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Last active February 21, 2017 06:51
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from subprocess import call
Emulates a webcam, subscribing to mjpeg stream published by ROS web_video_server
First, run "$ sudo modprobe v4l2loopback" to create the virtual webcam device
Use "$ rostopic list" to list all available topics.
You can subscribe to any topics of type sensor_msgs/Image.
- To find out the type of the topic: use "$ rostopic info [TOPIC_NAME]"
def emulateWebcamLinux(master_ip, topicName, videoDevice):
call(["ffmpeg", "-f", "mjpeg", "-i", "http://" + master_ip + ":8080/stream?topic=" + topicName + "&quality=70&?dummy=param.mjpg", "-vcodec", "rawvideo", "-pix_fmt", "yuv420p", "-threads", "0", "-f", "v4l2", videoDevice])
emulateWebcamLinux("", "/burt/sony_camera/image_raw/decompressed", "/dev/video1")
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