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Created June 19, 2018 22:04
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<div class="article"><p>THE STORY</p></div>
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<div class="headline"><h1>THE NOD</h1>by Kayo Chingonyi </div>
<div class="para"><p>When we’re strangers that pass each other / in the street, it will come<br> down to this tilt / of the head — acknowledging another / version of<br> events set in a new-build / years from now, a mess of a place filled / with<br> books and records, our kids thick as thieves / redefining all notions of<br> mischief. <br>
Perhaps our paths will cross in a city / of seven hills as the light draws<br> your face / out from the bliss of anonymity. / Maybe you’ll be stroking the<br> goose-down nape / of a small child with eyes the exact shade / of those I<br> met across a room at the startof this pain-in-the-heart, this febrile<br> dance. </p></div>
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