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Created July 14, 2016 23:41
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<div class="content">
<p>Play Me In Tic-Tac-Toe! I am waiting for you to play right now so hurry Up!!! Im Carlo so GOOD LUCK!</p>
<div class="board">
<div class="tile" id="0">
<span class="X">X</span><span class="O">O</span>
<div class="tile" id="1">
<span class="X">X</span><span class="O">O</span>
<div class="tile" id="2">
<span class="X">X</span><span class="O">O</span>
<div class="tile nofloat" id="3">
<span class="X">X</span><span class="O">O</span>
<div class="tile" id="4">
<span class="X">X</span><span class="O">O</span>
<div class="tile" id="5">
<span class="X">X</span><span class="O">O</span>
<div class="tile nofloat" id="6">
<span class="X">X</span><span class="O">O</span>
<div class="tile" id="7">
<span class="X">X</span><span class="O">O</span>
<div class="tile" id="8">
<span class="X">X</span><span class="O">O</span>
"use strict";
* Performs strict recursive comparison of two objects.
* Example call: [1, 2 [undefined, 3]].equals([1, 2 [undefined, 3]]);
* Returns: true
Object.prototype.equals = function (obj) {
var i;
// Since undefined and null will not have 'equals' in their
// prototype, any other object is not equal them.
if (obj === undefined || obj === null) {
return false;
// If two objects being compared are primitives
// we can compare them without recursion.
if (typeof (obj) !== 'object' && this !== obj) {
return false;
// For two objects to be equal their lengths and
// constructors should be equal as well.
if (this.constructor !== obj.constructor ||
this.length !== obj.length) {
return false;
// Traversing properties of the object.
for (i in this) {
// Avoiding comparison of properties in prototype.
if (this.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
if (this.propertyIsEnumerable(i) && obj.propertyIsEnumerable(i)) {
try {
// Recursive call for each object property.
if (!this[i].equals(obj[i])) {
return false;
} catch (e) {
// You are here if this[i] is null or undefined.
// That is because they won't have 'equals' in their prototype.
if (this[i] !== obj[i]) {
return false;
// Assuming that objects are equal by default.
// In case they are not it will be returned earlier.
return true;
* Handy method for populating new array of needed length
* and default value.
* Example call: [].repeat(0, 3);
* Returns: [0, 0, 0]
Array.prototype.repeat = function (what, len) {
while (len > 0) {
len -= 1;
return this;
* Shuffles array at random.
* Uses:
* Example call: [1, 2, 3, 4].shuffle();
Array.prototype.shuffle = function () {
var j, i = this.length, tmp;
while (i > 0) {
i -= 1;
j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
tmp = this[j];
this[j] = this[i];
this[i] = tmp;
* Function used to test assertion given as callback.
* Example call: assert(function () { return 5 > 1; }, '5 is greater than 1 test');
* Logs to console: 5 is greater than 1 test: OK
var assert = function (condition, message) {
if (condition() === false) {
console.log(message + ': FAIL');
} else {
console.log(message + ': OK');
* Since some objects of the game will be working with the DOM
* I've placed whole game into function that is executed after
* the DOM is fully loaded.
$(document).ready(function () {
var TicTacToe = {
* Returns true if all the elements in array are equal
* or if it's empty.
allEqual: function (array) {
return array.length === 0 || array.equals([].repeat(array[0], array.length));
* This constructor represents a tic tac toe board state.
Board: {
Empty: undefined,
PlayerX: true,
PlayerO: false,
* I tried before with two dimensional array.
* But it complicates the algorithm.
pieces: [].repeat(this.Empty, 9),
* Shows the current state of the board.
output: function () {
* Determine if one player has won the game. Returns PlayerX,
* PlayerO or undefined.
winner: function () {
var winningRows = [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8], // horizontal
[0, 3, 6], [1, 4, 7], [2, 5, 8], // vertical
[0, 4, 8], [2, 4, 6]], // diagonal
* This is used in the following loop.
* Returns contents of the board for the winningRows[i]
winningRowVal = function (board, i) {
var j, array = [];
for (j = 0; j < winningRows[i].length; j += 1) {
return array;
// Searches for 3 in a row, column or diagonal.
for (i = 0; i < winningRows.length; i += 1) {
if (this.pieces[winningRows[i][0]] !== this.Empty &&
TicTacToe.allEqual(winningRowVal(this, i))) {
return this.pieces[winningRows[i][0]];
* Returns a list of valid moves.
getValidMoves: function () {
var validMoves = [], i;
for (i = 0; i < this.pieces.length; i += 1) {
if (this.pieces[i] === this.Empty) {
return validMoves;
* Return true if one player has won or if there are no valid moves left.
gameOver: function () {
return this.winner() !== undefined || this.getValidMoves().length === 0;
* This function doesn't check if the move is valid.
makeMove: function (move, player) {
this.pieces[move] = player;
* This function is used later to restore state of the board.pieces
* after exploring possible outcomes.
undoMove: function (move) {
this.makeMove(move, this.Empty);
* This function is called when the game is over.
reset: function () {
this.pieces = [].repeat(this.Empty, 9);
* Manipulates DOM elements of the game.
BoardDrawer: {
tiles: $('.board'),
players: {true: 'X', false: 'O'},
* For each Board.pieces piece draws corresponding token.
* Or hides both if the piece is empty.
draw: function (pieces) {
var i;
for (i = 0; i < pieces.length; i += 1) {
switch (pieces[i]) {
case TicTacToe.Board.PlayerX:
this.tiles.find('#' + i + ' .' +
this.tiles.find('#' + i + ' .' +
case TicTacToe.Board.PlayerO:
this.tiles.find('#' + i + ' .' +
this.tiles.find('#' + i + ' .' +
case TicTacToe.Board.Empty:
case null:
case undefined:
this.tiles.find('#' + i + ' .' +
this.tiles.find('#' + i + ' .' +
* Represents player.
* makeMove is invoked on mouse click.
humanPlayer: {
token: true,
makeMove: function (move) {
TicTacToe.Board.makeMove(move, this.token);
* Represents computer.
* makeMove is invoked after player has made his move.
computerPlayer: {
token: false,
* Brute force game tree traversal.
makeMove: function () {
* Depending on the winner decides favorability of the outcome.
* 1 - Good, 0 - OK, -1 - Bad.
var judge = function (winner) {
var decision;
switch (winner) {
case TicTacToe.computerPlayer.token:
decision = 1;
case undefined:
decision = 0;
decision = -1;
return decision;
* Recursively evaluates possible moves.
evaluateMove = function (move, player) {
var outcomes, outcome, o, minElement, maxElement;
try {
TicTacToe.Board.makeMove(move, player);
// If the move is terminal we return it's favorability.
if (TicTacToe.Board.gameOver()) {
return judge(TicTacToe.Board.winner());
* Makes a list of next possible moves.
outcomes = function () {
var i = 0, nextMoves = TicTacToe.Board.getValidMoves();
* Returns one at a time evaluation of a move in the nextMoves.
* If the end of moves is reached returns false to stop iteration.
return function () {
var evaluated;
if (i < nextMoves.length) {
evaluated = evaluateMove(nextMoves[i], !player);
i += 1;
return evaluated;
return false;
* If we are the current player. We need to expect worst
* (because the next move is the opponent's), so we return the worst
if (player === TicTacToe.computerPlayer.token) {
minElement = 1;
outcome = outcomes();
while (true) {
o = outcome();
if (o === false) {
if (o === -1) {
return o;
minElement = Math.min(o, minElement);
return minElement;
maxElement = -1;
outcome = outcomes();
while (true) {
o = outcome();
if (o === false) {
if (o === 1) {
return o;
maxElement = Math.max(o, maxElement);
return maxElement;
} finally {
// Restore the Board to the original state.
// Evaluates next possible moves and return array of [move weight, move].
moves = (function () {
var i, moves = TicTacToe.Board.getValidMoves(),
result = [];
for (i = 0; i < moves.length; i += 1) {
result.push([evaluateMove(moves[i], TicTacToe.computerPlayer.token), moves[i]]);
return result;
// Moves are shuffled so that computer doesn't make the same move every time.
// Makes the most favorable moves to be in the end of the array.
TicTacToe.Board.makeMove(moves[moves.length - 1][1], this.token);
* The function that puts all together.
game: function () {
var board = TicTacToe.BoardDrawer.tiles.find('.tile'),
// Makes human player the first to make a move.
// This variable is used for players to take turns.
currentPlayer = TicTacToe.Board.PlayerX;
// Binds the mouse click on the tiles to the game. (event) {
* Invoked when the game is over to reset the state,
* report the winner and start over.
var endGame = function () {
var winner = TicTacToe.Board.winner();
if (winner === TicTacToe.humanPlayer.token) {
alert('You won!');
} else if (winner === TicTacToe.computerPlayer.token) {
alert('You lost!');
} else {
// If game is not over.
if (!TicTacToe.Board.gameOver()) {
// If the tile player clicked is empty and it's his turn.
if (TicTacToe.Board.pieces[] === TicTacToe.Board.Empty &&
currentPlayer === TicTacToe.humanPlayer.token) {
// Make move, change current player to computer.
currentPlayer = !currentPlayer;
// If after player's move the game is still not over.
if (!TicTacToe.Board.gameOver()) {
// Make move, change current player to human.
currentPlayer = !currentPlayer;
// If computer's move has ended the game.
if (TicTacToe.Board.gameOver()) {
} else {
} else {
* A little test suit to confirm that everything works as expected.
TicTacToeTest = {
// Tests allEqual method of the TicTacToe object.
allEqualTest: function () {
assert(function () {
return TicTacToe.allEqual([1, 1, 1]) === true;
'allEqual: when equals');
assert(function () {
return TicTacToe.allEqual([1, 2, 3]) === false;
'allEqual: when not equals');
// Tests TicTacToe.Board.winner method.
BoardWinnerTest: function () {
var x = TicTacToe.Board.PlayerX,
o = TicTacToe.Board.PlayerO,
e = TicTacToe.Board.Empty;
TicTacToe.Board.pieces = [x, e, o,
e, x, e,
e, e, o];
assert(function () {
return TicTacToe.Board.winner() === undefined;
'Board.winner: no winner');
TicTacToe.Board.pieces = [x, x, x,
e, e, o,
o, o, e];
assert(function () {
return TicTacToe.Board.winner() === x;
'Board.winner: in a first row');
TicTacToe.Board.pieces = [e, x, e,
o, o, o,
x, x, e];
assert(function () {
return TicTacToe.Board.winner() === o;
'Board.winner: in a second row');
TicTacToe.Board.pieces = [x, o, x,
e, e, x,
o, o, o];
assert(function () {
return TicTacToe.Board.winner() === o;
'Board.winner: in a third row');
TicTacToe.Board.pieces = [x, e, o,
x, e, o,
x, o, e];
assert(function () {
return TicTacToe.Board.winner() === x;
'Board.winner: in a first column');
TicTacToe.Board.pieces = [x, o, o,
e, o, e,
x, o, e];
assert(function () {
return TicTacToe.Board.winner() === o;
'Board.winner: in a second column');
TicTacToe.Board.pieces = [x, e, o,
e, e, o,
x, e, o];
assert(function () {
return TicTacToe.Board.winner() === o;
'Board.winner: in a third column');
TicTacToe.Board.pieces = [x, e, o,
e, x, o,
o, o, x];
assert(function () {
return TicTacToe.Board.winner() === x;
'Board.winner: in a second diagonal');
TicTacToe.Board.pieces = [x, e, o,
e, o, x,
o, o, x];
assert(function () {
return TicTacToe.Board.winner() === o;
'Board.winner: in a second diagonal');
boardGetValidMovesTest: function () {
var x = TicTacToe.Board.PlayerX,
o = TicTacToe.Board.PlayerO,
e = TicTacToe.Board.Empty;
TicTacToe.Board.pieces = [x, e, o, x, o, e, e, e, e];
assert(function () {
return TicTacToe.Board.getValidMoves().equals([1, 5, 6, 7, 8]);
'Board.getValidMoves: there are valid moves');
TicTacToe.Board.pieces = [x, x, o, x, o, o, x, x, o];
assert(function () {
return TicTacToe.Board.getValidMoves().equals([]);
'Board.getValidMoves: there are no valid moves');
boardGameOverTest: function () {
var x = TicTacToe.Board.PlayerX,
o = TicTacToe.Board.PlayerO,
e = TicTacToe.Board.Empty;
TicTacToe.Board.pieces = [x, x, x,
e, o, o,
o, e, e];
assert(function () {
return TicTacToe.Board.gameOver();
'Baord.gameOver: x won');
TicTacToe.Board.pieces = [o, x, o,
x, x, o,
o, o, x];
assert(function () {
return TicTacToe.Board.gameOver();
'Baord.gameOver: no moves');
TicTacToe.Board.pieces = [x, e, e,
x, e, e,
o, o, e];
assert(function () {
return !TicTacToe.Board.gameOver();
'Baord.gameOver: not over');
* Draws few boards on the page so I could visually confirm that
* Board's representation looks as expeted.
boardDrawerTest: function () {
var x = TicTacToe.Board.PlayerX,
o = TicTacToe.Board.PlayerO,
e = TicTacToe.Board.Empty,
test = function () {
var pieces = [x, o, o, x, e, e, e, e, e];
interval = setInterval(test, 500);
setTimeout(function () { clearInterval(interval); }, 5000);
* Add this method to a test suite object.
* Invokes every test in the suite.
runTests = function () {
var i;
for (i in this) {
if (this.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
if (i !== 'runTests') {
// Like so:
// TicTacToeTest.runTests = runTests;
// TicTacToeTest.runTests();
// Since we don't need player to wait for the testing to be done.
// The tests call is commented and we run the game.;
html {
background: #D4E3E8;
text-align: center;
font-weight: bold;
.content {
font-family: Arial;
width: 15.45em;
margin: 0 auto;
.board {
height: 15.45em;
margin: 20px auto;
.tile {
border: 1px solid #748A91;
background: rgba(255,255,255,0.5);
text-align: center;
vertical-align: middle;
width: 5em;
height: 5em;
float: left;
cursor: pointer;
.tile:hover {
background: white;
.tile:active {
background: rgba(255,255,255,0.3);
.nofloat {
clear: both;
.X, .O {
font-size: 3em;
position: relative;
top: 0.3em;
display: none;
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