This is a list of all PHP 8.0 tokens and their represented values in decimal and hexadecimal. The list exists in the site here but there are no values because these values may change for new releases. When writing token parsing code, we need token names and values, and I don't want to dig into the source code to get the values.
Beware that many, if not all values, may be different along version; PHP 7 may not have the same values with PHP 8. Always use the constants, this is just for reference mainly for debugging.
Blog link
Gist link
So here is a list of all PHP 8.0 tokens and with their values.
Token | Value | Hex | Syntax | Reference |
T_THROW | 258 | 0x102 | throw |
Exceptions |
T_INCLUDE | 260 | 0x104 | include() |
include |
T_INCLUDE_ONCE | 261 | 0x105 | include_once() |
include_once |
T_REQUIRE | 262 | 0x106 | require() |
require |
T_REQUIRE_ONCE | 263 | 0x107 | require_once() |
require_once |
T_LOGICAL_OR | 264 | 0x108 | or |
logical operators |
T_LOGICAL_XOR | 265 | 0x109 | xor |
logical operators |
T_LOGICAL_AND | 266 | 0x10A | and |
logical operators |
T_PRINT | 267 | 0x10B | print() |
T_YIELD | 268 | 0x10C | yield |
generators |
T_DOUBLE_ARROW | 269 | 0x10D | => |
array syntax |
T_YIELD_FROM | 270 | 0x10E | yield from |
generators |
T_PLUS_EQUAL | 271 | 0x10F | += |
assignment operators |
T_MINUS_EQUAL | 272 | 0x110 | -= |
assignment operators |
T_MUL_EQUAL | 273 | 0x111 | *= |
assignment operators |
T_DIV_EQUAL | 274 | 0x112 | /= |
assignment operators |
T_CONCAT_EQUAL | 275 | 0x113 | .= |
assignment operators |
T_MOD_EQUAL | 276 | 0x114 | %= |
assignment operators |
T_AND_EQUAL | 277 | 0x115 | &= |
assignment operators |
T_OR_EQUAL | 278 | 0x116 | |= |
assignment operators |
T_XOR_EQUAL | 279 | 0x117 | ^= |
assignment operators |
T_SL_EQUAL | 280 | 0x118 | <<= |
assignment operators |
T_SR_EQUAL | 281 | 0x119 | >>= |
assignment operators |
T_POW_EQUAL | 282 | 0x11A | **= |
assignment operators |
T_COALESCE_EQUAL | 283 | 0x11B | ??= |
assignment operators |
T_COALESCE | 284 | 0x11C | ?? |
comparison operators |
T_BOOLEAN_OR | 285 | 0x11D | || |
logical operators |
T_BOOLEAN_AND | 286 | 0x11E | && |
logical operators |
T_IS_EQUAL | 287 | 0x11F | == |
comparison operators |
T_IS_NOT_EQUAL | 288 | 0x120 | != or <> |
comparison operators |
T_IS_IDENTICAL | 289 | 0x121 | === |
comparison operators |
T_IS_NOT_IDENTICAL | 290 | 0x122 | !== |
comparison operators |
T_SPACESHIP | 291 | 0x123 | <=> |
comparison operators |
T_IS_SMALLER_OR_EQUAL | 292 | 0x124 | <= |
comparison operators |
T_IS_GREATER_OR_EQUAL | 293 | 0x125 | >= |
comparison operators |
T_SL | 294 | 0x126 | << |
bitwise operators |
T_SR | 295 | 0x127 | >> |
bitwise operators |
T_INSTANCEOF | 296 | 0x128 | instanceof |
type operators |
T_INT_CAST | 297 | 0x129 | (int) or (integer) |
type-casting |
T_DOUBLE_CAST | 298 | 0x12A | (real), (double) or (float) |
type-casting |
T_STRING_CAST | 299 | 0x12B | (string) |
type-casting |
T_ARRAY_CAST | 300 | 0x12C | (array) |
type-casting |
T_OBJECT_CAST | 301 | 0x12D | (object) |
type-casting |
T_BOOL_CAST | 302 | 0x12E | (bool) or (boolean) |
type-casting |
T_UNSET_CAST | 303 | 0x12F | (unset) |
type-casting |
T_POW | 304 | 0x130 | ** |
arithmetic operators |
T_CLONE | 305 | 0x131 | clone |
classes and objects |
T_ELSEIF | 307 | 0x133 | elseif |
elseif |
T_ELSE | 308 | 0x134 | else |
else |
T_LNUMBER | 309 | 0x135 | 123, 012, 0x1ac, etc. |
integers |
T_DNUMBER | 310 | 0x136 | 0.12, etc. |
floating point numbers |
T_STRING | 311 | 0x137 | parent, self, etc. |
T_NAME_FULLY_QUALIFIED | 312 | 0x138 | \App\Namespace |
namespaces |
T_VARIABLE | 315 | 0x13B | $foo |
variables |
T_INLINE_HTML | 316 | 0x13C | text outside PHP | |
T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE | 317 | 0x13D | " $a" |
constant part of string with variables |
T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING | 318 | 0x13E | "foo" or 'bar' |
string syntax |
T_STRING_VARNAME | 319 | 0x13F | "${a |
complex variable parsed syntax |
T_NUM_STRING | 320 | 0x140 | "$a[0]" |
numeric array index inside string |
T_EVAL | 321 | 0x141 | eval() |
eval() |
T_NEW | 322 | 0x142 | new |
classes and objects |
T_EXIT | 323 | 0x143 | exit or die |
exit() die() |
T_IF | 324 | 0x144 | if |
if |
T_ENDIF | 325 | 0x145 | endif |
if alternative syntax |
T_ECHO | 326 | 0x146 | echo |
echo |
T_DO | 327 | 0x147 | do |
do..while |
T_WHILE | 328 | 0x148 | while |
while do..while |
T_ENDWHILE | 329 | 0x149 | endwhile |
while alternative syntax |
T_FOR | 330 | 0x14A | for |
for |
T_ENDFOR | 331 | 0x14B | endfor |
for alternative syntax |
T_FOREACH | 332 | 0x14C | foreach |
foreach |
T_ENDFOREACH | 333 | 0x14D | endforeach |
foreach alternative syntax |
T_DECLARE | 334 | 0x14E | declare |
declare |
T_ENDDECLARE | 335 | 0x14F | enddeclare |
declare alternative syntax |
T_AS | 336 | 0x150 | as |
foreach |
T_SWITCH | 337 | 0x151 | switch |
switch |
T_ENDSWITCH | 338 | 0x152 | endswitch |
switch alternative syntax |
T_CASE | 339 | 0x153 | case |
switch |
T_DEFAULT | 340 | 0x154 | default |
switch |
T_MATCH | 341 | 0x155 | match |
match |
T_BREAK | 342 | 0x156 | break |
break |
T_CONTINUE | 343 | 0x157 | continue |
continue |
T_GOTO | 344 | 0x158 | goto |
goto |
T_FUNCTION | 345 | 0x159 | function |
functions |
T_FN | 346 | 0x15A | fn |
arrow functions |
T_CONST | 347 | 0x15B | const |
class constants |
T_RETURN | 348 | 0x15C | return |
returning values |
T_TRY | 349 | 0x15D | try |
Exceptions |
T_CATCH | 350 | 0x15E | catch |
Exceptions |
T_FINALLY | 351 | 0x15F | finally |
Exceptions |
T_USE | 352 | 0x160 | use |
namespaces |
T_INSTEADOF | 353 | 0x161 | insteadof |
Traits |
T_GLOBAL | 354 | 0x162 | global |
variable scope |
T_STATIC | 355 | 0x163 | static |
variable scope |
T_ABSTRACT | 356 | 0x164 | abstract |
Class Abstraction |
T_FINAL | 357 | 0x165 | final |
Final Keyword |
T_PRIVATE | 358 | 0x166 | private |
classes and objects |
T_PROTECTED | 359 | 0x167 | protected |
classes and objects |
T_PUBLIC | 360 | 0x168 | public |
classes and objects |
T_VAR | 361 | 0x169 | var |
classes and objects |
T_UNSET | 362 | 0x16A | unset() |
unset() |
T_ISSET | 363 | 0x16B | isset() |
isset() |
T_EMPTY | 364 | 0x16C | empty |
empty() |
T_HALT_COMPILER | 365 | 0x16D | __halt_compiler() |
__halt_compiler |
T_CLASS | 366 | 0x16E | class |
classes and objects |
T_TRAIT | 367 | 0x16F | trait |
Traits |
T_INTERFACE | 368 | 0x170 | interface |
Object Interfaces |
T_EXTENDS | 369 | 0x171 | extends |
extends classes and objects |
T_IMPLEMENTS | 370 | 0x172 | implements |
Object Interfaces |
T_NAMESPACE | 371 | 0x173 | namespace |
namespaces |
T_LIST | 372 | 0x174 | list() |
list() |
T_ARRAY | 373 | 0x175 | array() |
array() array syntax |
T_CALLABLE | 374 | 0x176 | callable |
callable |
T_LINE | 375 | 0x177 | __LINE__ |
magic constants |
T_FILE | 376 | 0x178 | __FILE__ |
magic constants |
T_DIR | 377 | 0x179 | __DIR__ |
magic constants |
T_CLASS_C | 378 | 0x17A | __CLASS__ |
magic constants |
T_TRAIT_C | 379 | 0x17B | __TRAIT__ |
T_METHOD_C | 380 | 0x17C | __METHOD__ |
magic constants |
T_FUNC_C | 381 | 0x17D | __FUNCTION__ |
magic constants |
T_NS_C | 382 | 0x17E | __NAMESPACE__ |
namespaces |
T_ATTRIBUTE | 383 | 0x17F | #[ |
attributes |
T_INC | 384 | 0x180 | ++ |
incrementing/decrementing operators |
T_DEC | 385 | 0x181 | -- |
incrementing/decrementing operators |
T_OBJECT_OPERATOR | 386 | 0x182 | -> |
classes and objects |
T_NULLSAFE_OBJECT_OPERATOR | 387 | 0x183 | ?-> |
classes and objects |
T_COMMENT | 388 | 0x184 | // or #, and /* */ |
comments |
T_DOC_COMMENT | 389 | 0x185 | /** */ |
PHPDoc style comments |
T_OPEN_TAG | 390 | 0x186 | <?php, <? or <% |
escaping from HTML |
T_OPEN_TAG_WITH_ECHO | 391 | 0x187 | <?= or <%= |
escaping from HTML |
T_CLOSE_TAG | 392 | 0x188 | ?> or %> |
escaping from HTML |
T_WHITESPACE | 393 | 0x189 | \t \r\n |
T_START_HEREDOC | 394 | 0x18A | <<< |
heredoc syntax |
T_END_HEREDOC | 395 | 0x18B | heredoc syntax | |
T_DOLLAR_OPEN_CURLY_BRACES | 396 | 0x18C | ${ |
complex variable parsed syntax |
T_CURLY_OPEN | 397 | 0x18D | {$ |
complex variable parsed syntax |
T_DOUBLE_COLON | 398 | 0x18E | :: |
T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM | 398 | 0x18E | :: |
T_NS_SEPARATOR | 399 | 0x18F | \ |
namespaces |
T_ELLIPSIS | 400 | 0x190 | ... |
function arguments |
T_BAD_CHARACTER | 401 | 0x191 |