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Last active February 2, 2022 21:20
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  • Save clux/864a4168712b9c28515a27de77f7c503 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save clux/864a4168712b9c28515a27de77f7c503 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
export TERM=xterm-256color
show_cwd() {
local dir_limit="3"
local truncation=""
local first_char
local part_count=0
local formatted_cwd=""
local dir_sep=""
local tilde="~"
local cwd="${PWD/#$HOME/$tilde}"
# get first char of the path, i.e. tilde or slash
# remove leading tilde
while [[ "$cwd" == */* && "$cwd" != "/" ]]; do
# pop off last part of cwd
local part="${cwd##*/}"
[[ $part_count -eq $dir_limit ]] && first_char="$truncation" && break
echo -e "$first_char$formatted_cwd"
show_git_differences() {
[[ $(git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree 2>/dev/null) == true ]] || return 1
local unmerged=0 modified=0 has_untracked=0 added=0 is_clean=""
# shellcheck disable=SC2046
set -- $(git rev-list --left-right --count "@{upstream}...HEAD" 2>/dev/null)
local behind_count=$1
local ahead_count=$2
# Added (A), Copied (C), Deleted (D), Modified (M), Renamed (R), changed (T), Unmerged (U), Unknown (X), Broken (B)
while read -r line; do
case "$line" in
M*) modified=$(( modified + 1 )) ;;
U*) unmerged=$(( unmerged + 1 )) ;;
done < <(git diff --name-status)
while read -r line; do
case "$line" in
*) added=$(( added + 1 )) ;;
done < <(git diff --name-status --cached)
if [ -n "$(git ls-files --others --exclude-standard)" ]; then
local -r stashed=$(( $(git rev-parse --verify refs/stash 2> /dev/null | wc -l) ));
if [ $(( unmerged + modified + has_untracked + added )) -eq 0 ]; then
local s=""
# We always print at least one of these due to definition of is_clean
# Thus `s` always begins with a leading space
[[ $ahead_count -gt 0 ]] && s+="$ahead_count"
[[ $behind_count -gt 0 ]] && s+="$behind_count"
[[ $modified -gt 0 ]] && s+=" +$modified"
[[ $unmerged -gt 0 ]] && s+="$unmerged"
[[ $added -gt 0 ]] && s+="" #$added
[[ $has_untracked -gt 0 ]] && s+=""
[[ $stashed -gt 0 ]] && s+="" #$stashed
[[ $is_clean -gt 0 ]] && s+=""
# remove leading space
echo -e "$s" | sed 's/\s//'
prompt_git() {
local branchName=''
local s=''
# Check if the current directory is in a Git repository.
if git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree &>/dev/null; then
# Get the short symbolic ref.
# If HEAD isn’t a symbolic ref, get the short SHA for the latest commit
# Otherwise, just give up.
branchName="$(git symbolic-ref --quiet --short HEAD 2> /dev/null || \
git rev-parse --short HEAD 2> /dev/null || \
echo '(unknown)')"
echo -e "${vcstxt}${branchName}${s}"
prompt_lal() {
local branchName=''
local res
if res=$(lal env 2> /dev/null); then
echo -e " (${yellow}${res}${maintxt})"
set_prompt() {
local -r rc=$? # Must save this
tput sgr0 # reset colors
# Solarized colors, taken from
#local -r bold="\[$(tput bold)\]"
local -r reset="\[$(tput sgr0)\]"
#local -r black="\[$(tput setaf 0)\]"
#local -r blue="\[$(tput setaf 33)\]"
local -r cyan="\[$(tput setaf 38)\]"
#local -r green="\[$(tput setaf 64)\]"
#local -r orange="\[$(tput setaf 166)\]"
local -r purple="\[$(tput setaf 125)\]"
local -r red="\[$(tput setaf 124)\]"
#local -r violet="\[$(tput setaf 61)\]"
local -r white="\[$(tput setaf 15)\]"
local -r yellow="\[$(tput setaf 136)\]"
# Short indication for when your inline shell script is incomplete
PS2="${yellow}${reset} "
# color info
# - bg color is the background color for each of the up to three chunks
# - txt colors are the colors used inside the chunks
# - fg color is only used to replace background colors between chunks
# -  separator takes last bg color as new fg color for one character only
# - reset only used at the end for partially transparent end separator
# First (optional) chunk with return code (if != 0)
local -r has_warn=$(( rc ))
local -r warnbg="\[$(tput setab 9)\]" # red-ish
local -r warnfg="\[$(tput setaf 9)\]"
local -r warntxt="${white}"
# Second (optional) chunk with hostname (when connected via ssh)
local -r has_host="${SSH_TTY}"
local -r hostbg="\[$(tput setab 235)\]" # light-grey
local -r hostfg="\[$(tput setaf 235)\]"
local -r hosttxt="${white}"
# Third (main mandatory) chunk with cwd and (optionally) git status
local -r mainbg="\[$(tput setab 232)\]" # dark-grey
local -r mainfg="\[$(tput setaf 232)\]"
local -r maintxt="${white}"
local -r vcstxt="${cyan}"
# Return code when non-zero
PS1="${mainbg}" # initialize bg for warn and no host blocks
if [[ $has_warn -gt 0 ]]; then
PS1+="${warnbg}${warntxt} ${rc} ${warnfg}"
if [[ -n $has_host ]]; then # shade for hostname block if on ssh
# Show the hostname when connected via SSH
if [[ -n $has_host ]]; then
PS1+="${hostbg}${hosttxt} ${HOSTNAME} ${hostfg}"
# Show CWD
PS1+="${maintxt} "
# Prepend (root) if root
if [ $EUID -eq 0 ]; then
"(${red}root${maintxt}) "
if [ -n "${VIRTUAL_ENV}" ]; then
# Append (pyv) if in venv
PS1+=" (${purple}pyv${maintxt})"
elif [ -d .lal ]; then
# Append lal environment if inside a lal repo
# Show git status
PS1+="$(prompt_git) " # git repository (fast and detailed)
# Make last separator half-transparent
PS1+="${reset}${mainfg}${reset} "
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clux commented Sep 20, 2016




Note that the powerline-fonts in arch and fonts-powerline packages in ubuntu/debian do not include the hacked versions of the fonts correctly.

Put file under home as .prompt and source ~/.prompt in your ~/.bashrc.

Font selection

The font you want is generally DejaVu Sans Mono for Powerline unless you use guake, gnome-term, or the ubuntu terminal in which case you want Roboto Mono for Powerline.

Where to set the font

Typically either done by setting it in ~/.Xresources for certain terminals, or in the operating system gui options elsewhere for other terminals:

  • guake (set in guake options - don't use system wide font and select the font)
  • rxvt (set in ~/.Xresources (see below))
  • gnome-terminal (set somewhere in its preferences)
  • ubuntu terminal (right click -> profiles -> profile preferences, swap font from system default)

Xresources example

This is how you set it for rxvt:

URxvt.font:                 xft:DejaVu Sans Mono for Powerline:size=16:Regular
URxvt.boldFont:             xft:DejaVu Sans Mono for Powerline:size=16:Bold
URxvt.italicFont:           xft:DejaVu Sans Mono for Powerline:size=16:Italic
URxvt.boldItalicFont:       xft:DejaVu Sans Mono for Powerline:size=16:Bold:Italic

put that in your ~/.Xresources and run xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources.

more xresouces example usage are available here, otherwise there are good docs on the arch wiki.

Common issues

  • If you failed to install the font correctly, you will not be able to see the special fat arrow character: "" and the thin "" arrow.
  • If you failed to select the right font for your terminal, the fat arrow character will be slightly misaligned with the background

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clux commented May 8, 2017

Added lal integration to it today.

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