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Last active June 5, 2023 08:39
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  • Save cm-kazup0n/5671fbec49fc5a806ce2fb12efb3e840 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save cm-kazup0n/5671fbec49fc5a806ce2fb12efb3e840 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
//> using dep org.typelevel::cats-core:2.9.0
//> using dep com.lihaoyi::pprint:0.8.1
//> using dep dev.optics::monocle-core:3.2.0
//> using dep dev.optics::monocle-macro:3.2.0
import cats.implicits.*
import cats.{Monad, Functor, Id}
import monocle.Lens
import monocle.macros.GenLens
object validation:
// tag from shapeless
object tag:
def apply[U] = Tagger.asInstanceOf[Tagger[U]]
trait Tagged[U] extends Any
type @@[+T, U] = T with Tagged[U]
class Tagger[U]:
def apply[T](t: T): T @@ U = t.asInstanceOf[T @@ U]
private object Tagger extends Tagger[Nothing]
end tag
import tag.*
type Validation[A, E, T] = ValidationT[Id, A, E, T]
object Validation:
def lift[A, E, T](f: A => Either[E, A]): Validation[A, E, T] =
end Validation
// Aに対するバリデーションをあらわす,結果はTでタグ付けされる
// すなわちバリデーション結果の型はEither[E, A @@ T]
final case class ValidationT[F[_]: Monad, A, E, T](
apply: A => EitherT[F, E, A @@ T]
def and[U](implicit
v: ValidationT[F, A, E, T]
): ValidationT[F, A, E, T with U] = ValidationT { a =>
for {
_ <- apply(a)
_ <- v.apply(a)
} yield tag[T with U][A](a)
end ValidationT
object ValidationT:
def lift[F[_]: Monad, A, E, T](
f: A => F[Either[E, A]]
): ValidationT[F, A, E, T] =
ValidationT(a => EitherT(f(a).map([T][A](_)))))
given withFocus[F[_]: Monad, A, B, E, T](using
lens: Lens[A, B],
v: ValidationT[F, B, E, T]
): ValidationT[F, A, E, T] =
ValidationT { a =>
for {
_ <- v.apply(lens.get(a))
} yield tag[T][A](a)
end ValidationT
object usecase:
import validation.*
import tag.*
// バリエーション対象
final case class Bird(numWings: Int, likeSeeds: Boolean)
type BirdCheckT[F[_], T] = ValidationT[F, Bird, String, T]
type BirdCheck[T] = BirdCheckT[Id, T]
// バリデーションの種類(=タグ)
enum BirdValidation:
case HasWings, LikeSeeds
trait GetProperWingCount[F[_]]:
def getCount: F[Int]
end GetProperWingCount
// バリデーションの実装
given hasWingsF[F[_]: Monad: GetProperWingCount]
: ValidationT[F, Int, String, BirdValidation.HasWings.type] =
ValidationT.lift { numWings =>
summon[GetProperWingCount[F]] =>
numWings === c,
s"Inproper number of wings ${numWings.toString}"
given likeSeedsF[F[_]: Monad]: BirdCheckT[F, BirdValidation.LikeSeeds.type] =
ValidationT.lift(b =>
Either.cond(b.likeSeeds, b, s"you know, No birds dislike seeds.")
// 必要なバリデーションを列挙
type ValidBird = BirdValidation.HasWings.type
with BirdValidation.LikeSeeds.type
// 必要なバリエーションに一致するように合成する
given allValidations[F[_]: Monad: GetProperWingCount]
: BirdCheckT[F, ValidBird] =
summon[BirdCheckT[F, BirdValidation.HasWings.type]]
given wingCount[F[_]: Monad]: GetProperWingCount[F] =
new GetProperWingCount[F] {
def getCount: F[Int] = Monad[F].pure(2)
given wingLens: Lens[Bird, Int] = GenLens[Bird](_.numWings)
end usecase
val res = usecase.allValidations[Option].apply(usecase.Bird(2, true))
//EitherT(value = Some(value = Right(value = Bird(numWings = 2, likeSeeds = true))))
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