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Created February 23, 2017 06:09
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# 金融指数:s_sz399240
# 中证500:s_sz399905
# 中证白酒:s_sz399997
while :
echo -n "| `date +%H:%M` | "
output=`curl -s ",s_sh000300,s_sz399905,s_sz399001,s_sz399006,s_sh000016" | iconv -f gbk -t utf8 | sed 's/中证 500/中证500/' | awk -F'[",]' 'BEGIN{ORS=" | "}{print $2,$3,$5"%"}'; curl -s "" | iconv -f gbk -t utf8 | awk -F'[",]' 'BEGIN{ORS=" | "}{print $3,$8,$10"%"}'`
title=`echo "$output" | awk '{print "上"$3"沪"$7"中"$11"恒"$27}'`
echo $output
echo -ne '\033]2;'$title'\007'
sleep 60
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