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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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Just the view, Backbone and Marionette extraction
# Minimal view thingie to make code a bit more manageable.
# Usage example:
# class MyView extends View
# ui:
# button: '.my-button'
# events:
# 'click @ui.button': 'doAction'
# constructor: ->
# super
# # do initialization here
# doAction: ->
# # do action here
class window.View
@delegateEventSplitter = /^(\S+)\s*(.*)$/
@normalizeUIKeys = (hash, ui) ->
return if typeof(hash) == 'undefined'
_.each _.keys(hash), (v) ->
pattern = /@ui.[a-zA-Z_$0-9]*/g;
if v.match(pattern)
cb = (r) -> ui[r.slice(4)]
k = v.replace(pattern, cb)
hash[k] = hash[v]
delete hash[v]
return hash;
constructor: (options) ->
@$el = $(options.el)
$: (selector) ->
delegate: (eventName, selector, listener) ->
@$el.on(eventName + '.delegateEvents', selector, listener)
normalizeUIKeys: (hash) ->
ui = _.result(@, 'ui')
uiBindings = _.result(@, '_uiBindings')
return View.normalizeUIKeys(hash, uiBindings || ui)
delegateEvents: (events) ->
events = events || @events;
events = if _.isFunction(events)
events = @normalizeUIKeys(events)
return this if !(events || (events = _.result(this, 'events')))
for key, method of events
method = @[events[key]] if (!_.isFunction(method))
continue if (!method)
match = key.match(View.delegateEventSplitter)
this.delegate(match[1], match[2], _.bind(method, this))
return this
bindUIElements: () ->
return if !@.ui
@_uiBindings = @ui if !@_uiBindings
bindings = _.result(@, '_uiBindings')
@ui = {}
_.each _.keys(bindings), (key) =>
selector = bindings[key]
@ui[key] = @$(selector)
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