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Created March 24, 2015 14:58
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@prefix api: <> .
@prefix dc: <> .
@prefix foaf: <> .
@prefix geo: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix dbo: <> .
@prefix dbpedia: <> .
@prefix gn: <> .
@prefix elda: <> .
@prefix cortext: <> .
@prefix risis: <> .
cortext:api a api:API
; rdfs:label "Cortext Test"@en
; api:sparqlEndpoint <http://localhost:8895/sparql/>
; api:maxPageSize 500
; api:defaultPageSize 10
; api:defaultViewer api:basicViewer
; api:viewer cortext:compactViewer, cortext:geoViewer, api:describeViewer, api:labelledDescribeViewer
; api:defaultFormatter cortext:HtmlFormatter
; api:endpoint cortext:universityList
; api:variable _:city
; api:variable [
api:name "visibleSparqlForm";
api:value ""
; elda:rewriteResultURIs [
elda:ifStarts "http://localhost:8080/";
elda:replaceStartBy ""
] .
cortext:universityList a api:ListEndpoint
; rdfs:label "List of Universities"
; api:uriTemplate "/unis"
; api:selector [
api:where """
?s a <> .
?s <> ?rank .
?s <> ?uni .
BIND(IRI(?uni) AS ?item) . """
; api:defaultFormatter cortext:JsonFormatter
; api:defaultViewer cortext:geoViewer
_:city a rdf:Property
; api:name "city"
; api:label "city"
; api:value "City filter."
; api:filterVariable "?city"
cortext:compactViewer a api:Viewer
; api:name "compact"
; api:properties "title"
cortext:geoViewer a api:Viewer
; api:name "geo"
; api:properties "title,country,lat,long,abstract,rank"
cortext:HtmlFormatter a api:XsltFormatter
; api:name "html"
; api:mimeType "text/html; charset=utf-8"
; api:stylesheet "lda-assets/xslt/result-osm.xsl"
cortext:JsonFormatter a api:JsonFormatter
; api:name "json"
; api:mimeType "application/json;charset=UTF-8"
dbo:country api:label "country".
geo:lat api:label "lat" .
geo:long api:label "long" .
risis:rank api:label "rank" .
rdfs:comment api:label "abstract" .
rdfs:label api:label "title" .
rdf:type api:label "type"
; api:multiValued true
; rdfs:range rdfs:Class
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