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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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(ns mora.main (:gen-class)
(require [org.httpkit.client :as http]
[monger.core :as mg]
[monger.collection :as mc]
[monger.query :as mq]
[monger.operators :refer :all]
[net.cgrand.enlive-html :as html]
(:import org.bson.types.ObjectId
(defn strip-html-tags
"Function strips HTML tags from string."
(.text (org.jsoup.Jsoup/parse s)))
(defn abs-link [href base-url]
(if (seq href)
(if (.contains href "://")
(let [remove-blank (partial remove clojure.string/blank?)
drop-all-upwards (partial drop-while (partial = ".."))
((if (= (last base-url) \/) identity drop-last)
(clojure.string/split base-url #"/")))
base-url-blocks (reverse (drop-all-upwards (reverse base-url-blocks*)))
base-url-blocks (drop-last (- (count base-url-blocks*) (count base-url-blocks)) base-url-blocks)
href-blocks* (remove-blank (clojure.string/split href #"/"))
href-blocks (drop-all-upwards href-blocks*)
base-url-blocks (drop-last (- (count href-blocks*) (count href-blocks)) base-url-blocks)]
(clojure.string/join "/" (concat base-url-blocks (drop-while (partial = ".") href-blocks)))))))
(defn check-and-insert-linked-urls! [url body db coll]
(doseq [a-tag (html/select (html/html-resource (StringReader. body))
[:a :attrs :href]) ]
(when-let [aurl (seq (abs-link a-tag url))]
(mc/insert db coll {:url (apply str aurl), :time (System/currentTimeMillis)})
(catch Exception e (println (.getMessage e)))))))
(defn strip-text-and-insert! [url body db coll extractor]
(let [plain (strip-html-tags body)
text (.getText extractor body)]
(when-not (clojure.string/blank? text)
(mc/update db "page"
{:uhash (digest/md5 url)}
{$set {:html body, :text text, :isa (empty? text), :plain plain, :url url, :time (System/currentTimeMillis)}}
{:upsert true}))))
(defn claw []
(let [conn (mg/connect {:host ""})
db (mg/get-db conn "web")
coll "url"]
(let [extractor (.newInstance ArticleExtractor)]
(while true
(let [url (:url (mc/find-and-modify db coll {} {$set {:time (System/currentTimeMillis)}} {:sort (array-map :time 1, :_id 1)}))
(fn [{:keys [body error status]}]
(println url)
(if (and (not error) (= status 200) (string? body))
(check-and-insert-linked-urls! url body db coll)
(strip-text-and-insert! url body db coll extractor))
(println "Failed" error)))]
(http/get url {:as :auto} process-page))))))
(defn -main [& args]
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