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Created December 4, 2012 03:21
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Meteor Accounts Notes
# Meteor working with accounts
# Getting the current user id
user = Meteor.userId()
# Run some stuff whenever a cursor or session changes
Meteor.startup ->
Meteor.autorun ->
if not Session.get('selected')
party = Parties.findOne()
if party
Session.set('selected', party._id)
# Loop through collection and find the owner (requires underscore)
myRsvp = _.find this.rsvps, (r) ->
return r.user is Meteor.userId()
# Allowing
Parties = new Meteor.Collection('parties')
insert: (userId, party) ->
return false # because we want to encourage an another method
update: (userId, parties, fields, modifier) ->
return _.all parties, (party) ->
return false if userId isnt party.owner # not the owner
allowed = ['title', 'description']
return false if _.difference fields, allowed.length # tried to write to forbidden field
return true
remove: (userId, parties) ->
return not _any parties, (party) ->
# Deny if not the owner
return party.owner isnt userId
# Methods
createParty: (options) ->
# Perform validation on options
if not (typeof options.title is 'string' and options.title.length)
throw new Meteor.error(400, 'Required parameter missing!')
if options.title.length > 100
throw new Meteor.error(413, 'Title is too long!')
if not this.userId
throw new Meteor.error(403, 'You must be logged in')
# If we made it this far, let's insert!
return Parties.insert
owner: this.userId
x: options.x
y: options.y
title: options.title
description: options.description
public: !! options.public
invited: []
rsvps: []
# Calling these methods
'click .some-link': (evt) -> 'createParty', Session.get('selected')
# Publishing that belongs to a user
Meteor.publish 'parties', ->
return Parties.find
{$or: [{'public': true}, {invited: this.userId}, {owner: this.userId}]}
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