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Last active March 24, 2022 10:18
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sample of normalized quantity in Wikidata

Q79934.ttl is extracted RDF from U.S. Route 66 - Wikidata

This .ttl file contains a graph below.


Wikidata model values as Quantity and it holds a normalized quantity eneity


@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix wd: <> .
@prefix wdt: <> .
@prefix wikibase: <> .
@prefix wds: <> .
@prefix wdv: <> .
@prefix p: <> .
@prefix psv: </prop/statement/value/> .
@prefix psn: </prop/statement/value-normalized/> .
wd:Q79934 p:P2043 wds:Q79934-178b83ef-4103-6fdf-5512-b04d2d69aa0b.
wds:Q79934-178b83ef-4103-6fdf-5512-b04d2d69aa0b psn:P2043 wdv:d26ece0cd6a21050438bfbaf826993ad;
psv:P2043 wdv:6fbe2c821ef315fd0a416be42235a9ce.
wdv:d26ece0cd6a21050438bfbaf826993ad wikibase:quantityNormalized wdv:d26ece0cd6a21050438bfbaf826993ad;
rdf:type wikibase:QuantityValue;
wikibase:quantityAmount 3940000;
wikibase:quantityLowerBound 3938000;
wikibase:quantityUpperBound 3941000;
wikibase:quantityUnit wd:Q11573.
wdv:6fbe2c821ef315fd0a416be42235a9ce wikibase:quantityNormalized wdv:d26ece0cd6a21050438bfbaf826993ad;
rdf:type wikibase:QuantityValue;
wikibase:quantityAmount 2448;
wikibase:quantityLowerBound 2447;
wikibase:quantityUpperBound 2449;
wikibase:quantityUnit wd:Q253276.
wd:Q11573 rdfs:label "メートル"@ja.
wd:Q253276 rdfs:label "マイル"@ja.
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