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Created September 5, 2019 23:38
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Ped Flee Vehicle Script
-- Create new thread
-- Last Entity Ped aimed at
local LastEntity = nil
-- Last vehicle Ped aimed at
local LastVehicle = nil
-- Not used?
local Talking = false
-- Forever
while true do
-- Safe looping
-- Get the entity Ped is aiming at
local FoundEntity, AimedEntity = GetEntityPlayerIsFreeAimingAt(pid)
-- If the ped is aiming at the entity in the car, there is an entity in the car, and it's not an entity we are already dealing with, and they are in range(?)
if IsPlayerFreeAimingAtEntity(-1, AimedEntity) and FoundEntity and (LastEntity ~= AimedEntity or IsPedInAnyVehicle(AimedEntity, false)) and (Config.car_aim_flee_range == 0 or GetDistanceBetweenCoords(GetEntityCoords(aiment), GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(-1)), false) <= Config.car_aim_flee_range) then
-- Set last entity so this only executes once per ped
LastEntity = AimedEntity
-- I guess these are commented out?
-- local x,y,z = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(aiment))
-- DrawBox(x+1,y+1,z+1,x-1,y-1,z-1, 0, 255, 0, 200)
-- Get the vehicle the entity is driving
local EntityVehicle = GetVehiclePedIsIn(AimedEntity, false)
-- Save last vehicle entity is in
LastVehicle = EntityVehicle
-- If the vehicle exist, the vehicle is a vehicle, the entity exists, the entity is an entity, and the entity is not a real person.
if DoesEntityExist(EntityVehicle) and IsEntityAVehicle(EntityVehicle) and DoesEntityExist(FoundEntity) and IsEntityAPed(FoundEntity) and not IsPedAPlayer(AimedEntity) then
-- Get out slowly and don't close the door
TaskLeaveVehicle(AimedEntity, EntityVehicle, 256)
-- While they are still in the vehicle
while IsPedInAnyVehicle(AimedEntity, false) do
-- Wait until the ped is out of the vehicle
-- Once out, clear their tasks
-- Set to 'AlwaysFight', is this what we want?
SetPedCombatAttributes(AimedEntity, 46, true)
-- Make sure they forget what is going on
SetBlockingOfNonTemporaryEvents(AimedEntity, true)
-- Animation
TaskPlayAnim(AimedEntity, "random@mugging3", "handsup_standing_base", 0, 0, -1, 49, 0, 0, 0, 0 )
-- Reset last vehicle
-- Wait for robbing(?)
-- Stop animation
-- Make them run away
TaskReactAndFleePed(AimedEntity, PlayerPedId())
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cm8263 commented Sep 5, 2019

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