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Last active May 20, 2016 15:50
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CTC Dynamic Content File
// CTC Dynamic Content File
if (window.perts === undefined) {
window.perts = {};
window.perts.dynamicContent = (function () {
'use strict';
var dynamicContent = {};
dynamicContent.yale_2016 = {
cohortCode: 'yale_2016',
consentPages: [
'<p>' +
'<strong>DESCRIPTION:</strong> The "What is it like to come to Yale?" ' +
'activity is a study of students’ experiences coming to Yale. You are ' +
'invited to participate by answering questions about your perspectives about ' +
'college. You will also have the chance to read about the experiences of ' +
'past and current students. In agreeing to participate, you are consenting ' +
'to the examination of your academic and other records from Yale in ' +
'conjunction with this project. Identifying information will be replaced ' +
'with confidential codes prior to this examination. If you wish to not allow ' +
'the release of these records, you may contact the researchers at any time. ' +
'All information collected will be kept in strict confidentiality and will ' +
'not be disclosed to anyone outside the research team. ' +
'</p>' +
'<p>' +
'<strong>TIME INVOLVEMENT:</strong> Your participation will take ' +
'approximately 30 minutes. Please complete this activity in a single ' +
'session. ' +
'</p>' +
'<p>' +
'<strong>RISKS AND BENEFITS:</strong> There are no risks associated with ' +
'this study. We cannot and do not guarantee or promise that you will receive ' +
'any benefits from this study. However, you may benefit from the knowledge ' +
'that you are contributing to research on students’ experiences at Yale. ' +
'Your decision whether or not to participate in this study will not affect ' +
'your grades or any other outcomes at Yale now or in the future. ' +
'</p>' +
'<p>' +
'<strong>PARTICIPANT&rsquo;S RIGHTS:&nbsp;</strong>If you have read this form and ' +
'have decided to participate, please understand your participation is ' +
'voluntary and you have the right to withdraw your consent or discontinue ' +
'participation at any time without penalty or loss of benefits to which you ' +
'are otherwise entitled. The alternative is not to participate. You have the ' +
'right to not answer particular questions. Your individual privacy will be ' +
'maintained at all times. ' +
'</p>' +
'<p>' +
'<strong>CONTACT INFORMATION:&nbsp;</strong><em>Questions:</em> If you have ' +
'any questions, concerns or complaints about this activity, its procedures, ' +
'risks and benefits, contact ' +
controlPages: [
'<h3>What did current students say?</h3> ' +
'<p><em>Almost all students reported that they noticed at first in college the ' +
'physical environment of Yale. Students commonly reported that, when they ' +
'started at Yale:</em></p> ' +
'<ul>' +
'<li>The weather during their first year at Yale was "somewhat" or "very" ' +
'different from what they were used to.</li> ' +
'<li>The transportation system around New Haven was "somewhat" or "very" ' +
'different from what they were used to.</li> ' +
'<li>The layout of the campus was "somewhat" or "very" different from what ' +
'they were used to.</li> ' +
'<li>They "sometimes" or "frequently" thought about Yale&rsquo;s architecture.</li> ' +
'<li>They "sometimes" or "frequently" thought about what living in New Haven ' +
'is like.</li> ' +
'</ul>' +
'<br>' +
'<br>' +
'<p><em>But with time, students became familiar with the physical environment ' +
'of Yale. They reported that they:</em></p>' +
'<ul>' +
'<li>Are now familiar with Yale&rsquo;s weather.</li>' +
'<li>Think less often about Yale&rsquo;s physical environment and architecture.</li>' +
'<li>Think less often about living in New Haven.</li>' +
'</ul>' +
'<br>' +
'<br>' +
'<h3>Conclusions</h3>' +
'<p><em>Most students adjust to the physical environment at Yale over time, ' +
'including the weather and architecture.</em></p> ',
'<p>' +
'Many students described noticing the physical environment at Yale during ' +
'their freshman year—the weather and architecture, and what living in ' +
'Yale is like. However, with time students became familiar with the ' +
'physical environment at Yale. ' +
'</p>' +
'<p>' +
'Now we want to hear from you. ' +
controlQuotePages: [
'<p>I didn’t know how I would like living in New Haven, but so far in my college ' +
'experience it hasn’t mattered as much as I thought it would have. I’ve ' +
'been so busy at Yale that I haven’t ventured off-campus that much. ' +
'But in my limited experiences, I’ve been pleased to find some nice ' +
'places to eat and shop in New Haven, and fun things to do outdoors.</p> ',
'<p>Having grown up in Connecticut, I didn’t think that moving to Yale would ' +
'be much of a change, but it was. I hadn’t spent much time out in New ' +
'Haven, and it definitely has a different feel. I’d been on campus a ' +
'few times, but it’s not the same visiting as it is living here. It ' +
'took some getting used to. Now I hardly give it any thought.</p> ' +
'<p><em>- Junior, White female</em></p> ',
'<p>Having grown up in a large city, I knew that Yale would be different. I ' +
'wasn’t sure how I was going to like living on campus and spending most ' +
'of my time there. It’s not something I think as much about anymore.</p> ' +
'<p><em>- Sophomore, White male</em></p> ',
'<p>My first year here I wasn’t ready for the snow! I thought it would be cold ' +
'but I didn’t realize it would snow so much. It seemed like it would ' +
'never melt and the sidewalks were icy. But it’s not like that every ' +
'year—it was just an especially cold and snowy year. And it makes you ' +
'appreciate spring!</p> ' +
'<p><em>- Junior, African American male</em></p> ',
'<p>Having grown up in a suburb, I knew that New Haven would be different. ' +
'I wasn’t sure how I was going to like living in a city like this, taking ' +
'the bus everywhere, or biking to class. Now I hardly give it any thought.</p> ' +
'<p><em>- Senior, Hispanic male</em></p> ',
'<p>I think Yale is beautiful—I love the architecture. My whole first year ' +
'I think I was conscious of being in such a striking place. Now that ' +
'I’ve spent more time here I think less about the architecture. I guess ' +
'that is natural—it isn’t new to me anymore. But still, when I’m reminded ' +
'of it, I am impressed again with how unique Yale is architecturally.</p> ' +
'<p><em>- Sophomore, Asian American female</em></p> ',
'<p>My first winter at Yale, the snow seemed to last forever. I knew I’d need ' +
'a winter coat and boots, but after a few very cold walks across campus, ' +
'I realized I needed a scarf and gloves as well--and I had to learn ' +
'how to layer. But now that I know what to expect, I’ve dealt better ' +
'with the weather.</p> ' +
'<p><em>- Junior, White female</em></p> '
optimizedQuotePages: [
'<p>When I got into Yale, I was excited about going to such a great university. ' +
'But sometimes I worried I might be different from other Yalies. And ' +
'when I got to campus, sometimes it felt like everyone else was right ' +
'at home, but I wasn’t sure if I fit in. At some point, I realized that ' +
'almost everyone comes to Yale unsure whether they fit in or not. It’s ' +
'ironic—everybody comes to college and feels they are different from ' +
'everybody else when, really, in at least some ways, we are all pretty ' +
'similar. Since I realized that, my experience at Yale has been almost ' +
'one-hundred percent positive.</p> ',
'<p>I love Yale and I wouldn’t trade my experiences here for anything. I’ve ' +
'met some close friends, I’ve had some fantastic experiences, and I’ve ' +
'learned a lot. Still, the transition to college can be difficult, and ' +
'it was for me. My freshman year, sometimes I didn’t know what I was ' +
'doing—I made a lot of casual friends at parties and other places but ' +
'I avoided interacting with professors in class or going to office hours. ' +
'I think I was intimidated by them. I also got some low grades early ' +
'on, which stressed me out. But these things all got better with time. ' +
'I began to make good friends through classes and labs. And my grades ' +
'got better as I started studying in groups. I also realized that many ' +
'professors are just excited to talk with students and to teach them ' +
'about the subjects they love. So I went more to office hours with professors ' +
'and teaching assistants. I even got involved in research with a professor. ' +
'Now I am happier than I have ever been at Yale. It is really rewarding ' +
'for me to feel like I belong in the intellectual community here.</p> ' +
'<p><em>- Branford Junior, White female</em></p> ',
'<p>I was thrilled to get into Yale. But compared to other students, I worried ' +
'that my high school wasn’t so good and that maybe my classes hadn’t ' +
'prepared me well for college. Early on, to be honest, I thought some ' +
'of my professors were critical and hard in their grading. I worried ' +
'about how they and other students would evaluate me. But after a while ' +
'I began feeling more comfortable—I started to enjoy my classes more ' +
'and I found some close friends I trusted. I also became more comfortable ' +
'speaking in class, and sometimes I asked my friends to edit my papers ' +
'for me. And I realized that when professors are critical, or their ' +
'grading harsh, it didn’t mean they looked down on me or that I didn’t ' +
'belong. It’s just their way of motivating high-achieving students.</p> ' +
'<p><em>- Saybrook Sophomore, White male</em></p> ',
'<p>I was so excited about all the opportunities at Yale. But freshman year ' +
'I felt overloaded. I wanted to do everything at once--take a full course ' +
'load, join clubs, meet people, and go out. Then one afternoon, I remember ' +
'I was sitting in my suite, and all of it just hit me. It was such a ' +
'whirlwind and I felt overwhelmed and actually pretty lonely. I realized ' +
'I hadn’t really made close friends yet and I missed my friends and ' +
'family back home. Sometime later I talked with my Residence Dean. She ' +
'gave me some advice about how to balance things better. But what was ' +
'most helpful was just understanding that it’s hard at first. College ' +
'is a huge transition--there are always going to be ups and downs. There ' +
'are so many opportunities at Yale, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. I ' +
'had to remind myself that it it takes time to make good friends, and ' +
'to find the right communities and activities in a new place. With time, ' +
'I have made some close friends, and I’ve found a niche on campus that’s ' +
'right for me. Of course I’ll always miss my family back home, but it ' +
'also feels really good to be a part of the Yale community.</p> ' +
'<p><em>- Calhoun Junior, African American male</em></p> ',
'<p>Yale recruits students with strong academic backgrounds and lots of different ' +
'kinds of skills and experiences and interests. That’s what makes campus ' +
'so exciting--there so many different kinds of people here you can meet ' +
'and learn from. But I didn’t really understand the value of that when ' +
'I first arrived at Yale. I’m a student athlete and, early on, when ' +
'I found classes challenging, I worried that maybe I didn’t have what ' +
'it takes to succeed. After talking to multiple people, I realized that ' +
'almost everyone feels this way at times, regardless of whether they ' +
'are athletes, or actors, or pre-med. Of course it’s hard, it’s Yale. ' +
'The whole point is to be challenged and then to use that challenge ' +
'to learn and grow. So I tried using the same qualities that have helped ' +
'me in sports--like perseverance and a willingness to try and fail and ' +
'fail again until I got it right--in class. I started meeting tutors ' +
'more and talking with TAs when I didn’t understand the material. Gradually ' +
'I began to find my footing and things got better. The challenges didn’t ' +
'mean I didn’t have what it takes to succeed. They were what I needed ' +
'to take the next step forward. And in the end, I’m glad I’ve been challenged. ' +
'It’s helped me grow.</p> ' +
'<p><em>- Morse Junior, White female</em></p> ',
'<p>The summer before freshman year I was so excited about coming to Yale. ' +
'But I was anxious too—it’s a big transition. In high school, I didn’t ' +
'have to work too hard to get good grades. But at Yale, I felt unprepared ' +
'for the workload and the differences in grading. It was a learning ' +
'experience. After getting burned grade-wise several times and feeling ' +
'stressed out in the process, I worried that I wasn’t smart enough for ' +
'Yale. Fortunately, a conversation with an upperclassman set me straight—he ' +
'told me that everyone struggles at first. You have to learn how to ' +
'study for college-level work. After that I got more help from TAs and ' +
'tutors, and I learned some new study skills. And maybe even more important, ' +
'I learned that when I get stuck on a problem or an idea it helps to ' +
'talk with people—like a TA or the professor or even just a friend. ' +
'Although my start was somewhat rocky, it has felt good to learn from ' +
'my mistakes, and I am proud of the success I have had.</p> ' +
'<p><em>- Jonathan Edwards Senior, Asian American male</em></p> ',
'<p>I was so excited to get into Yale, especially because I am the first in ' +
'my family to go to college, let alone to such a prestigious school. ' +
'Early on my main challenge was bonding with my suitemates. My part-time ' +
'job didn’t leave much time to hang out. Also, sometimes, when people ' +
'went out to eat off-campus I made excuses not to go because I was embarrassed ' +
'to say I couldn’t afford it. Eventually, though, I realized that there ' +
'is nothing to be ashamed of. I’m proud to be working my way through ' +
'college. And I saw that opening up more and sharing more and shared ' +
'more of who I am it helped to get to know people better. So I explained ' +
'my situation more directly to my new friends. Some people didn’t get ' +
'it but most did. And some of them had money issues too. I had no idea. ' +
'So I’m really glad I brought it up. It’s brought us closer. We understand ' +
'each other better now, and we try to do things everyone can participate ' +
'in, like ice skating or movie nights. I’ve also realized that some ' +
'of the aspects of my background that are different are valuable on ' +
'campus--they give me a different perspective on things, in and out ' +
'of class. And anyway, as I’ve spent more time at Yale, I’ve found that ' +
'of course there are people here with a lot of money, but there are ' +
'also a fair number of Yalies who have financial constraints. I still ' +
'wish I could go out to eat more but it just doesn’t matter as much ' +
'as maybe I’d thought. I’ve had an amazing experience at Yale. I’ve ' +
'taken some exciting classes, I’ve met some fantastic professors, and ' +
'I’ve been able to make a wide circle of friends I’m close to.</p> ' +
'<p><em>- Timothy Dwight Senior, White female</em></p> ',
'<p>As excited as I was to come to Yale, I must admit that part of me thought ' +
'that I had been accepted due to a stroke of luck. Early on, I bombed ' +
'a test. It was the worst grade I’d ever received, and I felt terrible ' +
'and isolated. But then I found out I wasn’t the only one. No one did ' +
'well on that test. It was really hard—the professor was trying to set ' +
'a high standard. He knew it’d be tough, but he knew that if we worked ' +
'hard we could get to that level. It wasn’t for some time that I believed ' +
'that I was totally up to par and could really succeed here. But eventually ' +
'I did, and Yale started to feel more like home. Though I still have ' +
'doubts about myself sometimes, I know they’re the kinds of things everybody ' +
'feels on occasion.</p> ' +
'<p><em>- Pierson Junior, Hispanic female</em></p> ',
'<p>I chose Yale in part because there are such incredible people here. But ' +
'that can definitely be intimidating too. Freshman year it was surreal ' +
'to be in class with students who had won awards for research, or were ' +
'crazy good in sports. At first I felt way out of my league. But things ' +
'got better as I got to know my classmates personally. It seems silly ' +
'to say, but one thing I realized is that everyone here is just a student. ' +
'We all come to Yale with different backgrounds and experiences and ' +
'we’re all trying to get to know each other and learn so we can do cool ' +
'things in the future. Also I realized that it’s easy to see other people’s ' +
'accomplishments and feel intimidated but forget what you bring to campus, ' +
'what you contribute. The irony is that nearly everyone feels like an ' +
'imposter at first. At a school like Yale how could you not? It’s taken ' +
'time for me to feel like I totally belong here. But now that I’ve gotten ' +
'to know people better, and I feel proud of what my friends accomplish, ' +
'and I think they’re proud of what I do too.</p> ' +
'<p><em>- Trumbull Junior, White male</em></p>'
standardQuotePages: [
'<p>When I got into college, I was so excited about becoming a student at such ' +
'a great university. But sometimes I also worried I might be different ' +
'from other students. And when I got to campus, sometimes it felt like ' +
'everyone else was right at home, but I wasn’t sure if I fit in. At ' +
'some point, I realized that almost everyone comes to college unsure ' +
'whether they fit in or not. It’s ironic—everybody comes to college ' +
'and feels they are different from everybody else when, really, in at ' +
'least some ways we are all pretty similar. Since I realized that, my ' +
'experience at college has been almost one-hundred percent positive.</p> ',
'<p>I love college and I wouldn’t trade my experiences here for anything. I’ve ' +
'met some close friends, I’ve had some fantastic experiences, and I’ve ' +
'certainly learned a lot. Still, the transition to college can be difficult, ' +
'and it was for me. My freshman year sometimes I didn’t know what I ' +
'was doing—I made a lot of casual friends at parties, my residential ' +
'college, and other places but I avoided interacting with professors ' +
'in class or going to office hours. I think I was intimidated by them. ' +
'I also got some low grades early on, which stressed me out. But these ' +
'things all got better over time. I began to make good friends through ' +
'classes and labs. And my grades got better as I started working in ' +
'study groups and asking for help from professors and teaching assistants. ' +
'I even got involved in research with a professor. Now I am happier ' +
'than I have ever been at college. It is really rewarding for me to ' +
'feel like I belong in the intellectual community here.</p> ' +
'<p><em>- Junior, White female</em></p>',
'<p>Compared to other students, I worried that my high school wasn’t so good ' +
'and that maybe my high school classes hadn’t prepared me well for college. ' +
'When I got to campus, to be honest sometimes I thought some of my professors ' +
'were scary. I thought they were critical and hard in their grading, ' +
'and I worried about how they and other students would evaluate me. ' +
'So I didn’t speak much in class and I didn’t want other people to read ' +
'my papers. But after a while I began feeling more comfortable—I started ' +
'to enjoy my classes more, and I found some close friends I trusted. ' +
'I also became more comfortable speaking in class, and sometimes I asked ' +
'my friends to look over my papers for me. And I saw that even when ' +
'professors are critical, or their grading harsh, it didn’t mean they ' +
'looked down on me or that I didn’t belong. It was just their way of ' +
'motivating high-achieving students.</p> ' +
'<p><em>- Sophomore, White male</em></p> ',
'<p>I had small, close-knit classes in high school, so sometimes I worried ' +
'that it would be hard to adjust to large, impersonal lectures in college. ' +
'I worried I would not have a personal connection with my professors ' +
'or get help when I needed it. And it did take time to get used to large ' +
'lectures in college. But eventually I saw that, just because there ' +
'were more students, the professors didn’t care less about me or think ' +
'of me as just a number. Freshman year, I was struggling with a writing ' +
'assignment, so I went to office hours to talk with the professor. I ' +
'showed him a draft, and he was excited about the ideas. I mean, it ' +
'wasn’t well written yet but he showed me how I could take it to the ' +
'next level. I realized that in college sometimes you have to reach ' +
'out. Not everybody’s going to be receptive all the time, but many professors ' +
'are eager to work with students on subjects they love. Later, I ended ' +
'up talking with another professor in my major about my interests. That ' +
'ultimately led me to get involved in some research she was doing. I ' +
'have just loved working with her and her graduate students outside ' +
'the formal classroom. It is great to actually participate in cutting ' +
'edge research!</p> ' +
'<p><em>- Junior, African American male</em></p> ',
'<p>Initially my transition to college was pretty easy. Hanging out with friends ' +
'in my residential college was fun, and I met a lot of people early ' +
'on. After Winter Break, things got harder because it felt like all ' +
'my really good friends were at home and I didn’t have friends like ' +
'that at school. However, I decided to just give it time and let things ' +
'fall into place. I got involved in extracurriculars, and I met people ' +
'who had common interests and unique perspectives. I also got to know ' +
'people in class as study partners who became close friends. I found ' +
'a comfort zone by exploring my interests and taking the leap into an ' +
'active life on campus. But this took time, and before I found my niche ' +
'here there were times when I felt quite lonely.</p> ' +
'<p><em>- Senior, Hispanic male</em></p> ',
'<p>The summer before freshman year I was so excited about coming to college. ' +
'But I was anxious too—it’s a big transition. For me the most difficult ' +
'part was coming from a situation in which I knew every student in high ' +
'school for the past seven years to college where I didn’t know one ' +
'student yet. Once I got here, even though I met large numbers of people, ' +
'I didn’t have a small group of close friends. At first sometimes I ' +
'felt I had to work to find lab partners and people to be in study groups ' +
'with. I was pretty homesick, and I had to remind myself that making ' +
'close friends takes time. But over time, in classes, student organizations, ' +
'and social activities, I have met other people, some of whom are now ' +
'just as close as my friends in high school were.</p> ' +
'<p><em>- Sophomore, Asian American female</em></p> ',
'<p>Before coming to college, I didn’t worry much about classes and grades, ' +
'but freshman year I felt unprepared for the workload and differences ' +
'in grading. It was a learning experience. After getting burned grade-wise ' +
'several times and feeling stressed out in the process, I worried that ' +
'I wasn’t smart enough. Fortunately, a conversation with a freshman ' +
'counselor set me straight—he told me that everyone struggles at first: ' +
'You have to learn how to study in college. I figured out how to budget ' +
'my time more wisely, so I wouldn’t have a huge crunch at the last second. ' +
'And maybe even more important, I learned that when I get stuck on a ' +
'problem or an idea it helps to talk with people—like a TA, or professor, ' +
'or someone in my class, or even just a friend. Although my start was ' +
'somewhat rocky, it has felt good to learn from my mistakes, and I am ' +
'proud of the success I have had.</p> ' +
'<p><em>- Senior, Asian American male</em></p> ',
'<p>As excited as I was to come to college, I must admit that part of me thought ' +
'that I had been accepted due to a stroke of luck, and that I might ' +
'not measure up to the other students. Early on, I bombed a test. It ' +
'was the worst grade I’d ever received, and I felt terrible and isolated. ' +
'But then, I found out I wasn’t the only one. No one did well on that ' +
'test. It was really hard—the professor was trying to set a high standard. ' +
'He knew it’d be tough, but he knew that if we worked hard we could ' +
'get to that level. It wasn’t for some time that I believed that I was ' +
'up to par and could really succeed here. But eventually I did, and ' +
'college started to feel more like home. Though I still have doubts ' +
'about myself sometimes, I know they’re the kinds of things everybody ' +
'feels on occasion.</p> ' +
'<p><em>- Junior, Hispanic female</em></p> ',
'<p>When I think back to the summer before freshman year, I was incredibly ' +
'excited about coming to college but I was also somewhat intimidated. ' +
'Walking into classes for the first time freshman year was uncomfortable, ' +
'especially small classes. The only thing more intimidating than the ' +
'other students (some of whom were upperclassmen), were the professors, ' +
'who were all so highly regarded in their fields. But now I feel much ' +
'more relaxed. I realized we all bring something to the discussion, ' +
'a different perspective or new ideas. It can be easy to forget what ' +
'you bring. And I saw that everybody here has a common goal—to share ' +
'knowledge and to learn and grow to do cool things in the future. We ' +
'are all a part of that. Now I feel much more confident participating ' +
'in discussions, listening, and sharing my opinions.</p> ' +
'<p><em>- Senior, White female</em></p> '
embeddedData: {
school_name: 'Yale',
school_nickname: 'Yale',
school_name_full: 'Yale',
explicit_consent: 'false',
sponsoring_office: 'the Yale College Dean&rsquo;s office',
essay_dorm: ' living in a residential college,',
completion_notification_transmitter: '',
cnt_url: '',
default_race: 'african_american',
yale_res_label: ' Davenport'
dvs: [
return dynamicContent;
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