">{{ block('form_widget') }}</div>
{% endblock %}
The trick is with "entry" where twig will do the job for you to apply above changes to each row and for each field you specify
Hope that helps!
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