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Created January 11, 2023 21:54
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591 welcome

Welcome to LDRS 591!

Scholarly Inquiry!

Course Description

This course provides an overview of the process, critical analysis, and associated skills required for scholarship and research. This course is designed for learners who may have little experience in the area of research, and will provide an introduction to scholarly inquiry and various research approaches being used in the field of leadership. The aim of this course is to provide learners with the skills necessary to become critical consumers, and discriminating users, of research. This course is not intended as a research methods course that will develop advanced or even intermediate skills in empirical investigation in quantitative and qualitative methods. Rather, the course provides an introductory “toolkit” that will support your work on your applied MA in Leadership activities and in your further professional work.


Course Navigation

This course is organized into one pre-work unit and 10 units for this course. Each page of the course will provide you with the following information:

  • A general overview of the topic that will be addressed during the unit.
  • Specific learning outcomes and topics for the unit.
  • Resources that you will need to address learning activities and assessments in the unit.
  • Learning activities that you will need to complete each week.
  • Assessments pages will provide you with information about assignments that you will need to complete each week.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask. We are here to help and be your guide on this journey.

!! The syllabus includes key information about the course schedule, assignments, and policies. Please read the full course syllabus found at the bottom of this page.


Course Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, the learner will be able to:

  1. Evaluate potential research questions based upon problems in the leadership domain and distinguish among appropriate methods whereby to address these questions.
  2. Conduct a thorough review of scholarly literature using library and internet search skills.
  3. Critique research studies using skills of critical-analytic thinking.
  4. Develop scholarly written communication skills that demonstrate higher ordered thinking and analysis.
  5. Demonstrate critical thinking and analytic skills characteristic of a rigorous approach to scholarship.
  6. Appraise the research process based upon the values and ethical standards of servant leadership.


Required Texts

American Psychological Association (2019). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

Frederiksen, L. & Phelps, S. F. (n.d.). Literature reviews for education and nursing graduate students. Retrieved from

Plano-Clark, V., Creswell, J. (2015). Understanding research: A consumer’s guide (2nd ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.

Electronic resources: Additional articles will be assigned in specific units and will be available from the TWU library.


Course Evaluation

Activity Value
Assignment #1 Literature Review Search (WC) 20%
Assignment #2 Article Critiques 30%
Assignment #3 Scholarly Article Review (WC) 20%
Assignment #4 Final Literature Review (WC) 30%
Total 100%

!! Note. WC = For students who are recommended to use services of the Writing Centre, you must have a 1-1 writing coach session before you submit your assignment. You must include the writing coach report, as page 2, when you submit your assignment.


Course Policies

Academic Dishonesty Policy

One of the core values of Trinity Western University is the integration of high standards of personal, moral, and spiritual integrity with academic excellence. As such, the University considers it a serious offence when an individual knowingly acts, or fails to act, in a manner to gain unearned academic credit. It is the student’s responsibility to inform him or herself as to what constitutes academic misconduct, and to address any questions to the individual professors with whom he or she is dealing.

!! It will be assumed that you have read, understand, and agree to the information provided at the 'Academic Dishonesty Policy' button below. If you have any questions at all please contact your instructor.

[button url="" target="blank" label="Academic Dishonesty Policy" type="danger" classes="external-link"]

Late Assignments Policy

Assignments should be submitted on the due date in order to receive full credit. The penalty for unexcused late assignments will be determined by the following scale:

  1. For each day or part thereof late, the instructor will reduce the assigned grade by one- third of a letter; e.g., “A” to “A-,” “B+” to “B.”
  2. Requests for extensions must be communicated in advance of the due date. Special circumstances may warrant additional consideration.
  3. No late papers will be accepted beyond a week after the due date.

Attendance & Class Participation Policy

To ensure consistent participation for classes in the MA LEAD/MAEL programs, it is important for all learners to maintain regular attendance to scheduled face-to-face class times. Missing class time in a face-to-face class hinders learning and the success of those enrolled (individuals/ teams) in MA LEAD/MAEL courses.

To ensure learner success in the program, learners missing two class sessions* or more will:

  1. Not be allowed to remain in the course.

  2. Be required to take the course again.

  3. Be unable to attend further classes for the course in the same semester.

Note: Students in online courses are expected to participate in discussion forums and group assignments as directed in Moodle. Forum participation in online courses is a significant part of the course final grade.

Program Grade Submission Policy

ALL course work must be submitted for final grading within 14 days following the course end date. The instructor has to submit grades to the Registrar within 14 days of the course end date. In extenuating circumstances, a provision is made for an INC to be entered pending final assignment of a course mark.


Additional Resources

Writing Centre Sessions

Please note that you may be required to use the support of our writing center coaches for this course. Plan to book your appointments well in advance, so that the coaches have time to work with you on each of your assignments. The Writing Centre is available to assist all students with their academic writing assignments in any subject at any stage of the writing process. This is a free service. Online Writing Sessions are available, for more information visit To make an appointment, visit For more information, visit or contact .

Online Learning Orientation

For information on how to navigate through this course on Moodle, see the MOODLE GUIDE. Also see the STUDENT GUIDE TO ONLINE LEARNING for some tips on how to be successful in the online learning environment.

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