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Last active December 10, 2015 13:08
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Save clue/4439018 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
extend base React\Stream\Stream class by checking stream meta data for remaining stream buffer before reading from blocking streams
// extend base Stream class by checking stream meta data for remaining stream buffer before reading from blocking streams
// heavily inspired by:
class StreamUnblock extends \React\Stream\Stream
public function handleData($stream)
// check stream meta data for remaining buffer
// yes, the manual explicitly says this value SHOULD NOT be used,
// but this has been confirmed to work around blocking on blocking streams
$meta = stream_get_meta_data($stream);
$len = $meta['unread_bytes'];
if ($len === 0) {
// length unknown (usual case), read up to one chunk from incoming streams
$len = $this->bufferSize;
} else if ($len > $this->bufferSize) {
// buffer length known and bigger than chunk, read exactly one chunk from buffer
$len = $this->bufferSize;
} else {
// small buffer remaining, read EXACTLY remaining buffer. execeeding buffer length WILL block fread() when no more data is incoming
// this above mess could probably be cleaned up, but I left it unchanged to make it more clear what's going on:
// $len = $this->bufferSize;
// if ($meta['unread_bytes'] !== 0 && $meta['unread_bytes'] < $len) { $len = $meta['unread_bytes']; }
$data = fread($stream, $len);
$this->emit('data', array($data, $this));
if (!is_resource($stream) || feof($stream)) {
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